Without going into too many internal details, Honorbuddy is able to execute a code stub every "frame" in game. (Typically 30-60 times per second) The usual things we will inject for, are things that perform actions (such as casting a spell, any form of Lua interaction, TraceLine, click to move, etc.).
API That Injects
Anything that is within the "Lua" class.
Anything in the "LuaEvents" class that performs an action.
Anything in the "GameWorld" class.
Anything in the "WoWMovement" class that executes an action. (This includes wrappers in the WoWObject class, and descendants)
Anything having to do with the WoWCache class. (Injections are done to pull cache records)
Others that are not mentioned. A general rule of thumb, if its something you think performs an action in game, or deals with Lua in any way, you can assume will be doing an injection.
and now what warden do:
Warden uses API function calls to collect data on open programs on the user's computer and sends it back to Blizzard servers as hash values to be compared to those of known cheating programs.[1] Privacy advocates consider the program to be spyware.
cuz of my bann,i talked a long time with a gm and he said at last that they detect not only with warden, and that is warden is only used to complete the report.
Script detection(from Server] AND OR Player Reports -> increase a "bot score", after a (hidden) limit a junior gm check your account at different times with optical checks(to see you grinding,bg farm or stuck while using questbots etc..) - > junior gm confirm the "third-party-software" -> temp. bann without time limit -> senior gm define the real bann time (up to perma.).
If the user know what he did, and promise that he do it never again,..., they change the perma bann ONE time to 72h as "last chance" but your botscore is high and so you will insta checked ofter few reports or susp. moves
?: So@the end, if you are in the target->they check you manual(ig gm), technical(warden), and based on your score(reports, script detection score).
And then you can say what you want, they give a shit on you because you have no chance.
Bot safe, dont be greedy, then you never come into the target. No1 will farm 8h and make then 3-4hc's to do after that 5hours bg and then farm again...
I was greedy, i got my 72h...
I bottet a rly long time with pirox with schedular. 20xlvl 70 full afk over bg(in the past there was more xp) and i got never a single bann. now i bottet few lvl 90 + tons of gold in 2 weeks with own fault.
But they dont del. anythink. just play safe now. maybe make some dungeons or pet fights..2 weeks useless stuff or play some games BLOONS and then start carefull. (;
At this links you see more information about your bann reasons..maybe.:
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft