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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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will this make lazyraider stop trying to rest when dead

new Decorator(ret => !StyxWoW.Me.Combat && StyxWoW.Me.IsAlive,
new PrioritySelector(
new PrioritySelector(
new Decorator(ctx => RoutineManager.Current.RestBehavior != null, RoutineManager.Current.RestBehavior),
new Decorator(ctx => RoutineManager.Current.NeedRest,
new Sequence(
new Action(ret => TreeRoot.StatusText = "Resting"),
new Action(ret => RoutineManager.Current.Rest())
Was doing quests pretty good on it's own then got to Dragonblight and "Interacting with Torastrasza (Flight Master)" it sat there with Map open.

Also picking up the quests at the top of the tower had to be manual. When it interacts with the guy whos says to goto middle or top of temple... it gets this error:

"Message: [string "SelectGossipOptions(1)"]:1: attempt to call global 'SelectGossipOptions' (a nil value)
Time: Not needed (Removed)
Count: 2
Stack: [C]: in function `SelectGossipOptions'
[string "SelectGossipOptions(1)"]:1: in main chunk
[C]: in function `RunScript'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2044: in function `?'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4221: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3832: in function `ChatEdit_SendText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2565: in function <Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2558>
[C]: in function `RunMacroText'
[string "hax.lua"]:1: in main chunk"

Then after I manually got the quests it went back to the bottom of the temple and tried to interact with flight master again...

So basically 2 issues here. Not using correct flight master and not taking path (Which it has learned ALL of Northrend flight paths so far at level 75)
The bot tries to pick up a Hero's Call Uldum but I already have that quest completed. when I got to Uldum and start the bot, it does nothing because it needs to be in stormwind to run to the board and try to pick up a quest from the board I did a long time ago.

Log attached
The bot tries to pick up a Hero's Call Uldum but I already have that quest completed. when I got to Uldum and start the bot, it does nothing because it needs to be in stormwind to run to the board and try to pick up a quest from the board I did a long time ago.

Log attached

delete it from the profile
Not sure why but the bot dies alot and when it does, it NEVER runs to the corpse. There are also occasions when the bot just stops and afks too.

I usually end up having to come in and do something every 20mins. And not just for the manual quests.

you need to get a stronger toon (via gear) and stop dieing
also, a lot of the stuck issues are due to hb not being able to nav fly - so if you're stuck on a ledge, or trying to get up to a ledge, sorry.

This is a bot issue, you'll simply have to deal with it
The bot tried to turn in "lab work" without all the required items I shut it off and retried it still had the same error it runs around grabs everything but the seed. I tried to update svn but no updates were available

I had to split the log in two it was too big
Oil stained wolf mob bug wasn't fixed,bot should ignore them only during film quest ,cause bot ignores them after and dies 10 -15 times spending up to 1 hour to leave area(priest) when i checked loggs.
i'll look into these issues when the profile is re-written (just waiting for some behaviors to be tweaked before i re-write it - so it will pwn face)
I also noticed earlier today it was having some trouble getting to the top of wyrmrest temple or even the middle, Just thought I would throw that out.
Here is my input from using the profile:

- Kickass 5 star effort!
- BT and below Stormpeaks, excellent, profile
- Started at 71. Went to BT and started. Was around 73,5 when I choose to set ignoreCheckPoint=Flase. Don't do this !
- Stormpeaks is a complete pain. Lot's of hand holding. Stuck everywhere so get to 80 without using Stormpeaks (Checkpoint at level 77), Will somewhat help you get through the Son's of Hodir rep chain.
- I was around 78,3 when I was out of quests in Stormpeaks (using two BoA heirlooms). So I gave up and used Archeology to get to 80.
- Some small problems getting from Nexus island to mainland.
i've stuck in flyto points for --> coldarra and --> hf / dragonblight, so it should fly to those zones

it is a good profile, but with all of the improvements since i originally made this like.. 6 or more months ago, there is a *lot* to do to it. :)
@235 etc:

you're in hyjal. the profile starts in sw --> moonglade --> hyjal & you're missing a quest that starts either in sw or in moonglade
Last edited:
got the same thing of mount.

Kickazz on the small addons you post is there a way to know which one to use for what?
Right now I just started hyjal and not sure if there was anything I had to have.

i have no addons.

if you're talking about plugins, if you need any plugins, it will say in the first 3 posts what you need (this profile doesn't use any currently)
Bobby53, is it possible to add "Disable all movement"?

I use Lazyraider with the Singular class, that has some builtin movement - however this can be disable using the "Disable all movement" setting from Instancebuddy.
Agree I am amazed how well it worked! Never tried this before. Bit confused that HB doesn't just try and fly somewhere when you have flying mount and then try to path again.
Changing current profile to Horde 1-68 Questing
Blacklisting Nutral for 5 minutes because we can't navigate to it!
[ForcedDismount(info) @line 499]: Descending before dismount
[ForcedDismount(info) @line 499]: Dismounting
-Call Pet 1
-Revive Pet
[ForceSetVendor(warning)]: The 'QuestId' attribute's value may not be zero. For now, we allow it for purposes of backward compatibility; however, it will be ignored. In a future release, a QuestId of zero will be explicitly disallowed.
Moving to Type: Train, Name: Irva
Could not find quest with ID 9841! (Or could I: False)
Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 18133!
Could not create current in quest bot

And then stops the bot.

Whats wrong?
Using the SVN update version of this profile, not sure what it's called, no other place to post this bug.

Getting Unable to Generate Path error while doing the sinkhole quest from the airstrip in Borean. Also wondering if you know why it's not actually using Swift Flight Form? HB Log shows "Mounting Swift Flight Form" but never actually casts it?

Anyway, here's the log.
Found another one kick it looks like it tried to start the quest "Force of Nature" but if I read correctly from wowhead you need to be level 77 before starting this one.
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