[23:04:39.092 D] Interacting with Leystone Deposit (GameObject Id: 241726)
[23:04:41.545 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Pinerock Stalker.56C8 lvl=110 h=100.0%, maxh=1039267, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=99481, faction=1711, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N
[23:04:42.003 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] 50
[23:04:46.802 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:29 Latency:65
[23:04:49.183 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: 12.6 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Combat)
[23:04:49.186 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Pinerock Stalker.56C8 h=100.0%, maxh=1039267, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=Y, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=1711, loss=Y, face=N, agro=Y, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[23:04:49.212 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 180 degrees (moving=N)
[23:04:49.214 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(PathGenerated): towards Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 3.7 yds
[23:04:49.106 D] Looting window did not open after interaction
[23:04:49.183 D] Changed POI to: Type: Harvest, NavType: Run
[23:04:49.212 N] [Singular] /startattack on Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 100.0% at 3.7 yds
[23:04:49.221 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: 12.6 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Heal)
[23:04:49.389 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] 253
[23:04:49.701 N] (Singular) .... h=81.6%/m=100.0%, mov=Y, mael=0, target=Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 2.0 yds, th=100.0%, tmelee=Y, tface=Y, tloss=Y, flame=0, frost=0
[23:04:49.231 N] [Singular] *Blood Fury on Me @ 81.6%
[23:04:49.717 N] [Singular] *Feral Spirit on Me @ 81.6%
[23:04:49.796 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStoppedWithinMelee: stopping because target at 1.0 yds
[23:04:51.073 N] (Singular) .... h=76.9%/m=100.0%, mov=N, mael=0, target=Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 1.0 yds, th=94.1%, tmelee=Y, tface=Y, tloss=Y, flame=0, frost=0
[23:04:51.090 N] [Singular] *Boulderfist on Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 94.1% at 1.0 yds
[23:04:52.443 N] (Singular) .... h=72.2%/m=100.0%, mov=N, mael=0, target=Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 1.0 yds, th=80.2%, tmelee=Y, tface=Y, tloss=Y, flame=0, frost=0
[23:04:52.456 N] [Singular] *Frostbrand on Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 80.2% at 1.0 yds
[23:04:53.778 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(PathGenerated): towards Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 2.4 yds
[23:04:53.814 N] (Singular) .... h=72.2%/m=100.0%, mov=N, mael=0, target=Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 2.4 yds, th=71.1%, tmelee=Y, tface=Y, tloss=Y, flame=0, frost=0
[23:04:53.911 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(Moved): towards Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 2.7 yds
[23:04:54.049 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStoppedWithinMelee: stopping because target at 1.8 yds
[23:04:53.830 N] [Singular] *Flametongue on Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 71.1% at 2.4 yds
[23:04:55.168 N] (Singular) .... h=68.6%/m=100.0%, mov=N, mael=0, target=Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 1.8 yds, th=55.5%, tmelee=Y, tface=Y, tloss=Y, flame=0, frost=0
[23:04:55.187 N] [Singular] *Crash Lightning on Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 55.5% at 1.8 yds
[23:04:56.494 N] (Singular) .... h=65.8%/m=100.0%, mov=N, mael=0, target=Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 1.8 yds, th=19.7%, tmelee=Y, tface=Y, tloss=Y, flame=0, frost=0
[23:04:56.513 N] [Singular] *Stormstrike on Pinerock Stalker.56C8 @ 19.7% at 1.8 yds
[23:04:56.943 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[23:04:57.006 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: (null)
[23:04:57.009 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Skittish Doe.56F8
[23:04:57.066 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Skittish Doe.56F8 lvl=110 h=97.8%, maxh=415707, d=3.7 yds, box=0.8, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=Y, hostile=Y, entry=94238, faction=2753, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N
[23:04:57.069 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(PathGenerated): towards Skittish Doe.56F8 @ 3.7 yds
[23:04:57.071 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(ReachedDestination): towards Skittish Doe.56F8 @ 3.7 yds
[23:04:57.135 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Skittish Doe.56F8 h=97.8%, maxh=415707, d=3.5 yds, box=0.8, inmelee=Y, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=2753, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=Y, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[23:04:56.947 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[23:04:57.005 D] Cleared POI
[23:04:57.009 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Skittish Doe.56F8!
[23:04:57.342 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: more than 180 degrees, but suppress since moving=true
[23:04:57.861 N] (Singular) .... h=64.4%/m=100.0%, mov=Y, mael=0, target=Skittish Doe.56F8 @ 5.0 yds, th=63.4%, tmelee=N, tface=N, tloss=Y, flame=0, frost=0
[23:04:57.873 N] (Singular) waiting: for WaitFaceTarget, attempting to face Skittish Doe.56F8 @ 5.0 yds
[23:04:57.891 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: more than 180 degrees, but suppress since moving=true
[23:04:58.111 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(PathGenerated): towards Skittish Doe.56F8 @ 3.2 yds
[23:04:58.113 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(Moved): towards Skittish Doe.56F8 @ 3.2 yds
[23:04:57.996 N] [Singular] *Boulderfist on Skittish Doe.56F8 @ 63.4% at 4.0 yds
[23:04:58.311 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStoppedWithinMelee: stopping because target at 1.8 yds
[23:04:59.281 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[23:04:59.311 N] (Singular) Rest Heal - Healing Surge @ 62.6% Predict:62.6% and moving:False, cancast:True
[23:04:59.667 N] (Singular) Spell.Cast("Healing Surge"): complete, iscasting=false
[23:04:59.670 N] (Singular) Rest - Before Heal Cast Wait
[23:04:59.285 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[23:04:59.314 N] [Singular] *Healing Surge on Me @ 62.6%
[23:05:00.539 N] (Singular) Rest - Before Heal Health Increase Wait
[23:05:00.541 N] (Singular) Rest - Before Heal Cast Wait
[23:05:00.543 N] (Singular) Rest - After Heal Completed: 78.3% Predicted: 78.3%
[23:05:00.673 N] (Singular) Healing Surge: 78.3% Predict:78.3% and moving:False, cancast:True
[23:05:00.677 N] [Singular] *Healing Surge on Me @ 78.3%
[23:05:01.075 N] (Singular) Spell.Cast("Healing Surge"): complete, iscasting=false
[23:05:01.078 N] (Singular) Healing Surge: After Heal Attempted: 99.9% Predicted: 99.9%
[23:05:02.012 D] Cleared POI
[23:05:02.144 D] Interacting with Skittish Doe (Unit Id: 94238)
[23:05:02.347 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Skittish Doe.56F8 lvl=110 h=0.0%, maxh=415707, d=1.8 yds, box=0.8, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=N, neutral=Y, hostile=Y, entry=94238, faction=2753, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Loot, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N
[23:05:02.642 N] Looting Skittish Doe
[23:05:03.532 N] (Singular) ShamanMoveBuff: poitype=Harvest poidist=12.2 indoors=N canmountY riding=300
[23:05:03.359 V] Blacklisting 56F8 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Looting done!
[23:05:03.359 V] Blacklisting 56C8 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot] - Reason: AoE looted!
[23:05:03.359 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[23:05:03.427 D] Cleared POI
[23:05:03.538 N] [Singular] *Ghost Wolf on Me @ 100.0%
[23:05:04.866 D] Stopped moving. Reason: Looting
[23:05:05.327 D] Interacting with Leystone Deposit (GameObject Id: 241726)
[23:05:08.923 N] Looting Leystone Deposit
[23:05:09.261 V] Blacklisting 5669 for 00:15:00 [Type: Node] - Reason: Looting done!
[23:05:09.261 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
[23:05:09.331 D] Cleared POI