My heals in rbg stay very low, i dont see what im doing wrong in the settings, but as said, there are so many.
The 2vs2 setting is not realy working and its very slow on dispels. Sticking it on 10 bg puts all movement and
other stuff on. So thats not working aswell. Also when tree form pops, if allready, then it stands
still for a sec or 2 before casting if any allready. Im 490 geared atm for rbg and it should perform way better then this.
If i dont "help " healing from time to time, esp on tree form, then the team just dies in front of me without any heals.
If anyone knows / has used this in RBG, not random BG, and can post me his settings in a text file, that would be wicked!
Also, if tips on what to use and what deffo not, for only healing controll, nothing else, would be appreciated.
Im being outhealed by lesser geared pallys and shammys and that shouldnt be possible