Where is best place to report quest issues? i.e. Nida's Necklace needs search area expanded further south of bridge.
Aaah now I understand! Aight mate take your time and thanks for throwing up Festival quests!System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to load new profile, file not found!
File name: 'F:\HB - Druid\Default Profiles\TBMC\Holiday\Fire Festival\Kalimdor\[Hol] Kalimdor Keeper Extinguish H [Brodie].xml'
The profiles are not available yet because I haven't released them, until Fire Festival goes live in my time zone and can test them.
I will be releasing an e-mail notification when they are live. Should be around 1430 EST. Primary release will be EK/Kalim and Outlands, Northrend and Pandaria will come later tonight.
Right here. Is it not reaching the search area? Or does it just need a larger one.
The glittering mud was further south than the furthest point she searched so was looping around north of the bridge. Does it run the waypoints in order, or are they random? If random it could have been just an unlucky set of rolls. I watched her make the circuit about 3 times.
it isnt that the quest is done brodie its that i cant recieve the quest. Idk why but I can not pick the quest up I cant find the quest it is one of those that pop up and i never did it but the bot keeps trying to do the quest but since there is no quest it just gets stuck.
Sorry if this has already been answered I have checked and double checked. I thought you could use this to grind coins and chests in Timeless Isle for gear? I dont see those options in the grind section? Can someone please explain how to get rolling on getting some gear for a fresh 90?
Timeless Coins (Mob Grind, Item turnins, full lower tier Chest support, partial quest support)
Timeless Chests (Spend all your coins on keys)
<!-- A Second Hand -->
<PickUp QuestName="A Second Hand" QuestId="30534" GiverName="Tillers Shrine" GiverId="215705" />
<Objective QuestName="A Second Hand" QuestId="30534" Type="KillMob" MobId="59674" KillCount="1" />
<TurnIn QuestName="A Second Hand" QuestId="30534" TurnInName="Tillers Shrine" TurnInId="215705" />
<!-- Quest Giver for Work Order Start -->
<GameObject Name="Work Orders" Entry="218750" X="-178.1979" Y="626.8507" Z="168.1834" />
<!-- Work Order: The August Celestials I -->
<PickUp QuestName="Work Order: The August Celestials I" QuestId="32653" GiverName="" GiverId="" />
<Objective QuestName="Work Order: The August Celestials I" QuestId="32653" Type="KillMob" MobId="66736" KillCount="8" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Work Order: The August Celestials I" QuestId="32653" TurnInName="" TurnInId="" />
<!-- Work Order: Golden Lotus I -->
<PickUp QuestName="Work Order: Golden Lotus I" QuestId="32647" GiverName="" GiverId="" />
<Objective QuestName="Work Order: Golden Lotus I" QuestId="32647" Type="KillMob" MobId="65485" KillCount="8" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Work Order: Golden Lotus I" QuestId="32647" TurnInName="" TurnInId="" />
<!-- Work Order: Shado-Pan I -->
<PickUp QuestName="Work Order: Shado-Pan I" QuestId="32649" GiverName="" GiverId="" />
<Objective QuestName="Work Order: Shado-Pan I" QuestId="32649" Type="KillMob" MobId="65479" KillCount="8" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Work Order: Shado-Pan I" QuestId="32649" TurnInName="" TurnInId="" />
<!-- Work Order: Work Order: The Klaxxi II -->
<PickUp QuestName="Work Order: The Klaxxi II" QuestId="32659" GiverName="Empty Crate" GiverId="218765" />
<Objective QuestName="Work Order: The Klaxxi II" QuestId="32659" Type="KillMob" MobId="70192" KillCount="8" />
<Objective QuestName="Work Order: The Klaxxi II" QuestId="32659" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="74842" CollectCount="40" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Work Order: The Klaxxi II" QuestId="32659" TurnInName="Empty Crate" TurnInId="218765" />
<!-- Work Order: Kirin Tor Offensive II -->
<PickUp QuestName="Work Order: Kirin Tor Offensive II" QuestId="32945" GiverName="Empty Crate" GiverId="218765" />
<Objective QuestName="Work Order: Kirin Tor Offensive II" QuestId="32945" Type="KillMob" MobId="66907" KillCount="8" />
<Objective QuestName="Work Order: Kirin Tor Offensive II" QuestId="32945" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="74841" CollectCount="40" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Work Order: Kirin Tor Offensive II" QuestId="32945" TurnInName="Empty Crate" TurnInId="218765" />
Found another issue with the Tillers.
Current Reputation: Exalted
Tillers is an interesting rep as it has sub-reputations. The farmer by the player crops, has all the quests completed, and as such he is now on "the council", which means he is no longer near the fields. Mossy rock has been removed as well which is a quest preceding that.
Once all farm addons and expansions have been fully unlocked, this NPC is then replaced with a billboard that contains 4 dailies, and a quest to get a helper farmhand from one of the other NPC's you are "best friend" with.
Following is the log for what happens when beginning Tillers quests: View attachment 133610
Player keeps running between the first group of player crops, and back to where the farmer used to stand. Infinite loop.
Expected Result
Skip the player Farmer quests since they are 100% completed, and continue on with each of the dailies offered to become "best friend" with all remaining NPC's. Note, once you have become "best friend", each NPC gives/does something different every day. For example, Jogu, will give you free advice on what to plant instead of charging 25 gold.
For now, I will see if I can remove the segments pertaining to this persons quest chains so that I may continue the dailies. If you need some assistance in this section, I can provide what I can regarding Quest NPC's available and such .. may need a bit of help for listing quests available from the billboard, etc. --- also, the Billboard is interesting... gives 5 quests, but due to farm size, you can only complete two, which lead to two more that can be completed once your crops have been harvested. (Grow 8, then harvest and use 8 to gain Klaxxi, etc rep).
Sorry!!! Looks like I didnt have it updated first and restart HB. One more quick question. Do you still need a separate plugin to have it click yes to equip BoAs? If so any recommendations?
Can u have a look at this mate?
Sorry mate , well it just keep repeating that. The bot wont move.
I, unfortunately, can't tell what it is trying to attack. Singular seems to be doing this on its own. Are you, by chance on any kind of mount? Did it successfully "mount" one of the encroaching weeds? It does show trying to click the popup button that should appear, but I can't tell from the log if it's successful (assuming no due to the length of time it takes to complete that stage of the profile).
I'm thinking the plugin is broken with today's update? I tried extracting it to the Plugins folder, and when I do, none of the plugins are recognized
[18:41:39.142 N] H: 1434837640
[18:41:40.220 N] Winterbuddy v1.0.465.173 started
[18:41:40.947 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Nyx.Utilities.Plugins.IPlugin> - Initializing plugins
[18:41:41.688 N] Compiler Error: h:\Winterbuddy\Plugins\CitsuHelper\CitsuHelper.cs(302,92) : error CS0117: 'Nyx.Game.Internals.Inventory.InvBagID' does not contain a definition for 'Mount'
[18:41:41.688 N] Compiler Error: h:\Winterbuddy\Plugins\CitsuHelper\Features\GlobalHelper.cs(103,76) : error CS0117: 'Nyx.Game.Internals.Inventory.InvBagID' does not contain a definition for 'Mount'
[18:41:41.688 N] Compiler Error: h:\Winterbuddy\Plugins\CitsuHelper\Features\GlobalHelper.cs(131,80) : error CS0117: 'Nyx.Game.Internals.Inventory.InvBagID' does not contain a definition for 'Mount'
[18:41:41.958 D] There are 0 plugins