Honestly guys between the way its been maintained and the new ability to convert honor to jp ib is useless. bg runs alot better and you will probably get jp alot faster doing pvp then pve anyways.
hey how do i convert honor points to justice points??? please
Honestly guys between the way its been maintained and the new ability to convert honor to jp ib is useless. bg runs alot better and you will probably get jp alot faster doing pvp then pve anyways.
you couldn't be more wrong.
I would love to be able to never have to get valor from a dungeon again.
you couldn't be more wrong.
I would love to be able to never have to get valor from a dungeon again.
You are talking about top end gear. So odviously you bot your main account that you play or w/e. I also bot my main account but im not trying to get into any raidguild with my toon s anytime soon. Just getting them enough gear to not look like bots. BTW if you ran IB and i ran bg bot and converted honor to jp then raided. I'd probably be geared a lot faster then you anyways.
I never healed with ib b4 but im making a shaman in will boa and i was wondering if healers are safer to afk then dps.(get stuck less and so on)
Does that mean I do not need to switch back to grindbot and can stay in instancebuddy the whole way whilst grinding/instancing?
Thanks and cheers!
IB2 is currently being written with improved logic and increased customizability over IB. It will take some time to make it release ready. Therefore current issues with IB is mostly ignored
When you say it supports some new cata dungeons do you mean it will run into the triangle in vortex pinnacle for example?