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Is LazyRaider/Tyrael Detectable?

Dod you think that LazyRaider/Tyrael are detectable in some form by Blizzard?

  • LazyRaider/Tyrael are not, alone, detectable

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • LazyRaider/Tyrael are detectable in some way

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I believe you, I really do. But the problem is, there is no activity that has been seen as resulting in a ban/suspension, including GB, that I don't see SOMEONE saying "I've been running that for months with no problem." So why then can one person bot day after day for months with no problem while another person gets suspended hours after engaging in the same activity? Player reports? Suspicious accounts that get greater scrutiny? I think these account for some, but not all of these suspensions/bans. The others...no idea. But one plausible solution is that Blizz' detection capabilities are greater than they are given credit for (and, of course, no one knows exactly what those capabilities are), and at times that they feel it necessary or expedient, they use those capabilities more. Ban waves are WAVES. Player reports don't just mysteriously spike.

I do take your point into consideration. I just find it hard to believe that people were ONLY using Tyrael/LazyRaider and not questing as well or even dungeonbuddy which is why they were banned. I will have a lot more faith in this topic when my main account gets banned, because i know 100% i have only used lazy/tyrael on it.
I was banned using Tyrael on my main account. I didn't use anything else. I don't PVP and I don't have a single toon on my main account with gathering professions. I botted as a healer in a heroic raiding guild and no one knew or had a reason to suspect me or report me. I botted using Tyrael/LR for a year before getting caught. In my opinion, I got caught because I spent a couple of days farming old instances with the bot on. I entered Stratholme 10+ times farming Argent Dawn rep and I think that's what triggered a look-see at my account. When they scanned for a bot they found one because I was running Tyrael. So, is just Tyrael by itself detectable? Probably not. But if you do something suspicious and they check they will find the bot. The stupid thing is, they didn't ban my second account which has nothing but shit toons on it that botted using GB. Anyway, I've lost interest in this boring, repetitive game since I was banned. Since my 72-hour ban was lifted I've forced myself to log in to raid a couple of times and it's been agonizingly boring. I'm thinking about turning the bot on again and seeing what happens because, at this point, I don't really give a shit and will probably cancel my subscription soon anyway.

it've been cases that the main account have been banned instead of your botting account so it might be the botting account that got tracked to your main account.
100th topic, always the same answer = NO 99.9999%
PS = If you (anybody) only use the bot for this maybe its time for you to stop this game.

Edit: Why would you want blizzard to ban people for using this ? it's the same as using maphack in diablo 2, nobody cares and nobody have ever been ban for this. Tyrael gives no advantage to the player since the rotation is far from beeing good (won't write lines since it's pretty easy to understand).
100th topic, always the same answer = NO 99.9999%
PS = If you (anybody) only use the bot for this maybe its time for you to stop this game

Edit: Why would you want blizzard to ban people for using this ? it's the same as using maphack in diablo 2, nobody cares and nobody have ever been ban for this. Tyrael gives no advantage to the player since the rotation is far from beeing good (won't write lines since it's pretty easy to understand).

I only use this bot for questing, raiding with my guild. No other bots, why? because I dont need other bots. If I enjoy the game with the bot. Why should I stop?

EDIT: and again, far from good? With the right combat rotation, you've a massive advantage over players, it dont hurt the game if you're using this for progressing in the raids. But man, I'm doing way more dps with this than doing it manually and tbh I'm not a bad DPSer, I can easily do 100k+ at ilvl 500 as a hunter. But this one allows me to reach all up to 120k. So, yeah...

Typos is all on me, I'm tired and I dont give a shit. Have a good night :)
I only use this bot for questing, raiding with my guild. No other bots, why? because I dont need other bots. If I enjoy the game with the bot. Why should I stop?

When you don't even do the effort to push a button in RAID maybe it's time to do something more productive and more stimulating :s But if only moving your char and using cooldowns every 5min during a fight is enough for you, it's ok. It's the same in real life: some people can do the same boring and basic task the entire day, others can't.

Edit: Only tried Hunter and DK routines on dummy with both 545 ilevel chars and you are far from what you can do by playing your char. Can't imagine in raids where you have to move. Moreover high end raiding, playing RTS games or any kind of competitive gaming require a minimum of APM to be in phase with the fight / action. Can't imagine playing by only moving my char and watch for boss mod :s

Edit 2: How do you feel after killing a boss ? Only watching void zone, placement, boss mod ? The fun of killing C'thun, LK HM or any other hard boss will never be the same when you do everything. The difficulty of a boss is not avoiding something or grouping at one point at time "t" but doing everything at the same time. Can't understand how you can have fun to kill bosses this way. Where's the fucking adrenaline ?!
Let's look at this way, not to have worrying about my rotation. I can instead watching over the situation, be way more aware of the situation (I do have some issues with reaction times, so this is helping me) and guide my raidmembers. So it's a benefit for everyone :)

EDIT: well, that's your opinion. I enjoy it just as much with or without the bot.
When you don't even do the effort to push a button in RAID maybe it's time to do something more productive and more stimulating :s But if only moving your char and using cooldowns every 5min during a fight is enough for you, it's ok. It's the same in real life: some people can do the same boring and basic task the entire day, others can't.

Edit: Only tried Hunter and DK routines on dummy with both 545 ilevel chars and you are far from what you can do by playing your char. Can't imagine in raids where you have to move. Moreover high end raiding, playing RTS games or any kind of competitive gaming require a minimum of APM to be in phase with the fight / action. Can't imagine playing by only moving my char and watch for boss mod :s

Edit 2: How do you feel after killing a boss ? Only watching void zone, placement, boss mod ? The fun of killing C'thun, LK HM or any other hard boss will never be the same when you do everything. The difficulty of a boss is not avoiding something or grouping at one point at time "t" but doing everything at the same time. Can't understand how you can have fun to kill bosses this way. Where's the fucking adrenaline ?!

I have no issues using DK routine in raid. I play DW DK, the result is the same / close to what simulationcraft say I should perform in raids, wow you tried it on a dummy where you're missing a lot of buffs. That is not a good way to test the routine at all.
Without going into too many internal details, Honorbuddy is able to execute a code stub every "frame" in game. (Typically 30-60 times per second) The usual things we will inject for, are things that perform actions (such as casting a spell, any form of Lua interaction, TraceLine, click to move, etc.).
API That Injects

Anything that is within the "Lua" class.
Anything in the "LuaEvents" class that performs an action.
Anything in the "GameWorld" class.
Anything in the "WoWMovement" class that executes an action. (This includes wrappers in the WoWObject class, and descendants)
Anything having to do with the WoWCache class. (Injections are done to pull cache records)
Others that are not mentioned. A general rule of thumb, if its something you think performs an action in game, or deals with Lua in any way, you can assume will be doing an injection.

and now what warden do:
Warden uses API function calls to collect data on open programs on the user's computer and sends it back to Blizzard servers as hash values to be compared to those of known cheating programs.[1] Privacy advocates consider the program to be spyware.

cuz of my bann,i talked a long time with a gm and he said at last that they detect not only with warden, and that is warden is only used to complete the report.

Script detection(from Server] AND OR Player Reports -> increase a "bot score", after a (hidden) limit a junior gm check your account at different times with optical checks(to see you grinding,bg farm or stuck while using questbots etc..) - > junior gm confirm the "third-party-software" -> temp. bann without time limit -> senior gm define the real bann time (up to perma.).

If the user know what he did, and promise that he do it never again,..., they change the perma bann ONE time to 72h as "last chance" but your botscore is high and so you will insta checked ofter few reports or susp. moves

?: So@the end, if you are in the target->they check you manual(ig gm), technical(warden), and based on your score(reports, script detection score).

And then you can say what you want, they give a shit on you because you have no chance.

Bot safe, dont be greedy, then you never come into the target. No1 will farm 8h and make then 3-4hc's to do after that 5hours bg and then farm again...
I was greedy, i got my 72h...
I bottet a rly long time with pirox with schedular. 20xlvl 70 full afk over bg(in the past there was more xp) and i got never a single bann. now i bottet few lvl 90 + tons of gold in 2 weeks with raf..my own fault.
But they dont del. anythink. just play safe now. maybe make some dungeons or pet fights..2 weeks useless stuff or play some games BLOONS and then start carefull. (;

At this links you see more information about your bann reasons..maybe.:

World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft
Hi Gotoxy

i just checkes your link. Any idea what this could mean? Me was perma-banned two years ago...


In-game Activity

Ban Type:




Ban Reason:

I think because its so long ago, the information are not complete(blizzward style).

but you see why you are banned and how long ; )

i have this atm:

Origination: Forums / Comments
Ban Type: in-game activities that violate the Terms of Use.
Expires: DAY, DATE, TIME when bann end( 11hours and 16minuts ...)
Ban Reason: N/A

cuz of this(am not activ@blizz forum), i think comments mean that i got reported by other palyers(that what a gm never would say to you..mostly^^)
Warden uses API function calls to collect data on open programs on the user's computer and sends it back to Blizzard servers as hash values to be compared to those of known cheating programs.[1] Privacy advocates consider the program to be spyware.

Say what?? Warden scans for running programs outside its own memory?!?! OMG THIS IS HIGHLY ILLEGAL!

I remember back about 6 years ago, when Punkbuster scanned the entire memory for known strings of hacks. The game i played a lot of people used IRC, just mentioning a banned string whilst the game was running in IRC caused a frenzy of mass bans. It was awesome until they patched it.
Stopped using the bot for gathering to many /w on my server from other botters saying they would report me really cba with d***s like that so I just leave them to it. I now only use Tyreal for rotations and have been for a while so I'll let you know if and when I get banned.
I personally think it is not detectable because if it was then I would have been banned too and I have been doing a lot of arenas/bg's with it.

I have also seen hunters in arenas which stick out like a sore thumb using the bot as they can cast traps over their shoulders without even seeing anymore then a hair on your head and land the trap at your feet if your stood still for longer than 0.1 of a second.

Enjoy the bot just be careful try and to bot safe. I love using the bot in pvp makes me chuckle but hey small things and small minds and all that.
i never got banned for using lazyraider or tyrael with my private custom classes for pve and pvp arena i even use a fast interupt setup for healing with my private custom classes the only thing what me gets banned is questbotting. tyrael lazyraider and the bot it self is good safe and undetected
It's not possible that Tyrael,Lazyraider or Raidbot (WITHOUT movement) is detected in any way. Then HB would need detected itself, which is HIGHLY unlikely then there would be 20x larger amount of bans.

You were triggered by something else than combat bot routines / botbases.

LOL what about memory scans n shizz does it takes reports for blizz to randomly scan pcs i doubt it.
So that said as soon as u start HB up you could be banned.
Quote Originally Posted by alxaw View Post
It's not possible that Tyrael,Lazyraider or Raidbot (WITHOUT movement) is detected in any way. Then HB would need detected itself, which is HIGHLY unlikely then there would be 20x larger amount of bans.

You were triggered by something else than combat bot routines / botbases.

"LOL what about memory scans n shizz does it takes reports for blizz to randomly scan pcs i doubt it.
So that said as soon as u start HB up you could be banned. "

This is the root problem here... people say it's not detected... Well if Blizzard can and does scan your pc and will find it (either by going back later to review what they've scanned or some program reading thes scan right then)

That means it's detected! So guys, either it is or it isn't stop all the back and forth. if they can scan it, then that means yes it IS detected doesn't it?

IF they can scan / detect it, certainly there would be a way for us / players / developers etc. to SEE that we are being scanned.
Granted it's not 100% on topic; the past few days I've been doing arena in lower ratings and random Bgs and the amount of people I could get banned for using routines is just silly. I will not, but no doubt someone will actually report them. I am talking about getting interrupted before the castbar of flash heal even appeared etc. It could happen once or twice by complete luck, but not more than that. By now even enough 'normal' players know that this is no human behavior. I doubt it will take a gm long to figure out you're using it, a simple glance at the combat log would probably do it. On top of the interrupting crap; keeping the same rotation/same reaction to procs up for hours and hours is not really human behavior.

This is for pvp only, player reports will catch you eventually.
Granted it's not 100% on topic; the past few days I've been doing arena in lower ratings and random Bgs and the amount of people I could get banned for using routines is just silly. I will not, but no doubt someone will actually report them. I am talking about getting interrupted before the castbar of flash heal even appeared etc. It could happen once or twice by complete luck, but not more than that. By now even enough 'normal' players know that this is no human behavior. I doubt it will take a gm long to figure out you're using it, a simple glance at the combat log would probably do it. On top of the interrupting crap; keeping the same rotation/same reaction to procs up for hours and hours is not really human behavior.

This is for pvp only, player reports will catch you eventually.

you could make interupt verry reacting slow so they wont catch you up as a interupt botter as for healing its all fine ive never been banned for interupting anyways in arena or rbg
you could make interupt verry reacting slow so they wont catch you up as a interupt botter as for healing its all fine ive never been banned for interupting anyways in arena or rbg
If it's a combat routine with PvP association and features then .5-.9 interrupt delay would be a good idea.