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[PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

Quick question. Can you put BGfarmer on its own thread? I get emails for this thread and it seems every time I check it, it's always about BGfarmer. It will help the BGfarmer users find the information they want without having to sift through all the Mage Portal stuff. That and seeing how I don't have the botbase, I'd rather not have to read information about it.
Quick question. Can you put BGfarmer on its own thread? I get emails for this thread and it seems every time I check it, it's always about BGfarmer. It will help the BGfarmer users find the information they want without having to sift through all the Mage Portal stuff. That and seeing how I don't have the botbase, I'd rather not have to read information about it.

Agree. I've PM'd Chaser with details where to continue the discussion :)
Millz first, thanks for a great routine. I like it very much and i am very happy with the paid version.

My question is, would you be willing to add an option in Rune of Power that only uses it based on Mana Percentage?
I like the checkbox that only casts it when in combat, but there are so many fights where i need to move for 5-6 seconds then move back and the CC always casts rune of power, which one, seems bottish, two wastes time, and three gives me less dps on a boss or add, in world of logs it also makes me look bad compared to other guildies seeing as my time of the boss is less than everyone elses. I was thinking if you added a checkbox based on mana percentage then people can configure it how they see fit. I would guess this wouldn't be a big issue with dps it's self as frost mages seem to have no problem with mana regen, but it may affect arcane.
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Millz first, thanks for a great routine. I like it very much and i am very happy with the paid version.

My question is, would you be willing to add an option in Rune of Power that only uses it based on Mana Percentage?
I like the checkbox that only casts it when in combat, but there are so many fights where i need to move for 5-6 seconds then move back and the CC always casts rune of power, which one, seems bottish, two wastes time, and three gives me less dps on a boss or add, in world of logs it also makes me look bad compared to other guildies seeing as my time of the boss is less than everyone elses. I was thinking if you added a checkbox based on mana percentage then people can configure it how they see fit. I would guess this wouldn't be a big issue with dps it's self as frost mages seem to have no problem with mana regen, but it may affect arcane.

Why would you be using Rune in anything but arcane? :) Not having the rune would be a huge dps loss.

PS Millz, Devo aura isn't working right, it's still ignoring it and stopping casts :(
is there a way to make this routine STOP spamming Evocation even when I dont need it? -_-

Edit:: I have evocation turned OFF in the Portal settings.
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Start up HB and Portal no problem, however nothing happens (using Tyrael). I updated portal just this AM, not sure if that could be the issue. Otherwise it's been working perfectly for me.
nothing happens as previous stated. Log attached.
Enable framelock in Tyrael and bump the ticks up to 30. In combat if you don't have force combat enabled u need to attack the mob once to let the CC know u want to attack what ur targetting. If you have force combat enabled it will attack whatever u click on, which causes ninja pulls, which u don't want.
Anyone used premium edition in high rated arena? if yes which results(rating?)

It seems to be good for the pve rotation.

For pvp it does not save icicles or procs very well for an actual burst rotation you want to setup with Alter Time.

Ideally, you want to save 5 Icicles by having living bomb on your target and through Frostbolt spam. Perfect conditions would be Brainfreeze, 2 fingers of frost procs, 5 icicles and then pop altered time and trinket maybe racial depending on what it is so when you unleash all your icicles and procs, altered time resets and you start back with 5 more icicles and those procs. It doesn't do this for burst mode and you are left with more of a just blow all cds for burst mode type of thing.

It also pops your temporal shield at odd times when you're not even being focused. This is something you want to use right when someone is about to hit you hard and they cant stop to dispel it off you etc (so it heals you big)..

For it to be good for arena, you will need to have more control over different rotations, one as a filler (general pve type rotation) and one to save burst for alter time.
PLEASE could you implement an option for no fireball only scorch in rotation please.

I could, but it casts scorch when moving now, and fireball is a DPS increase over scorch, so why would you want to turn off fireball when standing still?

is there a way to make this routine STOP spamming Evocation even when I dont need it? -_-

Edit:: I have evocation turned OFF in the Portal settings.

Post a log file please

It seems to be good for the pve rotation.

For pvp it does not save icicles or procs very well for an actual burst rotation you want to setup with Alter Time.

Ideally, you want to save 5 Icicles by having living bomb on your target and through Frostbolt spam. Perfect conditions would be Brainfreeze, 2 fingers of frost procs, 5 icicles and then pop altered time and trinket maybe racial depending on what it is so when you unleash all your icicles and procs, altered time resets and you start back with 5 more icicles and those procs. It doesn't do this for burst mode and you are left with more of a just blow all cds for burst mode type of thing.

It also pops your temporal shield at odd times when you're not even being focused. This is something you want to use right when someone is about to hit you hard and they cant stop to dispel it off you etc (so it heals you big)..

For it to be good for arena, you will need to have more control over different rotations, one as a filler (general pve type rotation) and one to save burst for alter time.

Icicles don't do enough damage to warrant holding off a full burst for. There isn't an easy way to detect how many icicles we have either, and the effort it would take to implement detecting them just isn't worth the gain.

It tries to line up Icy Veins, 2x FoF and BF ready for alter time.

Temporal Shield should be handled manually for optimal usage. You'll never get that right within a CR.

Hello Millz,

Are you able to script the bot to do some better job at Garrosh please?

1. It shouldnt dot charmed players (i have to manually change the dot lvl to 1,500,00 hp)
2. When phased into the Terrace of Endless Spring it shouldnt nuke any adds whilst running, it should be player initiated. (I usually alt+tab to bot and press stop during this phase and turns it on again when its time to dps)

Thanks for answers

Or you could just set a pause key in tyrael such as alt+x, hit this it pauses the routine, hit again it'll carry on pew pewing :)