hey mira, thanks for adding in lifeblood so quickly. however, i've noticed a huge decrease in healing, prior to this, i was easily top healing in any raid setup, lfr 10man, or 25man, ( 506ivl). but now i was in ToES 10man, were i was by far the best geared, but my healing dropped significantly, my mana never dropped below 98%, and i had to manually heal to keep people up. it seems the healing is just going slower( and frame lock on and was set to 30). this was only the DEV version. i installed the public one, and it healed like what i was used to. but after the encounter, i kept ketting a debug error that was mentioned before. so i went back to the DEV version. only to not be able to keep up on Sha. even with only having 5 people to heal, it couldnt keep up and 2 people died rather quickly. just curious if anyone else was experiencing this. (about the DEV healing) when i get back to my real pc, i will post a log.
sorry about he log, it was over 6MB, so i cut out a lot of the repitition, but its mostly still there