Can you add an option to attack out of combat
Millz, really awesome, and although you offer a 24u trial version i just bought it blind anyhow and i'm not disappointed
This CR is a clear example of clean and crisp, especially the talents tab, good job!
May i suggest some things:
The fozen Orb settings could do some more settings and conditions, like, cast on Blizzard (just before) for that extra oemf on aoe dps (needs to face the spot where Blizzard is going to fall of course, and cast on Boss/Player
Then make the Frozen Orb settings check boxes instead or a logical mix of those instead of choices alone like the ones on the Class Abilities tab if this is possible so we can implement some 'what if' conditions
Nothing checked, use manual
When engaging a boss, it pops my racial (berserking) and Icy Veins when walking, sometimes the walk takes a long time (take horridon for example) relative to the racial and thats a massive lost of dps, is it possible to implement a check in the CR to not cast those when moving, this might be true for Alter Time to, it sometimes enables it just while while walking out of some pool of cr@!) spawning this little infidel right back in the sh!% this way it might not always give the best or max dps result, but its better than to die i think
maybe give the user a choice and add a checkbox to these abilities like 'not when walking'
cheers mocbar
Hey - Icy Veins / Alter Time - use the cooldowns hotkey. Easiest way to control that. I never thought of adding Racials to it, but it's probably something which should be done.
Frozen Orb/Blizzard - You cancel casting blizzard when you get FoF/BF procs, so that would just mean we never cast Blizzard while FO is active. I can add a setting to never use though (i.e. so it can be handled manually) ?
Fire Mages 5.4
Fire Mages 5.3 guide
From a glad fire mage. You might be interested.
Same guy with 2s commentary and tipsNice videos, bit difficult to see everything that's going on in 5v5s as it's a bit of a rampage. I prefer watching 2v2s on twitch and taking notes on clever tricks etc. Skill Capped is pretty cool too.
Doesnt seem like the cr is using ice lance on targets effected by frostjaw. It causes shatter and should count as a target for ice lance.
Does the free version support framelock? Im using tyreal at 30fps Framelock and my fps goes down to like 10 and unplayable. works pretty good without framelock for me though. Also I am interested in the paid version if you can send me a PM!
Sweetness and out of combat attack wootwoot!You're absolutely right. I'll add it.
Spamming conjour refreshment out of combat. Also for frostjaw shatter it should use icelance after it instead of using pet freeze. Kind of a waste of the pet freeze, and dps, if the target is already frozen.
65500, // Conjured Mana Cookie
65515, // Conjured Mana Brownie
65516, // Conjured Mana Cupcake
65517, // Conjured Mana Lollipop
43528, // Conjured Mana Pie
43523, // Conjured Mana Strudel
65499, // Conjured Mana Cake
80618, // Conjured Mana Buns
80610, // Conjured Mana Pudding
I have Demonic already as well, and am interested in the Portal premium version. PM me details please? Thanks.
lol. Uhh. It was late. That's my excuse. I'll fix it now. What food is it spamming for? It's checking to see if any of this list exist, and if not, then it creates them;
Code:65500, // Conjured Mana Cookie 65515, // Conjured Mana Brownie 65516, // Conjured Mana Cupcake 65517, // Conjured Mana Lollipop 43528, // Conjured Mana Pie 43523, // Conjured Mana Strudel 65499, // Conjured Mana Cake 80618, // Conjured Mana Buns 80610, // Conjured Mana Pudding
[09/Sep/2013 - Premium]
- [Frost] Pet will no longer cast Freeze on targets which have a shatter debuff already.
- Raid buff (Arcane Brilliance) should no longer spam on current target when target is an NPC.
[09/Sep/2013 - Update #2 - Premium]
- Fixed suspend movement code (no longer pause routine when suspended).