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HB ARCHIVES: TheBrodieman's Profile Compendium--DO NOT DELETE

LootMobs Tag error

[18:51:22.403 N] Loaded TheBrodieMan's Compendium (Public Version) v2.0.0
[18:51:22.403 N] Please Wait While [Brodies Plugin] Checks For Updates, This MAY Take Several Minutes
[18:51:22.770 N] [Brodies Plugin] is at Rev $72 and is up to date!
[18:51:23.170 N] [Brodies QB Updater] is at Rev $47 and is up to date!
[18:51:23.629 N] [Brodies Profile Updater] is at Rev $272 and is up to date!
[18:52:23.064 D] Loading profile from S:\GAMES\HB2new\Default Profiles\TBMC\Reputation\TMOPDE\[Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie].xml
[18:52:23.087 D] XML Error: Unknown tag "LootMobs" (Input: "<LootMobs>True</LootMobs>") in "HBProfile"! - On line 10
LootMobs Tag error

[18:51:22.403 N] Loaded TheBrodieMan's Compendium (Public Version) v2.0.0
[18:51:22.403 N] Please Wait While [Brodies Plugin] Checks For Updates, This MAY Take Several Minutes
[18:51:22.770 N] [Brodies Plugin] is at Rev $72 and is up to date!
[18:51:23.170 N] [Brodies QB Updater] is at Rev $47 and is up to date!
[18:51:23.629 N] [Brodies Profile Updater] is at Rev $272 and is up to date!
[18:52:23.064 D] Loading profile from S:\GAMES\HB2new\Default Profiles\TBMC\Reputation\TMOPDE\[Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie].xml
[18:52:23.087 D] XML Error: Unknown tag "LootMobs" (Input: "<LootMobs>True</LootMobs>") in "HBProfile"! - On line 10

Yeah been meaning to get rid of that. It doesn't do anything. Just can't use that tag outside QuestOrder
I have a question. I know you're working on it as there are updates often, and you can't do it faster than you can, but will Outlands be done well before WoD?
Outlands will be redone in WoD, so it would be nice if we had time to complete it before then.
I have a question. I know you're working on it as there are updates often, and you can't do it faster than you can, but will Outlands be done well before WoD?
Outlands will be redone in WoD, so it would be nice if we had time to complete it before then.

I was not aware of any changes being done to outlands post WoD release. But to return to my original response to "when" questions: Precisely when it means to be.

EDIT: Only changes I see coming so far is the location of the access point to Outlands possibly being relocated to the Caverns of Time.
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Hello i just bought the bot and don't know what to do. I saw your profile has got daily quest system. I just wanna do dailies, can you guide me a little ?
I make no guarantees as to the level of your gear to your survivability. I don't do any checks that check whether or not you can survive a specific mob. Sorry. The profile is designed to only pull specific creatures. While some do come in groups, avoiding group ones would mean that it only pulls one or two possible locations overall. There is no instruction to tell it to pull one group, and then another. If it is pulling multiple groups like this, it isn't because the profile tells it to. The "jumping off the cliff" issue is because the bot is trying to avoid a spell. However the avoidance code tells it only to strafe left or right while circling around a fixed point, the fixed point being the mob itself. If you are a ranged character, standing at 30 yards out, this will create a very large circle. Only way for me to truly fix that is to have the profile only farm in the dead center of the plateau, or not avoid spells. I have tried to have it walk towards the creature, but sometimes will walk back considering that too close is not safe spot and it wants to move further away. I apologize that the bulk of my testing is done with melee characters.

No need to apologise, I have in fact been testing on Melee character, is there no way to blacklist certain coordinates? If you could avoid 52, 83 and also where the Chanters/Kilnmasters are, it would make it so much better in my opinion. Also, there is a very large difference between being able to kill the mobs at the lower part of the map, firewalker ruins and the higher part towards blazing way. I don't think its a good idea having them in the same profile. If you are wanting to start farming rep, most likely you are only capable of farming mobs down the bottom, until you get good gear anyway. Perhaps a switch between upper and lower is possible?
Yes, Outlands, lorewise, used to be Draenor. Then it was attacked and became Outlands. It will, as I've understood it, be remade to once again be Draenor.
Maybe it will be the new 60-70 area, I don't know. But I can't interpret it any other way. Some of the zones even have the same names.
Maybe it will be the new 60-70 area, I don't know. But I can't interpret it any other way. Some of the zones even have the same names.

So...what you're saying is that Blizzard's plan is to create a brand new area in the new expansion, one that will REPLACE the 60-70 area. This new area will be the new leveling zone for 60-70, and the level cap raising from 90 to 100 will be for...what? Since the new content is 60-70, which by the way makes no sense at all, how are we to ever expand upwards? And why would we go to Northrend after doing all the new content? Wouldn't it make MORE sense for the new content to be at the END of leveling? Say...between 90-100? And since the lore states that "Garrosh uses time-travel to go back in time to Draenor and link it with present day Azeroth using the Dark Portal", wouldn't it make sense that there are some areas that share the same names or similar environments, since Draenor IS where "the Outlands" takes place, just after years and years of war and invasion?

Please. Stop. Level 60-70 Outlands is not being removed. It is not being reshaped and changed into the new expansion content. It isn't being touched. The only part that is will be how to get there, since the Dark Portal is now going to become Draenor's anchor point to Azeroth. Access to the 60-70 questing zone is rumored to be moved to the Caverns of Time. When Blizz decides on this, they will let you know. Just accept this, and walk away.

Go into your achievement screen. Look up the achievement Dread Haste Makes Dread Waste under Quests/Pandaria. Check to see if it is completed, AND if the mark for The Might of the Klaxxi is checked off. (Yes, both.)
Then, go to your chat screen, and type: /run print("You have"..(GetQuestsCompleted()[31398] and "" or " not").." completed the quest.")
Hit enter, and see if it says whether or not you have done this.

If the feedback from the chat line says "You have not completed this quest." then you need to quest more in that area. If it says otherwise, then check the achievement. If the achievement is NOT achieved, then this is a wow bug, as both the quest and the achievement progress tick are bound together, and one shouldn't be complete without the other. If you DO have the achievement, AND you have the quest done, then this is what we call cache corruption.

Cache corruption is when WoW has sent the notification that you have completed/not completed a quest falsely, usually caused by multiple characters on one client over long periods of time. HB interprets the QuestCompleted list, and sometimes, the wrong info is returned to the bot, i.e. a quest we've already done isn't yet done, but actually is. When this occurs, simply close WoW and HB, delete the folders listed on page 1, in the Troubleshooting post, and then restart the programs. Do not attempt to do this while either is running: that's like making a copy of junk mail, throwing away the copy, and leaving the original on the kitchen table to come back to again.

If you reply to this posting, please return with more than "it didn't work". More information = more to go on. Less information...well you get the idea.
Im still Debugging :)

Hello again,
another minor bug issue:
leveling a "cow" warrior (lvl 45 - east/west plagueland). HB crashed (log attached), i suppose, due to a wrong quest id. In fact he was looking for:

[QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 27763, QuestName: To Fuselight Proper].
[18:07:40.366 D] Goal: Picking Up Quest - To Fuselight Proper : QuestID - 27763 : To - Eddie Flofizzle : ID - 46650

...in the Plagueland. But the quest has changed, the correct id is 27762, where you take the rocket that drops you in the Badland (then it start the 27763 ).

Manually deployed the cow in badland obviously solved the bug :)


A simple path problem while leveling in the badlands: The cow die more or less 12 times trying to navigate to a point crossing an ally camp :)
Log: wrong_path_on_ally_camp_1060 2014-04-03 20.10.txt

P.S.: I dont want to stress, im trying to "debug" the profile, but dunno if you like it or not broh' :) (no hurry, no stress, im just trying to help you out!) :D


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Hello again,
another minor bug issue:
leveling a "cow" warrior (lvl 45 - east/west plagueland). HB crashed (log attached), i suppose, due to a wrong quest id. In fact he was looking for:

[QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 27763, QuestName: To Fuselight Proper].
[18:07:40.366 D] Goal: Picking Up Quest - To Fuselight Proper : QuestID - 27763 : To - Eddie Flofizzle : ID - 46650

...in the Plagueland. But the quest has changed, the correct id is 27762, where you take the rocket that drops you in the Badland (then it start the 27763 ).

Manually deployed the cow in badland obviously solved the bug :)


A simple path problem while leveling in the badlands: The cow die more or less 12 times trying to navigate to a point crossing an ally camp :)
Log: wrong_path_on_ally_camp_1060 2014-04-03 20.10.txt

P.S.: I dont want to stress, im trying to "debug" the profile, but dunno if you like it or not broh' :) (no hurry, no stress, im just trying to help you out!) :D

Pathing across wrong faction camps should be addressed to the nav/mesh issues guys, since a blackspot on the alliance camp would cause alliance chars using the profile to have nav issues. Same if i did the horde camp on horde chars.

The issue you're seeing with Badlands is that it was starting the Badlands profile and I don't believe that "requires" you to grab the kicker quest. The quest in question that it wants to go get is there, no doubt, but the hang times were mesh loading times. Your log is literally all "Loading XXXX##_##" as it loads every mesh from EPL to Badlands. If you start the EPL profile manually, instead of letting the switcher choose based on your level, it should work as intended.
I know in the first post you said something about turning off profile swapper, can you explain how to do that? as of right now i cant use it for any of the dailys. dosent matter which ones i set it up for i get a message saying If You are seeing this message, it means ProfileSwapper did not load properly! thats with a fresh install of hb/plugin