Are you running on Windows Vista, by any chance?
Because on Vista this is a known issue.
Yes I have Windows vista SP2
Are you running on Windows Vista, by any chance?
Because on Vista this is a known issue.
"Mailing not working"
And you call this a release? It's a joke NO?
"Mailing not working"
And you call this a release? It's a joke NO?
I set in char settings <Pulldistance>0</Pulldistance>
Then start HB and I see:
[Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 100 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User
Who? Where?
I want set 0 yds !!!
In my questing prifile NOT set this.
Ja, Attachments richtig posten.kennt jemand das Problem und was ich machen Kann ?? View attachment 109146
We are stuck!
We are stuck!
We are stuck!
We are stuck!
We are stuck!
What is wrong with this ??
This. Its horrible I cant bot BG due to this bug. Please FIX IT.
ich habe folgendes problemView attachment 109157
ich wei? nicht woran das liegt. am nachmittag ging der bot problemlos und jetzt auf einmal das.
Hast dir wohl nen virus irgendwie eingefangen der auf den ordner irgendwelche rechte gesetzt hat sch?tze ich mal oder installier ma HB neu!