So what about this? its dead?
Smarter how you gonna work out the sw:tor credit selling? im currently playing and credits are rediculously easy to get, but they sell for so cheap. Im not sure it is worth even selling in that game yet, wouldn't see a need to buy them since there so easy to make.
And to mention at lvl 50 everything cost a lotttt of money in game. Currency ll sell well...U can be sure.
I was in the shower and it occured to me. I think it would be best to start this when The panda expansion comes out for world of warcraft. Prices go wayyyyyy up when a new expac is released for world of warcraft.
And that would give this business of yours, smarter, a good head start.
What are you? 12? You don't understand how the world works?
Says the user who doesn't understand how to make a complete sentence.What are you? 12? You don't understand how the world works?
I was thinking about same idea too. If you put it in short - farmers are getting ripped off by resellers, it can be avoided by setting an international store web site, where the farmer can sell his|her gold directly to the end customer, by paying minimal fees for web site administration. By eliminating middle man, prices will be more competitive and transparent for both, buyers and sellers. It's good that you're already working on this, I have some more ideas for deep automation of this system, so count me in =).
Wth you talking about maddog?WelcOme to