@bobby53 --
Bobby, I noticed when I was using this CR with LazyRaider, while questing, that it would continuously target and cast spells on targets that were within range. I had the options for targeting and taunting disabled, so in theory it should have stopped casting spells and should not have been targeting anything at all, but it was still auto targeting and casting on its own.
I know you won't be able to do anything as it stands because I didn't post a log file, which I don't have to post. This post was more of an afterthought rather than an immediate response to something happening. The issue was happening a few days ago while I was questing my warlock, and I clear my logs folder out daily because of the extra space the logs take up. The lock is level 90 now, and I no longer have a need to run the questing bot. When I start questing another toon, using Singular, I will post a log if it happens again.
This post was more to give a heads up of a possible issue. As I said, I know you can't really do anything about it now since you have no idea where to begin checking for issues. My apologies for not having a log file for you. Maybe this will just give you something to look at when you're bored or something, lol..