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Honorbuddy v2.5.8483.699

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"Mailing not working"

And you call this a release? It's a joke NO?
Where can I set PullDistance = 0 and UseMount = False for Questing bot??
If I set it in profile then HB ignored it. If i set it in character settings (C:\HB\Settings\_realm_\_charName_\) then HB rewrite it for PullDistance = 100 and UseMount = True.
For some reason any plugin/combat routine I install doesnt show up.
Im on windows 8 and they have been installed correctly.
Is that just because this a test release? thanks for the help guys :) appreciate the hard work
I set in char settings <Pulldistance>0</Pulldistance>
Then start HB and I see:
[Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 100 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User

Who? Where?
I want set 0 yds !!!

In my questing prifile NOT set this.

Reading is fun! :)

This. Its horrible I cant bot BG due to this bug. Please FIX IT.

Last I checked it is a TEST RELEASE. there will be issues. it is advised not to leave it on afk.

On a side note I have no issues running quest bot for 45-60 today, and my panda dailes are smoother than ever
ich habe folgendes problem Honorbuddy foto.webp
ich wei? nicht woran das liegt. am nachmittag ging der bot problemlos und jetzt auf einmal das.
Hast dir wohl nen virus irgendwie eingefangen der auf den ordner irgendwelche rechte gesetzt hat sch?tze ich mal oder installier ma HB neu!

virus nein. scan laufen lassen nix gefunden.

auch scho neu installiert und problem besteht noch.

im epvp forum gibts jemanden der hat haargenau das selbe problem
steht bei Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 auf
"Nicht vertrauensw?rdiges Programm"
Einfach per Hand in "Programmaktivit?t" auf Vertrauensw?rdig setzen ?ndern.
@ People getting the 'we are stuck' messages.
Try this, open up task manager and right-click your wow.exe, scroll down to 'set priority' and select 'Above normal'
Combat routines are working well but grind bot is not. Tried a profile on timeless isle that I used to use before and it just does circles in one spot, doesn't always attack, stops starts, just really not usable :)
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