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[Leaves] Community Edition

lol? this routine never worked for pvp(unless 1000 mmr lol). and all people waiting for your update... I am shocked atm!
No CR will be able to carry you over 2k-rating without any sort of user-input, if its that kind of thing you're after I think you should look at buying an arenaboost from wintraders or the likes.

And that crappy attitude you've showed towards CR-creators doesnt help either, Im shocked too at your childish behavior.
bad commet tbh you should write something useful really and help the dev cr to improve more the CR where doesnt work where was the bug screen shots videos etc same thing did that with tuan via skype in some crs milz too and they fix the stuff and the CR get better , tbh i dont have this cr but when i read this ? sorry bad from you .mirabis when i have druid later well get this cr too

No It is not. Because you have no clue about it. Did you read whole thread? NO!
Mirabis always said he is gonna update this cr for pvp. But today he said this cr good for pvp... What a paradox!
I was asking kindly for update since 2 months. Check whole thread before defend someone else if you are not friend with him ofc!!!
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Then why have people reached 2k+ with this CR, and you struggle to get over 1k? That sounds more like user-error than CR-error to me.
No It is not. Because you have no clue about it. Did you read whole threat? NO!
Mirabis always said he is gonna update this cr for pvp. But today he said this cr good for pvp... What a paradox!
I was asking kindly for update like 2 months. Check whole threat before defend someone else if you are not friend with him ofc!!!

no iam not a friend and never talked to him :) but before i waste my time and read 77 pages did you ever try like as i said ? giev it a try btw ffsplit works great to record something when you run HB , fraps seems not working with HB
No It is not. Because you have no clue about it. Did you read whole thread? NO!
Mirabis always said he is gonna update this cr for pvp. But today he said this cr good for pvp... What a paradox!
I was asking kindly for update since 2 months. Check whole thread before defend someone else if you are not friend with him ofc!!!

This is not true, I've always said it's not optimal for PvP.

But you said It's unusable, it's not.. it runs.., right?

Plus, people just posting "Does not work." and things along those lines, just waste my time.

I'm a PvE player, if u want pvp to be improved post some detailed pointers on what to change, add, remove.

I've had a ton of people adding me telling me they want to help out and they would make a to-fix-list.

Received only 1 list... which was months ago.
Off topic from the pvp argument, but has the donor version svn changed? It hasn't been updated in some time now.
Off topic from the pvp argument, but has the donor version svn changed? It hasn't been updated in some time now.

No it hasn't changed, and it recently received updates ;O

If ur looking at the red/green icons.. don't... those suck.
No it hasn't changed, and it recently received updates ;O

If ur looking at the red/green icons.. don't... those suck.
Nah, i was looking as the tortoise svn window when you update that says something along the lines of "you are on the current revision, no updates available. Revision xxx"
I'll double check when i get home for specifics, I could very well be mistaken lol.
It's just advising u to not use it in arena, unstable.. u can.. but it hasn't been tested enough yet.

Hi Mirabis. Thanks for making this great CR. I purchased the donor version(both stars and leaves) a week ago specifically for PVP. Now, I'm obviously reading all of the comments that PVP is not ready or is still in testing.

As someone who got this specifically for PVP when can we reasonably expect it (leaves) to be PVP ready? As like many ppl who use CRs I depend on a stable working version to play with my friends. If its going to be a bit, I can just not focus on the rDruid for now and stick with shaman and monk. I'd love to see it happen soon though. Also I'm willing to be a tester should you need one.

Hi Mirabis. Thanks for making this great CR. I purchased the donor version(both stars and leaves) a week ago specifically for PVP. Now, I'm obviously reading all of the comments that PVP is not ready or is still in testing.

As someone who got this specifically for PVP when can we reasonably expect it (leaves) to be PVP ready? As like many ppl who use CRs I depend on a stable working version to play with my friends. If its going to be a bit, I can just not focus on the rDruid for now and stick with shaman and monk. I'd love to see it happen soon though. Also I'm willing to be a tester should you need one.

This is not true, I've always said it's not optimal for PvP.

But you said It's unusable, it's not.. it runs.., right?

Plus, people just posting "Does not work." and things along those lines, just waste my time.

I'm a PvE player, if u want pvp to be improved post some detailed pointers on what to change, add, remove.

I've had a ton of people adding me telling me they want to help out and they would make a to-fix-list.

Received only 1 list... which was months ago.
He just said that he needs info from pvp oriented people in regards to pvp support.
Here is the log you needed, I just dueled someone :)View attachment 129793

[19:32:18.641 D] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent_was_never_fired
at GreyMagic.Executor.WaitForInjection(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.Executor.GrabFrame()
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.AcquireFrame(Boolean isHardLock)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()

uhmm.. yeh that will freeze hb.. but there's no reason in the logs ;S
View attachment 129783
View attachment 129784
View attachment 129785
View attachment 129786
View attachment 129787

Hi, still having problems with fresh install of paid version, firstly treant form (not incarnation) is not working. Secondly, after a few seconds of combat I get a lag spike and CR stops working. When I try to reload HB and paid version of leaves, lag spike again, repeat.. Ive tried other CR's with other chars and I dont get this lag spike.
[19:31:10.828 D] Leaves - Tree Heals Go Whoosh v0.0.0.0 -> Please update to *.311+
[19:32:18.641 D] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent_was_never_fired
at GreyMagic.Executor.WaitForInjection(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.Executor.GrabFrame()
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.AcquireFrame(Boolean isHardLock)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()

uhmm.. yeh that will freeze hb.. but there's no reason in the logs ;S

Ahhh thats just from me closing wow I think, I can try again for you again if you like? But the person was doing damage on me before it cast iron bark, was down at low health and hadn't cast a healing spell yet :S
Ahhh thats just from me closing wow I think, I can try again for you again if you like? But the person was doing damage on me before it cast iron bark, was down at low health and hadn't cast a healing spell yet :S

You selected Raid rotation and then went to dual someone... well i'm pretty sure it'll confuse the bot.
No it hasn't changed, and it recently received updates ;O

If ur looking at the red/green icons.. don't... those suck.
I see what happened. I tried updating the last couple weeks in a row, but not since yesterday's update. The previous update was 3/27 :)
Try different keys, single.. without modifier, control... I use [Q].
I try your setup with only Q and that works well thx. But if I choose any of alt, control or switch it dont work. But Q is just fine for me! thx for the quick answer. Now I only want some help with challenge mode settings ;) Understand u maybe dont have time for it. But it would be awesome if u add it. Cheers!
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Ok well I'll try a running list here for PVP feedback. Again, I've only used this for about a week so thats why I was asking about stability or whatever because I honestly don't know. I guess I assumed incorrectly that at one point in time it had been optimized for PVP and that it recently has not been as good. I'll use it in arenas and RBGs and add to my list below. I'm a 2k player and have hit 1900+ on multiple healers manually before I even found the bots. Since i've used tuanha's crs I'm 2k on monk and 2200 on rsham and 2.4k exp in RBGs as a healer(manual). So hopefully my suggestions can be taken with some sort of integrity.

Here's the issues I've seen so far.
- teammates that cast hex, poly, etc... it still shapes to cat to try to stop. this should only be enemies and only ones who are casting it on me. *Mirabis mentioned he was aware of and or fixing
- i know i've mentioned it before but Auto focus really should be added. You mentioned that "ppl should manually focus" and while thats true the same can be said about 10 other things you include in the bot. Players should manually cyclone and ursoc and so on, but this is a bot and as much as can be automated is good. Especially in 2s and for Stars you want the bot to auto set focus to whoever you aren't targeting. If i'm playing a mage/priest as war/rdruid i want to target the priest and have the bot atuo focus the mage. Just like all of Tuanha's CRs do. Let us make the choice to enable or disable.
- i do not feel there is nearly enough pre-hotting during combat or rejuv's rejuv's is the biggest thing here. i've seen where i'm casting regrowth, have 3 LB on the target but rejuv doesn't cast. i've got it set to all checked and 90%. if we're in combat rejuvs should be on everyone in range assuming the mana is good and its not at the cost of any other spell and the % its set to.
- swiftmend doesn't seem to have a high enough priority. it seems like 3 lifeblooms trump everything else. and while 3 LBs are important if someone is being bursted down the swiftmend, wildgrowth, etc.. has to come out to bring them back up.
- in bgs the priorty should be on tanks imo if i'm sitting with a tank. it seems odd that its putting 3 LBs on me when the defensive group is 100% health and not the tank/fc If its in an RBG and a tank has a flag or anyone has flag that priority should shoot way up
I also need to understand how the bot works on certain things.
- Heart of the wild. In pvp having HoW for burst is key in many situations. Is there a way to pop HoW manually and then go into cat form and have the bot do a dps cycle? When HoW is down or we need ot heal we should be able to toggle this off or back out
- How does the bot handle Soul of the Forest? I know it will HT when it combines it with nature's swiftness/AS but if HT is unchecked then does that mean it won't even cast if SotF is up? Maybe an option to use HT only if spec'd SotF and a certain %
- I've seen the "hot keys" but even when I hold them it doesn't seem to work. I prefer to manually cast cyclone, roots, and all my defensive CDs. My worry is again with Soul of the Forest that if it's procing from the bot using Swiftmend I cant really time SM and then a fast cast Cyc. Ditto for using AS and manual Cyclone

Overall i really like this CR. And while the majority of my testing so far is RBGs/BGs I think the potential is here for high ratings. I do think some change should be looked at. I found if I jack up my settings on rejuv, wild growth and make sure the overhealing checkbox for wild mushroom is checked that the pre hotting is better, but thats what needs to be looked at the most. You guys said you wanted PVP feedback so here it is.