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Honorbuddy Announcement 21th May 2015

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I find it strange that my computer has malware and trojans detected on it just since all this crap went down with Blizzard bans. My rig is 5 yrs old and has NEVER had virus until now.

Makes me wonder if Blizz would stoop this low to either pay for a 3rd party to snoop on us or do it themselves. Either way it accomplished thier objective.

My antivirus allowed this stuff for some reason. I know i have allowed Blizzard to auto update and patch hmm
I find it strange that my computer has malware and trojans detected on it just since all this crap went down with Blizzard bans. My rig is 5 yrs old and has NEVER had virus until now.

Makes me wonder if Blizz would stoop this low to either pay for a 3rd party to snoop on us or do it themselves. Either way it accomplished thier objective.

Funny you say that I did have the same problem. I did suspect it was Blizzard at the time maybe I was being paranoid but who really knows one can be really cunning.
Why you discuss things you have ZERO knowledge in?
Lets say you dup3d some spectrals or used some expl0its from some forums to get 1-700 profession for free for example. You think x64 expl0iters were not banned? Blizz does not check specifically x64 or x32, they check more specific things. You can do some research about that... Every single expl0it user (1-700 or other public things) were permabanned, no matter what system they used.

Your not safe guarded what ever you do that is against Blizzards terms and conditions, no one here does say the bot is 100 percent safe there is always a risk and Blizzard sooner or later will catch you out, botting is for people who want to RISK thier accounts, wish people would understand that, it's like playing chicken with a car you often always miss the car but there will always be a slight chance that car will hit you one day. Many botters, scripts were seen not just HB.
This thread is bonkers..but to that I would say, maybe if you cant afford to upgrade your computer for 15 years..it is time for less wow..

Amen. He just has the worlds loosest definition of "many" lol. When did x64 arrive? P4? PD for sure. Athlon64 was launched in 2003 ffs. 12 years old pc? Sorry but epic fail arguement. Anyone running hardware that old knows 0 about pcs and undoubtedly something failed by now which they wouldn't be capable of replacing. Even if they did they would upgrade by now considering the cost for something dramatically superior being nil.

A 12 y/o pc would barely barely even run wow on lowest settings with a low laptopish reso. Cmon now. Debate all you want but I wouldn't even care to guess at how low the number of true x86 users are as it would be so low as to almost be funny. I would go so far as to even say it could be 0.
i lost 2 Main account one was R1 with First realm... and second was normal farming one... but am so proud of you guys and thank you for giving us the chance again to Avenge our Mains !!!!! ;')
i lost 2 Main account one was R1 with First realm... and second was normal farming one... but am so proud of you guys and thank you for giving us the chance again to Avenge our Mains !!!!! ;')
Last time I lost my Scarab Lord for a blunt Blizzard reason, my revenge was more than sweet: Increased the botting accounts from 3 to 30+ and the gold sold from 1M to +30M and more!

The best was yet to come:

I finally felt relieved of this plague - 5 years obsession with the hardcore raiding 6 evenings/week, capping every achievement point, every reputation and FoS with every new content patch/expansion ... pathetic from today's stand point!

And I could enjoy the real life once again!
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It says to download the latest but when you download the one at the buddy download page and install that it still says to download the latest.
All I can say is thx for the vacation blizz I'll prob be back. November will be here soon enough. Kick there ass HB TEAM!!!
This last posts are exact reason, why we usually don't have ETA
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Coming hb !! You can do it ... !!

Got my popcorn ready .. Bottle of beer ready..

My level 100 rogue is banging on my computer ready to go !

Brrrrr ... Prob no sleep tonight ;-)
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