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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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download the new CLQ in my SVN. raphus updated it to auto accept once again

As I had this also happen to me what does CLQ stand for.

I am using the newest Profile and QB from your svn. I am just curious what CLQ is referring to.
I tried about 3 horde 70 - 80 profiles and none of them worked too great for me. I ended up using instancebuddy, archaeology, and bg bot on the weekends

Sent from my SPH-M900 using Tapatalk
Been running this profile for the last day on a 61 DK, working really well. Had some CC issues to begin with (wouldnt load the all in one CC) but once I put Cimmerians in it was good as gold. Gets stuck every now and then but handing in quests etc has been almost flawless. Up to 68 after about 18hrs botting all up.
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

this is from profile [Ground][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick].xml

using lvl 64 death knight i got this in the folder bc from your svns please tell me whats wrong what have i done wrong

bot issue

also, no log = no help
Got a little issue with "Interactwith", toon goes to the NPC start to get the Quest, but didnt push the requested Buttons. It runs "runmacro" "interactwith" but till stands infront of the NPC to get the Quest and want to finish it after.
Getting a navigation problem already on the first few quests.

Could not generate full path from {5598.428, -2764.961, 1505.996} to {7791.06, -2445.54, 489.5634} (time used: 3.73 seconds)
Could not generate full path from {5608.903, -2806.126, 1515.632} to {7791.06, -2445.54, 489.5634} (time used: 28 milliseconds)
Could not generate full path from {5608.968, -2835.192, 1515.618} to {7791.06, -2445.54, 489.5634} (time used: 28 milliseconds)
Could not generate full path from {5490.087, -3566.391, 1569.247} to {7791.06, -2445.54, 489.5634} (time used: 28 milliseconds)
[11:08:23:896] [PoD] Player mounted fired
[11:08:24:346] Picking up As Hyjal Burns : 25316
[11:08:24:346] Goal: Picking up As Hyjal Burns
[11:08:24:363] [MountVehOnly(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'NpcMountId'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'VehicleMountId', instead.
[11:08:24:363] Goal: MountVehOnly: In Progress
[11:08:24:408] Could not generate full path from {5490.087, -3566.391, 1569.247} to {7791.06, -2445.54, 489.5634} (time used: 28 milliseconds)
[11:08:24:864] [LetMeFly] Jumping to fly!
[11:08:25:355] Flushing timed movement. Direction: JumpAscend
[11:08:26:695] Start/Stop button pressed.
[11:08:26:698] Stopping the bot!
[11:08:26:699] Stop called!
[11:08:26:704] [PoD] Removed fake autocast pet spell: Felstorm
[11:08:26:706] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
   at System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[11:08:26:706] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[11:08:38:807] Start/Stop button pressed.
[11:08:38:809] Starting the bot!
[11:08:38:876] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[11:08:38:876] Cleared POI
[11:08:38:913] [PoD] Resetting oracle data...
[11:08:38:914] Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object.
   at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.[T](UInt32 field)
   at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.[T](Int32 offsetIndex)
   at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_NpcFlags()
   at ..(WoWUnit u)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereListIterator`1.MoveNext()
   at ..()
[11:08:38:915] Warlock: Prince of Darkness is ready for action! Your warlock spec is: Demonology
[11:08:38:916] Warlock: Enabling felguard's skills management...
[11:08:38:916] [PoD] Faking autocast pet spell: Felstorm IF PetNearTarget
[11:08:38:916] [PoD] Faking autocast pet spell: Axe Toss IF PetNearTarget
[11:08:39:476] Picking up As Hyjal Burns : 25316
[11:08:39:476] Goal: Picking up As Hyjal Burns
[11:08:39:477] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[11:08:39:617] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[11:08:39:645] Could not generate full path from {5488.76, -3563.03, 1569.243} to {7801.045, -2430.96, 487.5919} (time used: 28 milliseconds)
[11:08:42:335] [LetMeFly] Jumping to fly!
[11:08:42:412] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[11:08:42:489] Flushing timed movement. Direction: JumpAscend
[11:08:44:87] [LetMeFly] Jumping to fly!
[11:08:44:101] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[11:08:47:234] [LetMeFly] Jumping to fly!
[11:08:47:256] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[11:08:54:156] [LetMeFly] Jumping to fly!
[11:08:54:185] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[11:09:06:429] Dismount for attacker.
[11:09:06:429] Stop and dismount... Reason: Combat
[11:09:06:999] Dismount for attacker.
[11:09:06:999] Stop and dismount... Reason: Combat
[11:09:07:416] Activity: Combat
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I had a problem running the script .... the quest wasnt there :)

Quest: High Commander Halford Wyrmbane

Looking in the script i saw a older line (for lvl 82) with a quest detection.
the other line i just did

<!-- <Pickup QuestName="High Commander Halford Wyrmbane" QuestId="12174" GiverName="Palena Silvercloud" GiverId="26881" />
<TurnIn QuestName="High Commander Halford Wyrmbane" QuestId="12174" TurnInName="High Commander Halford Wyrmbane" TurnInId="27136" /> -->
one more thing kick the bot kept opening vendor windows like 20 times while i was watching it and i think blizzard thought it was suspicious
im trying to find it cos my account got suspended used too much of botting soo ill upload asap ok see if it does it again
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Coolabah said:
how do i give a log exactly just post all of what bot has done in note pad????

From the Honorbuddy Guides forum...

Since you're new, you might want to spend some time here...
Honorbuddy Guides, and
[wiki]HonorBuddy: Getting Started as a New User[/wiki]

People like to help, but if you haven't done due diligence, you will draw nothing but flames, or be ignored.

Coolabah said:
and one more thing kick the bot kept opening vendor windows like 20 times while i was watching it and i think blizzard thought it was suspicious

This is not a profile issue--it is some form of user issue (e.g., mis-installed Honorbuddy). Only a log can help us diagnose such a problem.

cheers & good luck,
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Uh well it doesnt kill anything. i started lvl 1 and doing the quests with an orc shaman and it hasnt killed anything i have to intervein and kill the creatures. it loots them but wont kill them. just stands there.

Are you using the Singular CC ? if your answer is yes , then don't. That was my problem too on another profile. For some weird reason I can not get the Shaman Singular CC to attack. Use ShamWoW , after I switched CC's he attacks. :)
I'm sorry I don't have a log, but it picked up these quests:
Off With Their Black Wings
Yulda's Folly

but didn't complete them. now it's trying to pick up "The Drakkensryd" but the quest isn't available yet.
Also I believe it had problems getting up there as it wasn't flying. I'll report back when I know more on this.

EDIT: I found the problem. You're missing the quest Lok'lira's Parting Gift http://www.wowhead.com/quest=13062 before you're able to pick up The Drakkensryd.

Notes: get Lok PG quest
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coolabah said:
sorry found how to get log and post log here

Yay. Basically, this log has been heavily edited and is completely useless.

All that can be said is that your AllRounder plugin is outdated or damaged, and needs to be removed or replaced. Also, the profile you were apparently running is not the one you are reporting a 'bug' against.

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got the same thing of mount.

Kickazz on the small addons you post is there a way to know which one to use for what?
Right now I just started hyjal and not sure if there was anything I had to have.
cant find quest with the name Spirits of Feraflen

is this profile supported anymore?
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attempted to use this bot and was working fine for the first few quests, however it continually ties to pick up the quest "farshire" which doesnt exist as i had already completed this quest before using the bot. though i may have to get out of the area to fix the problem so i finished all the quests in the area, leveled to 70 and the bot still persists to return to the quest giver to retrieve the quest "farshire"
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