Jesus, 24 pages thread... took me some time to read it all
Anyways, my personal opinion is Blizz and Bossland are playing cat and dog, and its ok, I bet their "CSI" are having a ball, we all know blizzard prefers to die then to tell us how we were caught, on the other hand Bossland wont tell if they found out what is going on... there, made my point?
Anyways BL needs us to play again with HB and see if they were right, or not, even if they dont know what happened, then they need ginny pigs to mess around with new accounts and such... now my problem with that, is that Blizzard will wait a couple of months to give us a new wave ban so BL will have a hard time, and we as well wont know for sure if we have our accoutnts at least 2 more years or so
Now, for what I have been reading, and there is very good posts of several people here, one thing would help a ton, to turn off afk pvp... but you cant, many wouldnt like, aight no problem, then a couple of them said make it a diferent HB to use only enyo and paid CR? Even charge a new key for that? Me, and many others, only want to raid with it... hell, only thing I used was payed CR, but never auto interrupt, auto move, auto heal, auto whatever, not even auto target, just wanted it to press the mofo buttons as my hands are not what they used to be 11 years ago... and I got banned... my gf didnt, and she afked bot her brains up, the only diference is she doesnt play for the last couple of months...
Anyhow, if HB gets up and runing ill buy a new account, have some fun etc, and help you guys with new info, I donno how much BL does, if they rich or not, but if you got the money try and hire good awesome ppl at programing and detecting sheit, there is tons of ppl unemployed, tons of little genius at home playig games, you can even do a awesome contest asking ppl to write some code, and hire the best of them
The reason I joined HB comunity, was seeing people that always were bad players turning out to be awesome dpsers in raids, I thought to myself, this cant be true, I know this people for years, they suck, and now they rock, started to do some research, and found out HB, tried it myself, and now I know why... but now im adicted, I dont want no more key punching... but you should ban the HB for pvp, thats totaly unfair for people that try and have some fun (I saw the video of EOS battles)
Edit: on a side note, I noticed in EU the token is more expensive then ever, and with a flat line for 40k-42k, when I was banned was always 35k-42k curve... how can this be? So less gold (all botters banned) less buying tokens, they should be more cheap? Cause we botters would never be the token sellers making them cheaper? something is realy wrong, blizzard playing it so players would be more atracted to buy 20euros "monthly fees"?