Ok well I'll try a running list here for PVP feedback. Again, I've only used this for about a week so thats why I was asking about stability or whatever because I honestly don't know. I guess I assumed incorrectly that at one point in time it had been optimized for PVP and that it recently has not been as good. I'll use it in arenas and RBGs and add to my list below. I'm a 2k player and have hit 1900+ on multiple healers manually before I even found the bots. Since i've used tuanha's crs I'm 2k on monk and 2200 on rsham and 2.4k exp in RBGs as a healer(manual). So hopefully my suggestions can be taken with some sort of integrity.
Here's the issues I've seen so far.
- teammates that cast hex, poly, etc... it still shapes to cat to try to stop. this should only be enemies and only ones who are casting it on me. *Mirabis mentioned he was aware of and or fixing
- i know i've mentioned it before but Auto focus really should be added. You mentioned that "ppl should manually focus" and while thats true the same can be said about 10 other things you include in the bot. Players should manually cyclone and ursoc and so on, but this is a bot and as much as can be automated is good. Especially in 2s and for Stars you want the bot to auto set focus to whoever you aren't targeting. If i'm playing a mage/priest as war/rdruid i want to target the priest and have the bot atuo focus the mage. Just like all of Tuanha's CRs do. Let us make the choice to enable or disable.
- i do not feel there is nearly enough pre-hotting during combat or rejuv's rejuv's is the biggest thing here. i've seen where i'm casting regrowth, have 3 LB on the target but rejuv doesn't cast. i've got it set to all checked and 90%. if we're in combat rejuvs should be on everyone in range assuming the mana is good and its not at the cost of any other spell and the % its set to.
- swiftmend doesn't seem to have a high enough priority. it seems like 3 lifeblooms trump everything else. and while 3 LBs are important if someone is being bursted down the swiftmend, wildgrowth, etc.. has to come out to bring them back up.
- in bgs the priorty should be on tanks imo if i'm sitting with a tank. it seems odd that its putting 3 LBs on me when the defensive group is 100% health and not the tank/fc If its in an RBG and a tank has a flag or anyone has flag that priority should shoot way up
I also need to understand how the bot works on certain things.
- Heart of the wild. In pvp having HoW for burst is key in many situations. Is there a way to pop HoW manually and then go into cat form and have the bot do a dps cycle? When HoW is down or we need ot heal we should be able to toggle this off or back out
- How does the bot handle Soul of the Forest? I know it will HT when it combines it with nature's swiftness/AS but if HT is unchecked then does that mean it won't even cast if SotF is up? Maybe an option to use HT only if spec'd SotF and a certain %
- I've seen the "hot keys" but even when I hold them it doesn't seem to work. I prefer to manually cast cyclone, roots, and all my defensive CDs. My worry is again with Soul of the Forest that if it's procing from the bot using Swiftmend I cant really time SM and then a fast cast Cyc. Ditto for using AS and manual Cyclone
Overall i really like this CR. And while the majority of my testing so far is RBGs/BGs I think the potential is here for high ratings. I do think some change should be looked at. I found if I jack up my settings on rejuv, wild growth and make sure the overhealing checkbox for wild mushroom is checked that the pre hotting is better, but thats what needs to be looked at the most. You guys said you wanted PVP feedback so here it is.
To add to this. Not sure if anyone is reading but feedback was asked for and I'm trying to give it constructively .
- played lots of arena. Rejuv is seriously broken. I'm at 50% health have regrowth and 3 LBs on me and no Rejuv. It like never casts the thing. This should be up in 2s 100% of the time on both toons if at all possible. I dont know how to make it more of a priority i have it at 95%, min mana 1% and 5 max targets. Can we look into this please?
- i'm literally being trainged by a rogue and it sits in stag form to get out of slows while i'm at 50% health with just 3 LBs up and nothing else. I have to manually fight the bot to hot myself.
- The stack process is also a bit weird as I kind of mentioned but will elaborate more on. It seems like 3 LBs is always the priorty, but in arenas this doesn't work. An example is I'm pre-hotting my partner, I've got ahim going good. Now they swap to me and in a stun.silence I go to 60% or so. Well it starts stacking LBs, then tries a regrowth. This is flawed logic. I need a rejuv then a Swiftmend in that cast, not 3 lifeblooms and a regrowth thats going to be interrupted. It even seems like it tries to get 3 LBs up before hitting barksin(i had this on auto for testing). LB shouldn't trump all, there should be logic that understands the best use of global CDs when at a certain % is 2 GCDs - rejev and swiftmend. or better yet, NS>regrowth>swiftmend NOT 3 Lifeblooms.
- Has anyone else had an issue in prowl? I'll start a match in prowl and it will immediately start to pre-hot. Is this by design or is there a way I can stay in prowl? I've literally had to stop the bot prowl, open with cyclone and then start the bot. That makes no sense. There should be a way to have prowl and then something else trigger a break, like prowl until 80% or something.
I just feel like a lot of the times i'm fighting the bot. I'm fighting it to use Soul of the Forest to get quick cyclones, I'm fighting it to stay in prowl for opener, I'm having to spam rejuv cast manually and then Swiftmend. I have to manually shift poly 50% of the time because it doesnt do it.
I'm pretty scared to play 3s with this because I dont think it can handle swaps well at all. I'm afraid my 2nd DPS is going to get swapped to and the bot will go like this - Move mushroom > lifebloom > lifebloom > lifebloom > regrowth........ > swiftmend......... and if he lives that long he's dead. You die before the LBs even bloom. When in reality it should be Rejuv > Swiftmend > LB > regrowth? wildgrowth? or LB? depends on % > LB > rejuv > swiftmend or something much burstier.
This bot is doing fantastic on mana and I have no issues with moving the mushrooms while glyph'd. Its just priorty based % healing and understanding that Rejuv needs to be up at all times.