It seems like there is some problem with the mailbox in Shattrat City. Someone posted about it in Kick's Profiles thread, but chinajade stated it should be posted here instead, so here's my contribute (log attached).
When trying to send mails from said mailbox, the character just stands there doing nothing. For the record, commenting the Shattrat Mailbox line in Kick's Profile, unstuck the toon.
Known Bugs --------------- * Mailing not working * Gets stuck at flight masters.
Bought key yesterday and it lags as shit...
when will good release approximately?
Sure is takning longgg time. For such a smallllllll patch lol.
Sure is takning longgg time. For such a smallllllll patch lol.
Beta test groups are getting dismissed. Seems like there are people in one of the channels who distributes closed betas to outside. Thank you all for helping us to get a better HB out. Much appreciated.