Can you tell me something, Account says banned GM told me suspention so which is it?
Ythasat 21:24:53
The account flagging is banned, but its only for 6 months. Not a perma-ban.
Ythasat 21:25:02
So its being treated as a suspension
youat 21:25:03
Ahhh okay better news lol was worried
Ythasat 21:25:20
youat 21:25:59
GM said something about 3rd party. Which blizz reads ram from the wow folder does that include addons like battle grounds targets ect?
youat 21:26:25
Im trying not to lose my account forever if you know what i mean i been played for eons and have alot of money and time invested
youat 21:27:03
Sorry for so many questions
Ythasat 21:27:12
All I can say about the action is that what was detected was checked manually by multiple parties before the action was taken...we did not act blindly because we know it was a very serious matter.
Ythasat 21:27:42
More than that, I am not at liberty to say in regard to the action taken
youat 21:28:01
Of course dont want you introuble with the boss guys lol
Ythasat 21:28:17

Ythasat 21:28:26
Was there anything else I can look into for you this evening?
Ythasat 21:28:27

youat 21:28:22
How can i learn what addons i may or may not run can you answer that ?
Ythasat 21:29:03
Addons are fine, as long as they do not automate any process. If its something that allows you to walk away and it keeps playing, that is a no no
youat 21:28:55
because you guys have a addons tab which kinda made me confused because blizz says any 3rd party software can get you banned
Ythasat 21:29:26
We do not have a problem with addons, only automation
youat 21:29:17
Ahhh okay makes sence
youat 21:30:10
Well my friend thank you for changing the email and answering my few questions i hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday
Ythasat 21:30:28
You as well, have a good one!
Orc Chat Peonat 21:30:31
The representative has closed this chat session.