Thanks for your work.
But what I mean is that Bossland sold the bot at the time, with that singular as a base product, it was part of the functioning suite. All those questing, gathering, PVP BG, etc, it was dependant on Singular.
So Singular is actually one of the most important parts of the bot, and the fact that someone had to volunteer to take care of it, has shown a huge disrespect to early supporters of the bot, because it now feels that Singular is just a very bad bandage until you get a proper combat routine... paid from the shop.
You know what I mean?
I am in no way belittling your work, not at all, I am just surprised and sad that the buddy team just deliberately "forgot" their main botbase which is the combat logic, dare I say that all the rest depends on it.
And now we are left with a subpar product that is not fit for purpose, which is a shame.
I hear a lot of people I speak to, said they switched to the competition (because like me, they only use combat routines at all) and it also makes me ponder if I too should make the move. By necessity, not by because I dislike this product.
Bah, sorry for the honesty here, but I am upset and sad at all this because the only thing I use the bot for, is not working... and the only reason I even use combat routines is not because I raid or PVP, I dont ever do those things, but just regular questing and going about in the world... and I cannot do it at the moment because I have arthritis and a hand condition that makes the game unplayable without a combat routine.
I need some hugs right now ;'(