having some issues with flyers. Namely the mob "sapfly" in dread wastes. Its flying just above the level of "ground" so melee characters get stuck in a "moving to" loop even though its standing on top of them. I'm thinking its something about a distance check or something similar. I'm sorry that a log file is useless here. I scanned thru to the stuck spots, and all singular reported back was "[02:23:38.584 d] activity: Moving to sapfly" with a pause thereafter relating to the time it took for it to actually start (which involved me forcing it to walk back and forth, fighting the bot's urge to move underneath the mob, until the npc flew down to ground level).
Sorry for lack of more info.
Edit: Just noticed mykitty posted the same issue. The profile doesn't actually interact with or require the kills of these flies. Combat is initiated because of an item interaction, but the flies are too high to trigger melee combat. Why it doesn't use ranged spells for melle (dk's death grip, icy touch, etc) is beyond me as it would for oor mobs normally.
thebrodieman, thanks for the post and for the great work on all the profiles! I really need a log file to assist identifying the source of the issue, as things involving non-combat movement problems and situations where the character does not attack are usually due to the combat routine not being called. The message referenced:
[02:23:38.584 d] activity: Moving to sapfly"
is not a singular message (all singular messages have the prefix [singular] or [singular-debug]) so it implies either questing botbase or a qb is in control of the movement and issues with engaging the mob. If you or a member can get me a log file i'll dig into this deeper. To be able to assist, it is important that honorbuddy's log level is set to diagnostic when creating the log, otherwise there won't be enough detail for me to follow what was happening. Thanks for the post and let me know if i can be of further help, bobby53
Thanks for the kudos and yes I have the log to which I pulled this snippet from. Keep note of the time stamp, and you'll find that spot easy (or just search for Sapfly). I'll post it tonight when I get home.
EDIT: Here's the log!
thebrodieman, Thanks for the log. I searched for Sapfly and found occurrences, but don't see any indication of being stuck in a movement loop. There are some exception messages repeatedly output by Interactwith. In general, here are my observations:
- Possibly a different log file? I'm not seeing a movement message spam loop around the Sapfly appearance in the log file provided
- A lot of exceptions which appear to involve InteractWith, which is the quest behavior driving the interaction you are having the issue with. I think chinajade is your best bet on that, as exceptions disrupt the normal flow of execution and can cause unexpected behavior.
- Pull Distance was set to 0. Singular does not use this value, but it was used by HonorBuddy, Questing botbase, and InteractWith in determining whether to invoke Singular or not. As changes have occurred in these components, I don't know the current state but suggest always looking there first if something does not get attacked as expected. Since the character can never be 0 yards or less from the target, it disables those components from invoking Singular's Pull behavior which drastically alters how fights commence (no Pull means Rogues/Ferals dont stealth, casters begin combat in melee range, etc.)
Also if you see movement messages spamming, check to see if they are prefixed with [Singular] or not. If not, that movement originated somewhere else. Additionally, if there is movement occurring and no message output, it was not from Singular (if LogLevel is Verbose or Diagnostic.)
Hope that helps. Will message chinajade for review as well. -Bobby53