I think there should be two different monthly subscribes one for standard exilebuddy that can bot only on standard league and one for upgraded exilebuddy that can bot on temporary leagues aswell.
Standard monthly subscribe should be 5$. why only 5$? Because people are also paying for VPN that costs around 10$-15$ per month, also exalted orbs in standard are cheap, which is why profiting on standard league is way harder then on the temporary leagues. People are saying they can clear instances pretty fast and get lots of exalts but for that you would need to have some good gear and not everyones skill setup can clear it so fast.
On the other hand, on temporary leagues monthly subscribe should be around 20$-30$. It is much easier to make more profit on the temporary leagues, because prices of exalted orbs or orbs in general is more valuable, but the cost of running the bot is the same 10$-15$. Cost of running VPN doesn't scale the same as profit scales on temporary leagues. These way increasing monthly subscribe scale for upgraded exilebuddy would be major financier of the exilebuddy bot.
Now the question is how many people play on temporary leagues because botting is much more harder there without the quest plugin. But if there's many people playing on temporary leagues as much as there's activity going on as i see it, i think then that temporary leagues should be the ones that will primarily finance exilebuddy bot.
Standard monthly subscribe should be 5$. why only 5$? Because people are also paying for VPN that costs around 10$-15$ per month, also exalted orbs in standard are cheap, which is why profiting on standard league is way harder then on the temporary leagues. People are saying they can clear instances pretty fast and get lots of exalts but for that you would need to have some good gear and not everyones skill setup can clear it so fast.
On the other hand, on temporary leagues monthly subscribe should be around 20$-30$. It is much easier to make more profit on the temporary leagues, because prices of exalted orbs or orbs in general is more valuable, but the cost of running the bot is the same 10$-15$. Cost of running VPN doesn't scale the same as profit scales on temporary leagues. These way increasing monthly subscribe scale for upgraded exilebuddy would be major financier of the exilebuddy bot.
Now the question is how many people play on temporary leagues because botting is much more harder there without the quest plugin. But if there's many people playing on temporary leagues as much as there's activity going on as i see it, i think then that temporary leagues should be the ones that will primarily finance exilebuddy bot.
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