Thanks, but still not getting it.
HB stopped.
open Class config
Go to Hotkey tab
Set modifier to control, set Automatic AOE to Z
Click save and close
HB prints hotkeys: removed! Hotkeys: registered!
all that seems good . . . but then
hold down control and press Z . . . and nothing happens
tried starting HB and holding down control and pressing Z . . . .and nothing happens. HB prints nothing and the screen overlay still says disabled
running Enyo if it matters.
EDIT . . . .AH ha, I have to click back on the WOW screen, and then press the hotkeys. That causes HB to print AoE Enabled . . . .but the screen overlay does not change, even though HB just printed AOE enabled, the screen over lay still says disabled?
EDIT2 . . . ah not got the hotkey all working. will test it in BG and then arena. thanks.
Yes, WoW has to be your active window when pressing the hotkey.
The overlay won't update if you have not started the bot. Check your HB window and make sure you pressed "Start" in the lower right corner.