100% agree. Many PQR users and devs point to his rogue profile and PQI as the top 2 reasons PQR was targeted by blizz. Instant ANYTHING against another human player is a monumentally stupid idea.
PQR got hit because it was a much easier target for blizz, that's all. It's not like honorbuddy is somehow flying under the radar today, it's just not as easy of a target.
and yes, using each and every of these features 100% correct with all of them enabled always is asking for a ban, using a bot overall is asking for a ban, I'm not sure why you choose to complain about the price of any paid routine, you obviously don't want it yet it still is too expensive, who are you to say so? Obviously you at the same time think that it's part of the reason PQR got targeted, which must mean a lot of people were using it (ergo thinking it's worth the price tag)
I think it's up to the user to use the features provided in a way that fits him, even if that makes him get banned, which is actually the entire premise of using a bot
Now to go on topic:
I understand that you might not want to risk us users getting banned.
So let's just dive in to what you actually need to do incase you don't want to make the routine do "clutch" mechanical plays, (which is what bots do best)
Let's just take one example on the level of work required:
Dispel mechanic:
The bot needs to have a per debuff dispel evaluation, based on number of players targeting (damaging) the player, the players hit points and take account for the players ability to self-dispel this debuff.
For example: Let's use the logic required for deep freeze dispel
If friendly player below 25%, swiftmend must come first, then dispel (if the mage is solo)
If friendly player above 35%, dispel first, heal later (swiftmend as an ex)
If friendly player 35%, and 2 enemies attacking with cooldowns up (depending on how bursty the classes are) , swiftmend first, dispel next global, but this does not apply if friendly player has a survival CD up.
Similar scaling if more enemies attacking (in a 5v5 or RBG situation) but also take into account friendly healers in the vicinityty and who they are healing
and of course prio dispel if no damage is actually going to come onto the friendly player, incase some CC is up on the enemies, or they have switched target for any reason.
This is just an example of how advanced the logic needs to be for one spell: Deep freeze - in competitive play any mistake by the bot on this kind of stuff will result in a death.
The same kind of logic applies to a multitude of debuffs, but with different things to take into account for each individual case, things such as LOS, Incoming damage, targets, classes damaging and their cooldowns that are popped, defensive cooldowns popped.
I can give you a similar example for how you need to take an individual evaluation for the need to pre hot based on enemy positioning, actions and class and available enemy CD's / CCs
Same goes for when to start stacking LB vs go rejuv genesis first.
As a experienced player all these things come quite naturally since you see what's going on within the game, and for a routine to do this better will require a monumental effort on your part.
That's why I'm asking for things that are easy to implement, do things that I can not easily do myself, and do not waste my CD's or misuse any of my abilities.
I then think it's up to me to decide if I am willing to risk getting banned for something that is actually useful to me as a a PVP player, not to have a routine that focuses on the things I can quite easily do better myself (unless you implement a really advanced logic as per above)
That's why I gave you the suggestions previously, and why I think you'll have a much happier set of customers on the PVP side if you focus on those kind of features, where I think you have much more fair chance of delivering a functionality that is appreciated -
This is a thing a lot of PVP routine developers have noticed and their customer base seem to be happy and also not banned
The one thing that makes this even more important for a druid healer routine is the alternative cost, the "instant" features I'm asking for are rather easy to implement, compared to the complex situational judgements that is the cornerstone of PVP Druid healing, being immensely tough to implement as to not misuse abilities, whereas most PVP routines (for ex. warrior routine) is a lot more about executing a set rotation no matter the situation.
So basically it's up to the creator, are you willing to make this into a good PVP routine which is the reason why some of us bought this routine or will it stay as a 80% PVE routine?
If so, you have two choices, one being significantly harder to implement than the other, and there's no guarantee that the customers will be happier if you chose to go the harder route.