ahahaahah... HB is back with zero changes vs detection and with zero clue as how it got detected in the first place.
enjoy your bans everyone!
Not blaming HB here mostly since existing users should be free to ban themselves if they wish, though it absolutely sucks for new customers who will not be aware and will be paying full price for something that will ban them.
HB is back with tons of changes behind the scenes. Not everything goes in the changelogs.
but you can say 'we barely fixed security issues.'HB is back with tons of changes behind the scenes. Not everything goes in the changelogs.
I notice on front page it says "Do not bot on accounts you care about"
Question to that, say if we bot on an unimportant account but never our main account, never have them running side by side, would the main account not get banned anyway (if a ban does strike) due to being on the same IP?
Would other accounts running on different computers (different MAC addresses) but on the same IP get banned?
Does anyone have some anecdotal evidence to confirm/deny this?
Blizzard only Bann Accounts where your run / attached HB.
So when you never run HB on your Main Account it should be safe. And dont Trade between your Bot and Main Account.
I disagree ......i lost my ah account on ban day along with main account and hb never attached to that wow account ever......1 level 1 toon and tsmBlizzard only Bann Accounts where your run / attached HB.
So when you never run HB on your Main Account it should be safe. And dont Trade between your Bot and Main Account.
Blizzard only Bann Accounts where your run / attached HB.
So when you never run HB on your Main Account it should be safe. And dont Trade between your Bot and Main Account.
If people could keep us posted on everything with HB im curious to know if i should go back to botting or wait out to see if you all get the ban hammer.
I just wanted to state. The malware/idea I think is invalid. I have a bnet account with three "wow accounts" attached to it. I have quest/tyriel botted on all 3 wow accounts in WoD, number of times, to multiple 100's. All same IP's, and only one WoW Account got banned. It was the one I botted with after the most recent patch prior to ban wave. The other accounts, which were both botted on days before the most recent patch prior to ban wave, were not banned. idk if this is important, but it seems that way to me.