I believe that the buyer would have to pay first and all payments would go through Smarter or someone else in charge of those. Buyer would then be forwarded to the gold seller and receive his gold. So basically only gold transaction will be done without a middleman which isn't so bad at all. The less people involved in the trade, the better. Ofc the person in charge of payments would then forward the payment to the gold seller. Of course, that person would take a cut of the payment but a reasonable one, not like the Chinese do nowadays. They take at least 50% of the gold value. While being a service as it is, it definitely isn't a fair one.
I was out of this whole thread for a while, reading it every now and then, tbh I was waiting to see which direction it was gonna take. The idea is brilliant nonetheless, I would like to participate when this goes live. Not only that I am fed up with the Chinese but we could all benefit from this. And the more people keep out of this, the smaller chance the whole project has to succeed. Getting as many people as possible would be the only way to go. There certainly are other bots out there but HB is the mainstream one. After some time we will draw the attention of people who don't use HB as well. Ofc first things first, we need to get this thing going on the right foot.
Another idea which might have been mentioned before, I apologize in advance in case it has, a database of all the sellers will be set in place and completed after this goes live. So we will have a clear picture of realms/people farming them/demand of the specific realms etc. Basically in case one realm is overstocked and another realm has constant demand that we can't supply, maybe we could regroup so we can cover more realms thus keeping up with the demand and cutting down the competition. That would partially solve the problem of which seller gets the sale on an overstocked realm.
/Best regards