Some PvE suggestions for a change:
The logic for racials appears to be very primitive and just fire the racial blindly the moment it is off cooldown. The moment you enter combat during the Galakras encounter for example, even if no mobs spawned yet, it will fire off my Troll racial for example even though there is no good reason to use it at all. It would be better to only use the racial in moments of emergency or high damage. Maybe add an option to always use it with Tranquility for example, as it greatly reduces the channel time and adds a whole bunch of ticks to the HoT.
Talking about Tranquility: I really don't like how Tranquility is handled. You essentially have the choice to either let it cast automatically, which really isn't an option in any serious raid where heal cooldowns are assigned to be used at specific times, or you can try to fight the routine and try to pull off a Tranquility yourself using a manual cast. The disadvantage of the later is, that is it pretty much impossible to do it when you want to since the manual cast detection is kind of flaky and it often takes seconds of spamming the button until you eventually hit the right time window, it is impossible to align SOTF properly because chances are the routine will squeeze in a skill between Swift Mend and you hammering the Tranquility button, and in about 20% of all cases it will just interrupt the Tranquility the very moment you start channeling, even in the 2.2 branch. I really would like to see a hot key for Tranquility that:
- Casts the Troll racial if it is available to boost throughput.
- Casts Spirit Walker's Grace if the option to use it with Tranquility is enabled.
- If you have skilled Soul of the Forest and Swift Mend is available, cast Swift Mend to get Soul of the Forest to boost throughput.
- Actually channel Tranquility.
Since such a function can pause the rest of the CR for the time of the channel, this should also take care of the interrupt issues as well. I know you don't like hot keys. But as a PvE player you have to see how the way it currently works is just not acceptable outside of LFR and maybe Flex.
hp down??? =(
THe paid rotation not working ???????
any word on when this will be pvp arena viable?
Is that the answer your customers will get for every feature request from now on?Just press Pause and do it urself?
Which translates to: "Oh, it's all in already. I just can't be bothered to add a hot key trigger for the logic in addition to the automatic trigger."SM + Tranq is already coded, Spiritwalkers Grace is already coded, Berserking is already coded... for use with Tranquility.
Is that the answer your customers will get for every feature request from now on?
Which translates to: "Oh, it's all in already. I just can't be bothered to add a hot key trigger for the logic in addition to the automatic trigger."
Which it doesn't in a lot of cases.I'm a no workaround person. Why add a bloated hotkey, which requires modifications to both the swiftmend, berserking and wild growth code .. Had to be queued somehow to prevent casting... Check mana values if we can complete the sequence.. When The cr can just pause then u can cast Tranquility.
Meaning manual cast detection should work, it should pause on Tranquility detection ( which it does), if it doesn't upload a log please.
[14:20:40.970 N] [40:970]: [Rejuvenation][On: Dps] [HP: 85.4] [PLPS: 0.0] [Reason: Low health]
[14:20:45.785 N] [45:785]: Switched to Througput Healing - Will switch back to Efficient below 30 % ,mana
[14:20:46.279 N] [46:279]: CastBase.ManualCast(!=) :Berserking -- Pausing for 500 milliseconds
[14:20:46.280 N] [46:280]: CastBase.ManualCast(!=) :Berserking -- Pausing for 500 milliseconds
[14:20:46.280 N] [46:280]: Pause: Tranquility is active
[14:20:47.269 N] [47:269]: [Rejuvenation][On: Healer] [HP: 93.3] [PLPS: 0.0] [Reason: Lucidity]
[14:20:48.231 N] [48:231]: [Lifebloom][On: Tank] [HP: 100.0] [PLPS: 0.0] [Reason: Keep lifebloom from dropping]
There is a difference between using it manually and fighting your CR to use it manually. At the moment, you have to fight the CR to do it, because manual cast detection sucks since revision 289 (which I reported as well) and chances are it will be interrupted anyways. Sure, turning off the CR before hand is always an option, but I shouldn't have to turn it off to use my raid CD properly. Even just using Tranquility using a hot key without all the extra fluff of getting SOTF etc. would be a lot better than what we have currently.Plus you just said yourself, to handle tranquility well it should be manually used ;s
Yes, it is.Hi there, just wondering if revision: 312 is the latest svn update? Ty
can i have acces to test 2.2?? im 1.9 arena and 2k rated rbg with ur current crs stars and leavesRevert is an old release, hotfixed for current hb. Nothing of 2.2 is in there.
Decided to test 2.2 with a closed group for a bit longer.
can i have acces to test 2.2?? im 1.9 arena and 2k rated rbg with ur current crs stars and leaves
leaves assembla: bluebarret
and if there is any test version for stars
stars assembla: takishra
Did not receive an e-mail? Unless u directly replied to the no-reply xD thought I ser it up to make the reply-to my main e-mail...Lol so this answers my question I e-mailed to you earlier.