Millz first, thanks for a great routine. I like it very much and i am very happy with the paid version.
My question is, would you be willing to add an option in Rune of Power that only uses it based on Mana Percentage?
I like the checkbox that only casts it when in combat, but there are so many fights where i need to move for 5-6 seconds then move back and the CC always casts rune of power, which one, seems bottish, two wastes time, and three gives me less dps on a boss or add, in world of logs it also makes me look bad compared to other guildies seeing as my time of the boss is less than everyone elses. I was thinking if you added a checkbox based on mana percentage then people can configure it how they see fit. I would guess this wouldn't be a big issue with dps it's self as frost mages seem to have no problem with mana regen, but it may affect arcane.