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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hey kick I've been using your questing bot, and it works great! I am fairly new to wow botting and I was wondering which one is faster your grind bot or your questing bot??

assuming nothing is wrong with questing bot? the questing bot

but grinding has has very few if any flaws since i made the grind (but higher risk of ban)
I'm using the grind bot and its working fine but taking a long time for each level and I tryd the 1-60 levelling bot by kaz and it had problems from the beginning lol
got it thanks used ur vidion on how to setup svn was very helpfull im trying this on a mage will use it for a few hours and let u know how it goes +rep thanks
I just have one more question im using the questing profile from your SVN trunk and for some reason the bot wont equip anything... i have equipme plugin turned on but in the beginning it always says it cant find the weights from wohead any ideas?
[11:43:14 PM:257] [Mail]:I Have 0 Mail

your getting the none mail bug.. im working on a work around already :)

I sometime find a way to get the bot to loot the mailbox, but then when trying to mill with 7 inventory spots left it runs to the GB, and than mailbox, and back and dosn't mill anything.
I had this problem at the beginning just had a little fiddle with the settings and it seems to work ok now not sure wat I did tho so I don't think it's much help lol the questing profile is much faster than the grinding profile tho
Oh alright i see if you do figure out what you did just let me know. I would hate to join a dungeon as a tank right now when i only have herilooms and starting outfit :P
I'll take a look when I get a moment and see what I can do what class are you using it on and what heirlooms you got ?
Right iv just had a look and I think what I did was go on the olivine tab on hb enable equip me go on the settings bit on the misc tab go on load weight file go in the plug ins folder open the equip me folder then open the next folder then open the auto equip weight sets folder then select the paladin protection file if your rolling a tank and u may have to change a few other settings on the settings tab fir your heirlooms I'm not sure what tho as I'm not using any lol I hope this helps :)
I don't know if this been posted yet but I'll drop my idea anyways... You should put in some logic for milling caus' I just started with inscription and I wanted it to mill all my low level herbs for me (I've been leveling herb aswell so my bags are filled with all kinds of herbs) but it keeps trying to mill goldclover even though it can't caus' I'm only skill level 1 :P nothing major I guess but would be nice so I don't have to mill anything myself >.< woulda save me some time.. O'well.. Awesome plugin even though I can't really try it yet :P
My guy just runs to a Flight Master and , opens the Flight Master map , and just stands there , whys he doing that?
My Warrior without any bought stuff is absolutely getting his ass kicked in eastern Elwynn forest. Any ideas how to get higher than level 9 before starting there ?
Not sure why but the bot dies alot and when it does, it NEVER runs to the corpse. There are also occasions when the bot just stops and afks too.

I usually end up having to come in and do something every 20mins. And not just for the manual quests.
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IM trying this out as well.. however.. it seems ike it is skipping alot of q's.. and mostly running instead of flying... But it works.. can't recommend afk'ing it though.
Uh well it doesnt kill anything. i started lvl 1 and doing the quests with an orc shaman and it hasnt killed anything i have to intervein and kill the creatures. it loots them but wont kill them. just stands there.
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