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[Idea] Gold Selling Coalition

What do you think of this idea?

  • Great idea! Count me in!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Great idea! Not for me though, good luck.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Your an idiot...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
yes he is...... in other words smarter idea is great that way we will have a decent share of the work we do farming.. fucking chinese are taking all the credit.... im in !
Wth you talking about maddog?

Smarter is a respected member of the community here.

You're not growling at him are you?

I phrased that wrong, the reason i quoted the persons text was mostly identifying the part that says "skip the middleman and the farmer will trade direct to the buyer.

Thats why i said welcome to scamming.com becus either the farmer would take the money and ditch or thr buyer wud take the money and leave.

I am very supportive of smarters idea and apologise for any misunderstanding.

No i am not growling him.
I see.

That's the reason for the Administrative side.

Bad sellers are gtfo'd
Bad buyers the same

Or at least that's how I remember it.

Smarter is the guy in charge.
If he wants me to give up sugar cane I will. :p
I believe that the buyer would have to pay first and all payments would go through Smarter or someone else in charge of those. Buyer would then be forwarded to the gold seller and receive his gold. So basically only gold transaction will be done without a middleman which isn't so bad at all. The less people involved in the trade, the better. Ofc the person in charge of payments would then forward the payment to the gold seller. Of course, that person would take a cut of the payment but a reasonable one, not like the Chinese do nowadays. They take at least 50% of the gold value. While being a service as it is, it definitely isn't a fair one.

I was out of this whole thread for a while, reading it every now and then, tbh I was waiting to see which direction it was gonna take. The idea is brilliant nonetheless, I would like to participate when this goes live. Not only that I am fed up with the Chinese but we could all benefit from this. And the more people keep out of this, the smaller chance the whole project has to succeed. Getting as many people as possible would be the only way to go. There certainly are other bots out there but HB is the mainstream one. After some time we will draw the attention of people who don't use HB as well. Ofc first things first, we need to get this thing going on the right foot.

Another idea which might have been mentioned before, I apologize in advance in case it has, a database of all the sellers will be set in place and completed after this goes live. So we will have a clear picture of realms/people farming them/demand of the specific realms etc. Basically in case one realm is overstocked and another realm has constant demand that we can't supply, maybe we could regroup so we can cover more realms thus keeping up with the demand and cutting down the competition. That would partially solve the problem of which seller gets the sale on an overstocked realm.

/Best regards
This is a great idea. As it stands now, The farmer is taking it in the butt by this middle man.
but we gotta remember we have to fight with chinise prices, and that is not the issue.. why? well simple when botters find out we are paying better then chinese sites will go down and will force them to "compete" with the project site wich in my opinion they will go down easy since they been ripping off so many botters with their stupid prices that no one will want to sell to them. correct me if im mistaken here

we can eve do the trade throu AH save our accounts and buyer will be safe aswell
IN my opinio i think the best time to do this is BEFORE next expansion why simple because if u start this asap you will have alot of customers by that date and you will have feets on the floor since ur getting in a huge competition bussiness here... you can even start the site with all HB ppl then expand if the demand is growing remember that every day that passes chinese fuck up the economy and rrip the crap out of us,..

That's what I was thinking. The first quarter of a business, especially a internet business in such a dominated market, is the most important. To be competitive the presentation and service have to be better and have more worth. To attempt to gain the money for overhead with such low market prices would be very improbable without a large starting investment. Having a detailed and sound business model and ability to execute will be the make or break as long as the market is decent.
I am purchasing HonorBuddy today or very shortly. I love your idea. Great American businessman.

Please PM when you have things up and going, I should also have my things together by then and ready to enter this partnership.
Says the user who doesn't understand how to make a complete sentence.

Btw Smarter it's been a while.
Gotta chat it up sometime.

Says the user who can't read.

Also, the OP can't even spell "you're" properly. So trust him with all your gold, please (read poll options)!
I don't sell gold. But trying to create gold "cooperatives" on a botting forum is retarded.
Says the user who can't read.

Also, the OP can't even spell "you're" properly. So trust him with all your gold, please (read poll options)!
If you don't like the idea then there is no reason to post right?

Smarter is actually trying to do something.
You're wasting your time.

Oh, and I did read.
Your last post was just as useless as this one I just quoted.

I like your work, but there is no reason for you to keep posting here.
Just vote and move on please.
this people has no vision man... danm... and btw making a goldselling site out of a botting comunity seems better than start from nothing (i.E) i make over 350k a week where u think that gold goes to??.. chinese ... heck if i get paid by this NO MIDDLE MAN company at least $.80 - .90 i will be more than happy... shit chinese pays me at $0.09 yes nine cents a K.... and they spam my server at $15/10,000 imagine the profit they make over my ass....and for the records private buyers will scam you sooner or later with a chargeback... and they will not pay throu MONEYBOOKER OR WESTERUNION.. only paypal...
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I completely agree with cyberone. Also, znuffie, no hard feelings mate but you can't judge people by their grammar. After all even if he scams me, and I am talking about myself, can't speak for the whole community, how much could I lose with these prices? Even if he takes a million, it's hardly over 300$ with the Chinese and as far as I am concerned, screw 300$, was worth a shot.
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Your talking about scamming but if a customer pays you via paypal and your a business you cant actually reverse the transaction, its the same with the gold selling sites.

So you get the money, farmer trades the gold, smater pays the farmer, its not rocket science.
yes you are right .. but i was talking about selling to private buyer.. there is n way u could win a dispute since paypal wont suport ur ass in intangible goods..been there many time bro took pictures video they just wont support you.. best way to sell to a private buyer is wester union or monebooker since they dont have a charge back policy
Some time ago PayPal made an announcement about the virtual gold sales and, if I am not mistaken, they disapproved it. So it would only take a report and they would shut your business PayPal down pretty fast, possibly taking all the money that was in it since it's against the Term of Use which would be a huge strike on that PayPal's account holder. There would still be a lot of gold sellers waiting for their money and he couldn't simply explain what happened and hope for forgiveness. It's business after all, everyone expects to be paid and not to mention that he could as well lie about such thing and take the money regardless so in case you want this to live, there is a whole lot of things to take into account. Anyway, we can speculate all day long, until it goes live, speculation is all we're gonna get. So best of luck Smarter, hopefully there will be enough people interested in this project to make a decent competition at the beginning.
Blizzard asked Paypal to help them fight against people selling their property illegally and Paypal accepted.
Paypal will lockdown and suspend your account if you get caught selling sold with said account.
Who is going be the person that trades all the gold and in the live chat if there is one? Are we gonna hav to hire?