So...what you're saying is that Blizzard's plan is to create a brand new area in the new expansion, one that will REPLACE the 60-70 area. This new area will be the new leveling zone for 60-70, and the level cap raising from 90 to 100 will be for...what? Since the new content is 60-70, which by the way makes no sense at all, how are we to ever expand upwards? And why would we go to Northrend after doing all the new content? Wouldn't it make MORE sense for the new content to be at the END of leveling? Say...between 90-100? And since the lore states that "Garrosh uses time-travel to go back in time to Draenor and link it with present day Azeroth using the Dark Portal", wouldn't it make sense that there are some areas that share the same names or similar environments, since Draenor IS where "the Outlands" takes place, just after years and years of war and invasion?
Please. Stop. Level 60-70 Outlands is not being removed. It is not being reshaped and changed into the new expansion content. It isn't being touched. The only part that is will be how to get there, since the Dark Portal is now going to become Draenor's anchor point to Azeroth. Access to the 60-70 questing zone is rumored to be moved to the Caverns of Time. When Blizz decides on this, they will let you know. Just accept this, and walk away.