Yes. Unfortunately I haven't healed much on my druid since I've had MAD and it did such a great job i never bothered to learn the correct rotation, when the cr doesnt do exactly what it is supposed to, or hangs up, i freak and ppl die. So with Leaves, I would go oom (496 ilvl) only a few mins into the fight (60 tps fr on, tyreal) I would also notice it was using rejuv very liberally (like spamming it) and it also looked like it was casting something prior to rejuv that was failing since i would twitch before the rejuv, it wouldnt heal when i popped tree form, it would take too long to scan in a new person that was los and i just got in range of ( a tank no doubt on the council fight) and he would die. It would keep putting lifebloom up on me instead of the tank. just a bunch of little of things that under the pressure of a fast paced 10m, led to a very bad raid night. I'm sure all of this was due to settings, i used your preloaded 10m settings, i bet its also the hotkeys that are messing me up but little documentation as to what they are so i dont really know how to use them. Im going to try to figure it out today before my 10m ( i have no choice actually else it will be another bad night or ill be asked to leave) I really wish i didnt delete my 1.4.7 because it did the best job, I was always on top by a huge margin. Thanks for any help.