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Honorbuddy Announcement 21th May 2015

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Morning guys,

from the timeframe some friends of mine had their accounts banned (I dind't because of a 3 month wow break; pretty much botted 24/7 on 2 accounts before that) I would say that blizzard collected the data 2 month prior to the banwave. Otherwise there would have been no chance that I go unbanned. Looking forward to the new release, Wow is just not as fun without HB :) Thanks for the hard work team and your current support!!!
As much as I love honorbuddy I won't use it again until you know what caused the bans. Right now you're purely speculating which is pretty dangerous. Anybody who uses HB once it comes back can expect another ban because you don't know what you're looking for.
Maybe bossland knows stuff but he said he doesn't to trick Blizzard, because they probably read this forum...


I thought this aswell but do you really think they would try these tactics losing potential customers in the process?
if i was a millionaire like the makers of HB (presumption) i wouldnt care how many people use HB now as im made for life, so for me its just a game of cat and mouse between HB and Blizz.
I thought this aswell but do you really think they would try these tactics losing potential customers in the process?

absolutely because it's inline with what everyone ALWAYS says.

don't bot accounts you can't live without.
I thought this aswell but do you really think they would try these tactics losing potential customers in the process?

People that leave this community only because they got banned now the first time are retarded, especially those bitching arround as they were so stupid and used it on their main accounts. It always was is and will be the #1 rule in botting: Only bot with accounts you don't care about. Easy as shit. If people are too stupid to understand this basic rule, they shouldn't bot at all. Period.

People that know and trust this team for years, won't leave only because they lost some accounts now. The buddyteam never handed out information on what they changed/improved in detail (security wise) and that is good.
Problem is the line "we dont know what happend", before i trusted that if you wasnt in a speciel kind of retard class(pvp botters) or a suicide farmer (hardcore gold farmers) you was pretty safe.

Useing the bot now in the current state is for people who couldnt care less if they get banned, i used bot cause of beeing lazy.. Garrisons / lvling / rep farm - and for that use, its not worth it atm.

Ye flame me for the pvp botters line, but people useing a program to get the upperhand in a competition sport is like steriode users... Not willing to work, but want it all FAST! Leaving people who work for it, feel less acomplished.. good job drooling ignorant small ball fucks.

Bossland et al,

A strong suggestion. Do not give us a release yet. Find what went wrong first. Re-establish some sense of trust in the software. It's better to wait another week or two and get a better product than for us to get hit again. Stop worrying about the screamers who are begging for the bot to launch. Another week or even two will not kill us. But you coming out with a solid bot will put a hole in Blizz. They want to finish you off.

My view is different than most. They want you in a really bad position. That is no more funds coming in and still having to spend money in the courts. If you launch now, and allow yourself to make some more funds but you get detected again your rep will die and no one will buy the bot going forward. If you wait and find out what happened and then release you will be in a much better position as it may take Blizz a much longer time to find a way to hit us again. We all know nothing is 100% guaranteed but giving in to whiners at this point will surely kill the bot if we get detected once more.

This is my opinion. I believe we were detected. How I have no clue but I believe we were. I did very little botting in the past few weeks. One 8 hr stretch of farming fur every 3 to 4 days and some garrison. It's not time related in the sense of tons of hrs as I probably botted 15-20 hrs a wk tops probably less.

Just don't do the release. Find out what went wrong and fix it. Releasing the bot now serves no real purpose unless you have a working solution to the problem. I recall times past where a month would be reasonable for something of this magnitude. Now one week and we going crazy.

Honestly it makes no difference when HB is released again, Blizz have already ban-wave 2. prepared, just waiting for HB release to 'do' the final blow on HB. So expect this happening no matter what ever HB DEV identified and fixed. Nothing yet proved that HB was detectable, so this might just be a simple revenge act from loosing the trial, ban everyone of the suspected list gathered and tell the World they all where HB users.
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People that leave this community only because they got banned now the first time are retarded, especially those bitching arround as they were so stupid and used it on their main accounts. It always was is and will be the #1 rule in botting: Only bot with accounts you don't care about. Easy as shit. If people are too stupid to understand this basic rule, they shouldn't bot at all. Period.

People that know and trust this team for years, won't leave only because they lost some accounts now. The buddyteam never handed out information on what they changed/improved in detail (security wise) and that is good.

I agree I joined knowing the risk still not banned, but always anticipate in losing my account, I don't get why people carry on like it is someones fault when all the warning signs have been clearly evident at the end of the day Blizzard will do as they please with their game, they create rules if you breach them and are caught only the end user is responsible for his/her actions. HB is still a great working bot regardless and I didn't care to lose my account the moment I paid for a lifetime key so what is any different now, may get banned may not no different from day one really.
Maybe some people don't understand this. Blizzard made it pretty freaking clear that they weren't going to condone cheating. Let me point this out for you.

1. They made a blue post telling people that had recently just taken action against numerous people found using third party software.
2. Holinka tweeted that you shouldn't be cheating. He also went on to say that he wants to fix PVP and it is impossible with people using third party software for an advantage.
3. People were given 6 month bans as a warning more or less, you can bet your ass that it will be permanent the next time around.
4. Along with it being a 6 month ban, Blizzard has clearly refused to appeal these decisions and it is because "TADA!" They have a detection method that they have used to figure out that you have been using a third party program.

For point number 4 let me better elaborate this for all the idiot skeptics and the people who clearly have no idea how programs operate and how Blizzard gathers it's information.

-Blizzard has to scan it's own process to realize if their is a potential hook into it based off how the program responds when Blizzard is sending packets to it. Through API's, Blizzard can regulate and discern the difference between what a normal 32-bit client would operate as and how the now-hooked 32-bit client is running. When they test this theory against all other known API's Blizzard can make the assumption that your client is hooked and that you are automating commands.

-Much like on private servers there are automated systems that can catch and snag things in the packets that are being sent to the server. The same way private servers can pick up on people who are fly hacking etc. This sends a signal back to Blizzard which in turns cause a flag to happen. This is how they protect themselves versus people who try to modify the packets with programs like CheatEngine and other tools that manipulate the game in a way not authorized.

-Your account is always subject to ban based on personal investigation by the GM and support staff, You are an idiot if you think that Blizzard hasn't collected information on bot behavior over the last few months and probably even longer. People who report you for cheating will automatically flag your account but that is more of a novelty. If I walked around WoW and reported everyone for cheating it would be stupid right? They all going to get banned? The reason they have this tool for people to report you for cheating is so that the support staff can tell how many times you have been reported. etc, etc. Let's say a person who has been flagged for cheating 3 times doesn't look as dramatic as someone who has been botting battlegrounds or farming gold and has been reported 150 times. These are all tracked via time stamp and collected in a database. Character info is linked back to account info, other characters can then also be seen to see how many reports they have had on them. Making sense now?

These are just a few of the tools that they have to use. These are fairly common in just about any of the MMO games out there and have been staples to catching exploiters for years. With any combination of these, Blizzard can justify themselves for closing your account. Ban waves happen all at once for the following reasons:

-GM's don't need to invest as much time in investigations that are from account to account
-It makes an impression on the player base of the game so people can witness first hand that Blizzard is, in fact, paying attention to the whining sheeple.
-Blizzard can control the rate it loses and gains subs at easier by introducing things(IE Game time tokens that were purchased with millions and millions of exploited gold) that make the botters do the work for Blizz. You just handed out the gold that players are buying for real money and complaining about you being a botter. Get what I am saying?
-Huge increase in key sales for people trying to recover and get back into the game is as good as having all their subs buy another expansion all over again. BOOM! $ signs going off.

You would be an idiot to think that Blizzard is going to let people start botting again. If they continue to ban in waves you can rest assured that another one will come before the season ends. Before new content comes out, etc. Alls that have to do is Ban inbetween seasons and patches and your work is equated to nothing. What do you think players will say as soon as they see bots again in battlegrounds? farming gold? running AH scripts? Combat routines? They are going to be pissed. You think Blizzard is just going to stand back and not doing anything again for 5 years?

Bot if you want but you can mark my words that the ban is imminent.
There have been rumours, spread by Blizzard, that over 100,000 WOW Accounts have been banned during the ban wave on 13th May 2015 and that they are most likely all Honorbuddy users. We have to dispute this; there has never been that many active Honorbuddy users.

There are lots of Honorbuddy users you don't even know.
Jesus, 24 pages thread... took me some time to read it all

Anyways, my personal opinion is Blizz and Bossland are playing cat and dog, and its ok, I bet their "CSI" are having a ball, we all know blizzard prefers to die then to tell us how we were caught, on the other hand Bossland wont tell if they found out what is going on... there, made my point?

Anyways BL needs us to play again with HB and see if they were right, or not, even if they dont know what happened, then they need ginny pigs to mess around with new accounts and such... now my problem with that, is that Blizzard will wait a couple of months to give us a new wave ban so BL will have a hard time, and we as well wont know for sure if we have our accoutnts at least 2 more years or so

Now, for what I have been reading, and there is very good posts of several people here, one thing would help a ton, to turn off afk pvp... but you cant, many wouldnt like, aight no problem, then a couple of them said make it a diferent HB to use only enyo and paid CR? Even charge a new key for that? Me, and many others, only want to raid with it... hell, only thing I used was payed CR, but never auto interrupt, auto move, auto heal, auto whatever, not even auto target, just wanted it to press the mofo buttons as my hands are not what they used to be 11 years ago... and I got banned... my gf didnt, and she afked bot her brains up, the only diference is she doesnt play for the last couple of months...

Anyhow, if HB gets up and runing ill buy a new account, have some fun etc, and help you guys with new info, I donno how much BL does, if they rich or not, but if you got the money try and hire good awesome ppl at programing and detecting sheit, there is tons of ppl unemployed, tons of little genius at home playig games, you can even do a awesome contest asking ppl to write some code, and hire the best of them ;)

The reason I joined HB comunity, was seeing people that always were bad players turning out to be awesome dpsers in raids, I thought to myself, this cant be true, I know this people for years, they suck, and now they rock, started to do some research, and found out HB, tried it myself, and now I know why... but now im adicted, I dont want no more key punching... but you should ban the HB for pvp, thats totaly unfair for people that try and have some fun (I saw the video of EOS battles)


Edit: on a side note, I noticed in EU the token is more expensive then ever, and with a flat line for 40k-42k, when I was banned was always 35k-42k curve... how can this be? So less gold (all botters banned) less buying tokens, they should be more cheap? Cause we botters would never be the token sellers making them cheaper? something is realy wrong, blizzard playing it so players would be more atracted to buy 20euros "monthly fees"?
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Maybe some people don't understand this. Blizzard made it pretty freaking clear that they weren't going to condone cheating. Let me point this out for you.

1. They made a blue post telling people that had recently just taken action against numerous people found using third party software.
2. Holinka tweeted that you shouldn't be cheating. He also went on to say that he wants to fix PVP and it is impossible with people using third party software for an advantage.
3. People were given 6 month bans as a warning more or less, you can bet your ass that it will be permanent the next time around.
4. Along with it being a 6 month ban, Blizzard has clearly refused to appeal these decisions and it is because "TADA!" They have a detection method that they have used to figure out that you have been using a third party program.

For point number 4 let me better elaborate this for all the idiot skeptics and the people who clearly have no idea how programs operate and how Blizzard gathers it's information.

-Blizzard has to scan it's own process to realize if their is a potential hook into it based off how the program responds when Blizzard is sending packets to it. Through API's, Blizzard can regulate and discern the difference between what a normal 32-bit client would operate as and how the now-hooked 32-bit client is running. When they test this theory against all other known API's Blizzard can make the assumption that your client is hooked and that you are automating commands.

-Much like on private servers there are automated systems that can catch and snag things in the packets that are being sent to the server. The same way private servers can pick up on people who are fly hacking etc. This sends a signal back to Blizzard which in turns cause a flag to happen. This is how they protect themselves versus people who try to modify the packets with programs like CheatEngine and other tools that manipulate the game in a way not authorized.

-Your account is always subject to ban based on personal investigation by the GM and support staff, You are an idiot if you think that Blizzard hasn't collected information on bot behavior over the last few months and probably even longer. People who report you for cheating will automatically flag your account but that is more of a novelty. If I walked around WoW and reported everyone for cheating it would be stupid right? They all going to get banned? The reason they have this tool for people to report you for cheating is so that the support staff can tell how many times you have been reported. etc, etc. Let's say a person who has been flagged for cheating 3 times doesn't look as dramatic as someone who has been botting battlegrounds or farming gold and has been reported 150 times. These are all tracked via time stamp and collected in a database. Character info is linked back to account info, other characters can then also be seen to see how many reports they have had on them. Making sense now?

These are just a few of the tools that they have to use. These are fairly common in just about any of the MMO games out there and have been staples to catching exploiters for years. With any combination of these, Blizzard can justify themselves for closing your account. Ban waves happen all at once for the following reasons:

-GM's don't need to invest as much time in investigations that are from account to account
-It makes an impression on the player base of the game so people can witness first hand that Blizzard is, in fact, paying attention to the whining sheeple.
-Blizzard can control the rate it loses and gains subs at easier by introducing things(IE Game time tokens that were purchased with millions and millions of exploited gold) that make the botters do the work for Blizz. You just handed out the gold that players are buying for real money and complaining about you being a botter. Get what I am saying?
-Huge increase in key sales for people trying to recover and get back into the game is as good as having all their subs buy another expansion all over again. BOOM! $ signs going off.

You would be an idiot to think that Blizzard is going to let people start botting again. If they continue to ban in waves you can rest assured that another one will come before the season ends. Before new content comes out, etc. Alls that have to do is Ban inbetween seasons and patches and your work is equated to nothing. What do you think players will say as soon as they see bots again in battlegrounds? farming gold? running AH scripts? Combat routines? They are going to be pissed. You think Blizzard is just going to stand back and not doing anything again for 5 years?

Bot if you want but you can mark my words that the ban is imminent.

Are you GM of WOW or maybe was one of them ? Sounds like you are . . .
you people are so full of phony balony its coming out your ears....

How sad is it that you sit in a chair and make up crap propaganda without knowing anything for sure....Hell you dont even know anything for not sure your are just throwing poo at the troll wall and seeing what sticks.

Just sad.
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