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HB ARCHIVES: TheBrodieman's Profile Compendium--DO NOT DELETE

я полагал ваши профили могут фармить чемоданы на острове потеряного времени . а он может лишь монеты сливать на ключи. только имбицилу такая херня могла в ум придти.

If I'm translating this correctly: you're using the wrong profile. The one you want is the coin farmer, not the chest one. The chest one only opens chests that require the key you purchase, as is described in the description when you click on it. The other farms coins and chests you have yet to open (one time chests only)
tried it again and it used the hearthstone after doing the lotus set instead of just flying to the tillers, so im not sure but im guessing my problem is something with that?
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tried it again and it used the hearthstone after doing the lotus set instead of just flying to the tillers, so im not sure but im guessing my problem is something with that?

According to log, you were using a profile that had an error in it. Said error was corrected in a recent patch, so I'm assuming you hadn't yet grabbed this update. Reset HB and try again.
So...what you're saying is that Blizzard's plan is to create a brand new area in the new expansion, one that will REPLACE the 60-70 area. This new area will be the new leveling zone for 60-70, and the level cap raising from 90 to 100 will be for...what? Since the new content is 60-70, which by the way makes no sense at all, how are we to ever expand upwards? And why would we go to Northrend after doing all the new content? Wouldn't it make MORE sense for the new content to be at the END of leveling? Say...between 90-100? And since the lore states that "Garrosh uses time-travel to go back in time to Draenor and link it with present day Azeroth using the Dark Portal", wouldn't it make sense that there are some areas that share the same names or similar environments, since Draenor IS where "the Outlands" takes place, just after years and years of war and invasion?

Please. Stop. Level 60-70 Outlands is not being removed. It is not being reshaped and changed into the new expansion content. It isn't being touched. The only part that is will be how to get there, since the Dark Portal is now going to become Draenor's anchor point to Azeroth. Access to the 60-70 questing zone is rumored to be moved to the Caverns of Time. When Blizz decides on this, they will let you know. Just accept this, and walk away.

Outlands will not be touched. WOD is about before the fall to outlands meaning there will be a portal to take you back in time. Outland will not be touched moved or anything like you mentioned.

Also i just recently downloaded the plug-in sounds great will help test, but wondering is this meant for leveling or can i take my 90 there to do quests? since the npc wont aggro at lower levels just wondering if this will work.

You honestly are q genious with this stuff. would love to learn as well.
[InteractWith-v1340(fatal)] [PROFILE ERROR] ItemId(646300) has not arrived in our bag within 5s.

Felwood quest "Wisps of the Woods" - item ID should be 64300 (Swiftwind Switch). Probably a typo.

P.S: Until this problematic quest there were 2 times here in Felwood when i had to stop and start honorbuddy because it wasn't triggering something right. After the reset it worked fine so i didnt bother to memorize the quest names. One of them was about killing 12 mobs that were undercover. I think you had to use an item to phase into another dimension. But the bot did it after start/stop.
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Outlands will not be touched. WOD is about before the fall to outlands meaning there will be a portal to take you back in time. Outland will not be touched moved or anything like you mentioned.

Also i just recently downloaded the plug-in sounds great will help test, but wondering is this meant for leveling or can i take my 90 there to do quests? since the npc wont aggro at lower levels just wondering if this will work.

You honestly are q genious with this stuff. would love to learn as well.

Regardless of level this is designed to perform loremaster. The minimum level for this is 60. It is not intended to be used for leveling. It is flight capable, so having a flying mount will make it even more efficient. Eastern Kingdoms is done, and Kalimdor only has a few more areas left (slow now as I enter areas with complex quest behavior). Stay tuned for additions and info!
in Ashenvale -
"Too far Gone" & "A not-so-charmed life" quests happen in a cave but the bot just flies above it and gets stuck.

At the end of "In the hands of the Perverse" quest bot needs to exit the "vehicle" (tiger form) and turn in the quest. Instead he sits there and tries to turn in quest while in tiger form - which is not possible.
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ok, started fresh with a hearthstone and it seems to be working great, thanks
hey one silly but important problem
the in game update wont work, so how should I update to premium? How much should i donate?
hey one silly but important problem
the in game update wont work, so how should I update to premium? How much should i donate?

Premium or donations are not required for auto update. If you are having issues, please submit a log file here.
I'm sry, but i don't think i expressed myself clear enough. the link for updating to premium doesn't work. I want to use this one for classic reputations, so how can i become a premium user?
I can run the timeless profiles fine, but the dailies give me the profile switch problem and then end saying nothing else to do. Any ideas? Log attached.

Can you send the complete log as an attachment and not as a cut and paste snippet.
Is there a way to get the plugin to eat for a food buff if non exists and/or interact with items on the timeless isle that boost stats by 5% (timeless nutrient) such as the yak roasts, apples etc?
Is there a way to get the plugin to eat for a food buff if non exists and/or interact with items on the timeless isle that boost stats by 5% (timeless nutrient) such as the yak roasts, apples etc?

ObjectGatherer will interact with some of the objects on the isle, but not the food buff ones. I omitted that because I wanted to make the plugin more of a combat supplement that something that supercedes the profile/CR. Food buffs I don't know if there's a plugin for those out there. But I wouldn't add it in, because I guarantee someone would complain when their expensive food gets used up. It does use the Timeless Isle buff items as well as the Crystal of Insanity if you have one.
When I try to use the "August Celestials" dailies I get the following error:
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!