Okay, I'm this 40 year old stoner. I am not the smartest guy in the room, or the richest; nor do I pretend to be. I am however a fan of limitless. It being 4/20 I took some stoner NZT. During my experience, I remembered something about game-theory and psych 101. The tactic the buddy management used is often used by politicians .
The first step:
Present the worst case scenario.
I think you can see where I'm going with this.
Step 2:
Without having any intention of shutting it down have the user base begs us to stay on. And as a bonus, lets make them think that it was their idea. People make bad decisions under stress.
Step 3:
Get feedback to appear to make amends and move forward with the base of people think we didn't just play them.
Step 4:
Make Bossland account (the deliverer of the message) disappear and have Hawker deliver the wonderful news. Total good cop/bad cop.
Step 5:
I know this will probably get deleted but I am convinced this whole thing was orchestrated and they did it beautifully. Thank you for giving us the illusion of being in control of this. Bravo, sorry for not seeing it sooner.
Don't get me wrong I have no doubt they needed the money but a look behind the curtain would probably look like this.
You guys are way smarter than me. I'll give you that.