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Honorbuddy Announcement 21th May 2015

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its sunday guys stil no release i think we wont get any but i hope we do:)

the day ends @ 23.59.59, so be patient, and if it isn't released today then it isn't released today,

They did or did not confirm it would be released today, therefore an expected date is as good as saying it might be released by the end of the week
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damn people cant play a game without a bot? i just use it for getting gold because that shit is HELLA boring
Wouldnt it be less noticeable if you guys released a version that could be used with 64 bit instead of 32 Bit.... I mean they can almost know everyone using 32 bit has some sort of bot on it...

Of course it would. And would have for years that people have been having threads deleted about it. The issue is it costs time and time costs money. I thought with the "rerelease" it was all but certain but I digress.

Maybe I'm missing some logic about improving software performance and making things harder on blizz. Then again this won't be the first pay once type software (which I agree with) to do the minimum neccessary to maximize profits (which I dont) to roll through, not by a longshot.

Hopefully I'm proven wrong and they just wanna get it back out there for the QQers and will be diligently working on a modern client in the wings.
You should read this forum.... 64bit means rewrite whole bot, every tool that they use in development and probably you would need to buy new key.

And no, it wouldn´t be less noticeable.

No? Care to elaborate? Cause the world I live in.. About 5% out of millions of players use x86 and of those 90% if not more are doing so in order to cheat.

Few hundred k targets to evaluate - or few thousand k targets to evaluate? Hmmm.. Pretty cut and dry to me.

Course this is ignoring the performance improvements that come from modernizing a decades old technology as well. When it's released we will put you down for the elite and rare x86 version though!
32 or 64 its same fucking detection...

What is so hard for people to grasp it isn't about just the detection holy hell. Targeted at HB or not I know all the x64 software I'm aware of (only 3 to be fair) weren't hit with a single ban. They likely DRAMATICALLY limit their searches knowing HB runs only on x86.

Keep on making it easier for them though - by all means. Besides who needs the future proofing or extra fps anyhow. Not like we are the ones paying or anything.

Know how many and how far any other software on the pc would have gone had they stayed x86 an extra decade? You guessed it!

To be frank, I don't even know of anything relevant that IS still x86 only.
No? Care to elaborate? Cause the world I live in.. About 5% out of millions of players use x86 and of those 90% if not more are doing so in order to cheat.

Few hundred k targets to evaluate - or few thousand k targets to evaluate? Hmmm.. Pretty cut and dry to me.

Course this is ignoring the performance improvements that come from modernizing a decades old technology as well. When it's released we will put you down for the elite and rare x86 version though!

Lets say there is a private x64 bot and blizz know about that. I'm sure there might be one for sure.

P.S. Pls STFU all the whine about x64. It makes no difference at all. They can use same way to detect etc etc...
Lets say there is a private x64 bot and blizz know about that. I'm sure there might be one for sure.

P.S. Pls STFU all the whine about x64. It makes no difference at all. They can use same way to detect etc etc...

Yes is does make a difference whither you run 64 bit or 32 bit wow client. Your system might be 64 bit processor but HB and other Bot software all use 32 bit wow client, so this cuts down on how many clients blizzard has to actually look at. out if 7.1 mill they only need to look at anyone running the 32 bit wow client. OMG go figure 1.8-2.0 million. If you being the missing link of smarts cannot figure out that 32 bit will be all that is needed to narrow down the accounts using bot programs then you have issues. So we need the 64 bit so then blizzard can try like hell to find all of the bots. They will on the 32 bit client users but not so much on the 64 bit.
No? Care to elaborate? Cause the world I live in.. About 5% out of millions of players use x86 and of those 90% if not more are doing so in order to cheat.

Few hundred k targets to evaluate - or few thousand k targets to evaluate? Hmmm.. Pretty cut and dry to me.

Course this is ignoring the performance improvements that come from modernizing a decades old technology as well. When it's released we will put you down for the elite and rare x86 version though!

Ok I will elaborate. First I have account, that wasn´t botted, but was played by hand on same PC as bots, so I was using 32bit WoW on 64bit OS and account is not banned.

Problem with x64 HB - HB is not only one program. There are tools that buddy team use for developement and also support tools that are used by HB.

One of them is Recast/Detour which is library for navigation (that is not developed by HB team) Im not sure if this tools is supported under x64, but if not they would need rewrite it. (Demo that shows what is it https://youtu.be/gYnfWx4cBEs)

Another library is Newtonsoft.Json used for serialize/deserialize Json data stream - Not written by HB team, but should have x64 bit support

Next one is library called GreyMagic - that is core library used by HB to read/write memory. This one was written by Apoc back in 2012 - only support 32bit (more here [Release] GreyMagic - The best of both worlds, and then some)

Last one is RemoteASM - Im not sure, but probably written by HB team as 32bit library (Imho biggest obstacle for x64 HB)- Library used for supporting ASM instruction in C# language (since C# by default doesn´t support ASM). ASM is lowest form of program language and is very different for 32bit and 64bit processors. If you want know more about it, here is 3511 pages Developer Manual from Intel http://www.intel.com/content/dam/ww...tectures-software-developer-manual-325462.pdf and same thing for AMD processors can be found here Developer Guides, Manuals & ISA Documents - AMD (Because on this level, Intel and AMD are different)

Another problem with ASM is, that Intel and AMD asm language is little bit different. They are pretty same under 32bit, but can be pain under 64bit.

64bit programming is more tricky, than 32bit, because currently on modern OS 32bit application is running in some sort of virtual machine. Since part of HB is written on lowest level, on which program can be written, there are also some problems with compatibility for each processor, each motherboard etc...

And that is only part running on your PC. There are other parts of HB that run on Bossland´s servers (like Tripwire technology backend)

And what is benefit of rewriting HB to 64bit? Nothing. Because even on 64bit, HB communicate with WoW exactly same and this way cannot be changed, only little bit modified. Blizz is not looking, if you are running 32bit WoW on 64bit OS, but they are looking how WoW is modified by HB. They don´t update Warden on 64bit as fast as on 32bit, because they know, that there is no bot for 64bit that you can buy. Yes, if you are developer, you can write your own x64 bot from scratch.

Also don´t forgot, that there are several other 32bit-only bots, that were not hit by this banwave. This banwave was targeted only on HB, so 32bit WoW wasn´t part of detection.

So PLEASE stop b*tching about 64bit HB only because you saw OC topic "32bit warden updated" in which you don´t understand single word.
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Ok I will elaborate. First I have account, that wasn´t botted, but was played by hand on same PC as bots, so I was using 32bit WoW on 64bit OS and account is not banned.

Problem with x64 HB - HB is not only one program. There are tools that buddy team use for developement and also support tools that are used by HB.

One of them is Recast/Detour which is library for navigation (that is not developed by HB team) Im not sure if this tools is supported under x64, but if not they would need rewrite it. (Demo that shows what is it https://youtu.be/gYnfWx4cBEs)

Another library is Newtonsoft.Json used for serialize/deserialize Json data stream - Not written by HB team, but should have x64 bit support

Next one is library called GreyMagic - that is core library used by HB to read/write memory. This one was written by Apoc back in 2012 - only support 32bit (more here [Release] GreyMagic - The best of both worlds, and then some)

Last one is RemoteASM - Im not sure, but probably written by HB team as 32bit library (Imho biggest obstacle for x64 HB)- Library used for supporting ASM instruction in C# language (since C# by default doesn´t support ASM). ASM is lowest form of program language and is very different for 32bit and 64bit processors. If you want know more about it, here is 3511 pages Developer Manual from Intel http://www.intel.com/content/dam/ww...tectures-software-developer-manual-325462.pdf

Another problem with ASM is, that Intel and AMD asm language is little bit different. They are pretty same under 32bit, but can be pain under 64bit.

64bit programming is more tricky, than 32bit, because currently on modern OS 32bit application is running in some sort of virtual machine. Since part of HB is written on lowest level, on which program can be written, there are also some problems with compatibility for each processor, each motherboard etc...

And that is only part running on your PC. There are other parts of HB that run on Bossland´s servers (like Tripwire technology backend)

And what is benefit of rewriting HB to 64bit? Nothing. Because even on 64bit, HB communicate with WoW exactly same and this way cannot be changed, only little bit modified. Blizz is not looking, if you are running 32bit WoW on 64bit OS, but they are looking how WoW is modified by HB. They don´t update Warden on 64bit as fast as on 32bit, because they know, that there is no bot for 64bit that you can buy. Yes, if you are developer, you can write your own x64 bot from scratch.

Also don´t forgot, that there are several other 32bit-only bots, that were not hit by this banwave. This banwave was targeted only on HB, so 32bit WoW wasn´t part of detection.

So PLEASE stop b*tching about 64bit HB only because you saw OC topic "32bit warden updated" in which you don´t understand single word.

Could not have said it better :)
Yes is does make a difference whither you run 64 bit or 32 bit wow client. Your system might be 64 bit processor but HB and other Bot software all use 32 bit wow client, so this cuts down on how many clients blizzard has to actually look at. out if 7.1 mill they only need to look at anyone running the 32 bit wow client. OMG go figure 1.8-2.0 million. If you being the missing link of smarts cannot figure out that 32 bit will be all that is needed to narrow down the accounts using bot programs then you have issues. So we need the 64 bit so then blizzard can try like hell to find all of the bots. They will on the 32 bit client users but not so much on the 64 bit.

Why you discuss things you have ZERO knowledge in?
Lets say you dup3d some spectrals or used some expl0its from some forums to get 1-700 profession for free for example. You think x64 expl0iters were not banned? Blizz does not check specifically x64 or x32, they check more specific things. You can do some research about that... Every single expl0it user (1-700 or other public things) were permabanned, no matter what system they used.
Why you discuss things you have ZERO knowledge in?
Lets say you dup3d some spectrals or used some expl0its from some forums to get 1-700 profession for free for example. You think x64 expl0iters were not banned? Blizz does not check specifically x64 or x32, they check more specific things. You can do some research about that... Every single expl0it user (1-700 or other public things) were permabanned, no matter what system they used.

Could say the same to you.. Your references have nothing to do with each other..exploiting the game and using a bot to automate legal(game legal) actions very different things...

The devs will go to 64 bit when they feel they need to, at this time there is no advantage To going to 64bit,HB would have been detected regardless.. This will remain being the case, all evidence points to HB being detected via a scanned method, running x64 would not have solved this issue..

IMO HB needs to hide its self, let it attach it's self to other random executables on your system really mix things up
Well my friend who barely logs into wow let alone bots was questing very little this was a month ago, she copped suspension using kicks quests, so approximately one month ago her computer was detected with hb running in a very short time frame and they didn't need to watch her account for long was instant flag and suspension so what ever detected her they must have had a nice piece of code that responded fast I barely even see her online, they nabbed her fast maybe she quested for half an hour and that is all it took. What I find really odd the fact shes never online and she gets picked up and I am on all the time lol, it was nice to rub it in and tell her she was caught and I am safe ;D
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