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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hey there Kick, I am trying to just run this and I am not sure if it is supposed to interact or if I am supposed to.

Anyway, first quest did the kills allrigth but then got stuck trying to get back to the quest giver, not something you can do anything about unless it was set to fly instead. Got to the second quest I think in THL where you are supposed to pickup the barrels of gunpowder. It just stands next to them. I know usually you have a popup if we are supposed to do something. So just checking if the QB's are messed up? I redownloaded today and installed/overwrote them.
I just got this on the followup quest to blow up the skyship, he just stands around not doing anything (except defense):

[9:10:15 PM:641] Activity: Waiting for wait timer to expire, 0 seconds left
[9:10:17 PM:158] [Behavior: UseItem(warning)]: Unrecognized attribute 'Waittime' (with value of '5000') will be ignored.
[9:10:17 PM:218] Goal: Use item 5 times for quest:Aiming High
[9:10:20 PM:258] Activity: Combat
[9:10:20 PM:260] Killing Skyshredder Crewmember at range of 4 yards.
[9:10:21 PM:227] Spell_C::CastSpell(84617, 0, 0xF530BF6E004A3ECB, 0) [311]
[9:10:21 PM:260] Skill: Revealing Strike
[9:10:22 PM:525] Spell_C::CastSpell(84617, 0, 0xF530BF6E004A3ECB, 0) [312]
[9:10:23 PM:607] Spell_C::CastSpell(73651, 0, 0xF530BF6E004A3ECB, 0) [313]
[9:10:23 PM:641] Skill: Recuperate
[9:10:26 PM:236] Spell_C::CastSpell(84617, 0, 0xF530BF6E004A3ECB, 0) [314]
[9:10:26 PM:267] Skill: Revealing Strike
[9:10:31 PM:705] Spell_C::CastSpell(84617, 0, 0xF530BF6E004A3ECB, 0) [315]
[9:10:33 PM:706] Spell_C::CastSpell(84617, 0, 0xF530BF6E004A3ECB, 0) [316]
[9:10:35 PM:748] Spell_C::CastSpell(84617, 0, 0xF530BF6E004A3ECB, 0) [317]
[9:10:37 PM:343] Spell_C::CastSpell(73651, 0, 0xF530BF6E004A3ECB, 0) [318]
[9:10:37 PM:365] Skill: Recuperate
[9:10:39 PM:162] Spell_C::CastSpell(84617, 0, 0xF530BF6E004A3ECB, 0) [319]
[9:10:39 PM:186] Skill: Revealing Strike
[9:10:45 PM:102] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[9:10:45 PM:102] Loading Azeroth_44_40
[9:10:45 PM:181] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Skyshredder Crewmember
[9:10:45 PM:501] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Skyshredder Crewmember
[9:10:45 PM:503] Unloading tiles!
[9:10:45 PM:505] Loading Azeroth_44_40
[9:10:45 PM:576] Could not generate path from {-4784.666, -6851.39, 41.76846} to {-4788.294, -6851.756, 42.13023} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
[9:10:45 PM:576] interact: 0x2BADE620
[9:10:45 PM:607] interact done: 0x2BADE620
[9:10:46 PM:428] Looting Skyshredder Crewmember Guid:0xF530BF6E004A3ECB
[9:10:46 PM:517] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
[9:10:46 PM:517] Cleared POI
[9:10:47 PM:141] Loading Azeroth_44_41
[9:10:47 PM:240] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Skyshredder Crewmember
[9:10:47 PM:502] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
[9:10:47 PM:502] Cleared POI
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Hey there Kick, I am trying to just run this and I am not sure if it is supposed to interact or if I am supposed to.

Anyway, first quest did the kills allrigth but then got stuck trying to get back to the quest giver, not something you can do anything about unless it was set to fly instead. Got to the second quest I think in THL where you are supposed to pickup the barrels of gunpowder. It just stands next to them. I know usually you have a popup if we are supposed to do something. So just checking if the QB's are messed up? I redownloaded today and installed/overwrote them.

		<PickUp QuestName="Twilight Shores" GiverName="Fargo Flintlocke" QuestId="28832" GiverId="44806" X="-8542.495" Y="1266.729" Z="4.544686" />
			<If Condition="(HasQuest(28832))" >
				<RunTo X="-8546.878" Y="1271.582" Z="-2.06458" />
				<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/dismount\n/cancelaura Swift Flight Form\n/cancelaura Flight Form" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" />
				<CustomBehavior File="MountVehOnly" NpcMountId="50262" X="-8547.236" Y="1273.755" Z="-1.629577" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="110000"/>
		<TurnIn QuestName="Twilight Shores" TurnInName="Lieutenant Fawkes" QuestId="28832" TurnInId="49022" />

You were in twilight highlands or something and hadn't done the quest to fly there from SW
the 2nd post ... it has a waittimer for 60 seconds after you <RunTo />

so it will wait for 1minute before doing anything

even if the ship was there 10 seconds after you started the quest, it's going to wait that 60 seconds (60-10 = 50 seconds on the boat)

did it still do nothing after 60 seconds? or did you get impatient and stop the bot? make sure you're reading that little thing at the bottom left that says "wait timer"
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I spoke with Kickazz on IRC, I reinstalled the behaviors and updated HB to the latest version... One thing I would like to point out dont know if anyone else was having the same issue is with the Quest called, "Trespassers in the Water" my guy died in there all night... he only killed 1 of them.
I spoke with Kickazz on IRC, I reinstalled the behaviors and updated HB to the latest version... One thing I would like to point out dont know if anyone else was having the same issue is with the Quest called, "Trespassers in the Water" my guy died in there all night... he only killed 1 of them.

do you have the anti drown plugin linked in my blog?
I have the unfortunate issue of HB not recognising ive done a few quests in Uldum. Ive dont the initial parts requiring you to go chat with the three advisors in different areas. HB keeps wanting to go to Org each time i restart the bot to pick up warchief commands quest. My question is, am i going to have to edit the quest xml every time i restart because hb neglects to check my completed history?
		<PickUp QuestName="Twilight Shores" GiverName="Fargo Flintlocke" QuestId="28832" GiverId="44806" X="-8542.495" Y="1266.729" Z="4.544686" />
			<If Condition="(HasQuest(28832))" >
				<RunTo X="-8546.878" Y="1271.582" Z="-2.06458" />
				<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/dismount\n/cancelaura Swift Flight Form\n/cancelaura Flight Form" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" />
				<CustomBehavior File="MountVehOnly" NpcMountId="50262" X="-8547.236" Y="1273.755" Z="-1.629577" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="110000"/>
		<TurnIn QuestName="Twilight Shores" TurnInName="Lieutenant Fawkes" QuestId="28832" TurnInId="49022" />

You were in twilight highlands or something and hadn't done the quest to fly there from SW

Yes I did all the prequests because I didn't want to be botting in SW. That was a problem for your Uldum profile when I did it, it was looking to be in SW when I was in Uldum so I had to comment out the first few if statements so it would recognise it was in Uldum already.

For the problem I was seeing here, the first one was a routing/mesh issue I think and the standing by the barrels and doing nothing was a QB issue? You would know best for that. I even restarted the bot just in case it was an internal error. If I manually clicked on the gunpowder and picked it up the bot would move to the next one and then just sit there again.

Now for the explosives quest, I did let it sit there and it killed a respawn on the boat even and never moved below decks so I did that myself and then jumped off and it took back control and carried on.
I downloade the Alpha and Quest Behaviors.zip but it throws still:

[08:33:19:109] Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 26206 in database.
[08:33:19:109] Could not create current in quest bot!
[08:33:19:109] Stop called!

full log atached

Itsa that Quest give who apperas when click the arkane prison

if I do it by hand th but goes on

Even so Great work with that profile!! I love it
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I have the unfortunate issue of HB not recognising ive done a few quests in Uldum. Ive dont the initial parts requiring you to go chat with the three advisors in different areas. HB keeps wanting to go to Org each time i restart the bot to pick up warchief commands quest. My question is, am i going to have to edit the quest xml every time i restart because hb neglects to check my completed history?

I don't have an answer to your first issue, but you won't have to edit the xml every time the bot is started. I stopped/started it many many times and it would automatically jump to the part of the profile that my character was on. In fact most times when there was a quest i had to do manually i would stop the bot and run the combat/heal bot because i had never played my paladin as Ret, just prot, so i wasn't familiar with the rotation.
sounds like i need a waittimer there give me a min


fixed :) it's an issue with things like that
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I have the unfortunate issue of HB not recognising ive done a few quests in Uldum. Ive dont the initial parts requiring you to go chat with the three advisors in different areas. HB keeps wanting to go to Org each time i restart the bot to pick up warchief commands quest. My question is, am i going to have to edit the quest xml every time i restart because hb neglects to check my completed history?

just comment out the <if condition me=horde> if statement out and press save (comment means <!-- at the beginning, and --> at the end )
For some reason it keeps trying to pickup the quest "The Reliquary"...

'The Reliquary' requires level 83 to accept, i assume you're at 82. How far into 82 are you? I remember Kickazz already moved that quest further on into the profile but i'm pretty sure it has to be moved even further on.

My solution to this problem was to use Archeology Buddy to get to 83 then i ran this profile after that.
ah, it doesn't have to go below decks, just uses the item after 60 seconds :\

it's the only solution to many of the issues that i've ran into :(

as far as getting the barrels, it's an interactwith, and some CC's have issues (warlock and warrior had issues, mage and sham didn't)

believe me when i say this...

this profile was one of the WORST i have ever done. It was very hard due to a lot of mobs in combat and nav issues :(

I was lucky i didn't have more issues
yes, i need to know when is the latest time you can pick it up. so move it down or delete it for now

i'm thinking of just requiring you to be 82 to start the profile, that will solve a lot of issues - as you can use my hyjal ally and horde profile now


fixed, now requires level 82 to start the profile (yes, i know it doesn't help ppl who have already used it or have done quests)
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ah, it doesn't have to go below decks, just uses the item after 60 seconds :\

it's the only solution to many of the issues that i've ran into :(

as far as getting the barrels, it's an interactwith, and some CC's have issues (warlock and warrior had issues, mage and sham didn't)

That could be it, I am using a modified Rogue CC that I found on the forums, it worked well in Hyjal and Uldum though. Maybe just a hiccup.

P.S. I am trying your 58-70 Q profile now and I am getting a few navigation errors, I have to move the character myself.

[2:54:02 AM:823] Activity: Downloading Mesh...
[2:54:04 AM:569] Downloaded Expansion01_24_31
[2:54:04 AM:576] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[2:54:04 AM:576] Loading Expansion01_24_31
[2:54:04 AM:701] Avoiding 'Fel Soldier'
[2:54:04 AM:710] Loading Expansion01_23_32
[2:54:04 AM:805] Loading Expansion01_23_33
[2:54:04 AM:949] Loading Expansion01_23_31
[2:54:05 AM:79] Loading Expansion01_24_34
[2:54:05 AM:255] Loading Expansion01_25_35
[2:54:05 AM:347] Loading Expansion01_22_32
[2:54:05 AM:466] Loading Expansion01_24_35
[2:54:05 AM:674] Loading Expansion01_23_34
[2:54:05 AM:846] Loading Expansion01_22_31
[2:54:06 AM:48] Loading Expansion01_22_33
[2:54:06 AM:222] Removing 'Fel Soldier' as a danger - not avoiding him anymore!
[2:54:06 AM:225] Could not generate path from {-321.624, 1027.647, 54.15851} to {-681.164, 2708.75, 95.5693} (time used: 17.662 seconds) @ UpdatePathFind
[2:54:06 AM:608] Loading Expansion01_30_32
[2:54:06 AM:736] Loading Expansion01_26_33
[2:54:06 AM:868] Loading Expansion01_29_32
[2:54:06 AM:993] Loading Expansion01_29_33
[2:54:07 AM:85] Loading Expansion01_28_32
[2:54:07 AM:187] Loading Expansion01_29_31
[2:54:07 AM:262] Loading Expansion01_30_33
[2:54:07 AM:331] Loading Expansion01_28_33
[2:54:07 AM:444] Loading Expansion01_27_32
[2:54:07 AM:566] Loading Expansion01_28_31
[2:54:07 AM:651] Loading Expansion01_27_33
[2:54:07 AM:778] Loading Expansion01_30_31
[2:54:07 AM:855] Loading Expansion01_27_31
[2:54:07 AM:967] Loading Expansion01_26_32
[2:54:08 AM:140] Loading Expansion01_29_34
[2:54:08 AM:192] Loading Expansion01_28_34
[2:54:08 AM:305] Loading Expansion01_26_31
[2:54:08 AM:444] Loading Expansion01_27_34
[2:54:08 AM:587] Avoiding 'Fel Soldier'
[2:54:08 AM:598] Loading Expansion01_25_33
[2:54:08 AM:715] Loading Expansion01_28_30
[2:54:08 AM:842] Loading Expansion01_25_32
[2:54:08 AM:981] Loading Expansion01_26_34
[2:54:09 AM:106] Loading Expansion01_27_30
[2:54:09 AM:272] Loading Expansion01_25_34
[2:54:09 AM:388] Loading Expansion01_25_31
[2:54:09 AM:537] Loading Expansion01_26_30
[2:54:09 AM:609] Loading Expansion01_24_32
[2:54:09 AM:702] Loading Expansion01_24_33
[2:54:09 AM:853] Loading Expansion01_25_30
[2:54:09 AM:917] Loading Expansion01_28_29
[2:54:09 AM:943] Loading Expansion01_24_31
[2:54:10 AM:89] Removing 'Fel Soldier' as a danger - not avoiding him anymore!
[2:54:10 AM:144] Could not generate path from {-321.624, 1027.647, 54.15851} to {-681.164, 2708.75, 95.5693} (time used: 3.277 seconds) @ UpdatePathFind
[2:54:10 AM:407] Loading Expansion01_30_32
[2:54:10 AM:536] Loading Expansion01_26_33
[2:54:10 AM:682] Loading Expansion01_29_32
[2:54:10 AM:801] Loading Expansion01_29_33
[2:54:10 AM:898] Loading Expansion01_28_32
[2:54:11 AM:0] Loading Expansion01_29_31
[2:54:11 AM:75] Loading Expansion01_30_33
[2:54:11 AM:138] Loading Expansion01_28_33
[2:54:11 AM:258] Loading Expansion01_27_32
[2:54:11 AM:366] Loading Expansion01_28_31
[2:54:11 AM:446] Loading Expansion01_27_33
[2:54:11 AM:567] Loading Expansion01_30_31
[2:54:11 AM:651] Loading Expansion01_27_31
[2:54:11 AM:765] Loading Expansion01_26_32
[2:54:11 AM:944] Loading Expansion01_29_34
[2:54:11 AM:994] Loading Expansion01_28_34
[2:54:12 AM:106] Loading Expansion01_26_31
[2:54:12 AM:248] Loading Expansion01_27_34
[2:54:12 AM:341] Loading Expansion01_25_33
[2:54:12 AM:449] Loading Expansion01_28_30
[2:54:12 AM:541] Loading Expansion01_25_32
[2:54:12 AM:693] Loading Expansion01_26_34
[2:54:12 AM:816] Loading Expansion01_27_30
[2:54:12 AM:939] Loading Expansion01_25_34
[2:54:13 AM:57] Loading Expansion01_25_31
[2:54:13 AM:209] Loading Expansion01_26_30
[2:54:13 AM:276] Loading Expansion01_24_32
[2:54:13 AM:369] Loading Expansion01_24_33
[2:54:13 AM:519] Loading Expansion01_25_30
[2:54:13 AM:602] Loading Expansion01_28_29
[2:54:13 AM:630] Loading Expansion01_24_31
[2:54:13 AM:770] Loading Expansion01_23_32
[2:54:13 AM:872] Loading Expansion01_23_33
[2:54:13 AM:993] Loading Expansion01_23_31
[2:54:14 AM:114] Loading Expansion01_24_34
[2:54:14 AM:294] Loading Expansion01_25_35
[2:54:14 AM:380] Loading Expansion01_22_32
[2:54:14 AM:485] Loading Expansion01_24_35
[2:54:14 AM:691] Loading Expansion01_23_34
[2:54:14 AM:845] Loading Expansion01_22_31
[2:54:15 AM:18] Loading Expansion01_22_33
[2:54:15 AM:150] Loading Expansion01_24_30
[2:54:15 AM:217] Loading Expansion01_21_32
[2:54:15 AM:426] Loading Expansion01_23_35
[2:54:15 AM:593] Successfully generated path from {-321.624, 1027.647, 54.15851} to {-681.164, 2708.75, 95.5693} in 4.912 seconds
[2:54:16 AM:632] Avoiding 'Fel Soldier'
[2:54:16 AM:641] Avoiding 'Wrath Master'
[2:54:16 AM:988] Avoiding 'Fel Soldier'
[2:54:18 AM:801] 'Fel Soldier' is walking! Reavoiding!
[2:54:18 AM:802] 'Wrath Master' is walking! Reavoiding!
[2:54:19 AM:26] Loading Expansion01_30_32
[2:54:19 AM:148] Loading Expansion01_26_33
[2:54:19 AM:276] Loading Expansion01_29_32
[2:54:19 AM:391] Loading Expansion01_29_33
[2:54:19 AM:482] Loading Expansion01_28_32
[2:54:19 AM:583] Loading Expansion01_29_31
[2:54:19 AM:672] Loading Expansion01_28_33
[2:54:19 AM:785] Loading Expansion01_30_33
[2:54:19 AM:849] Loading Expansion01_27_32
[2:54:19 AM:964] Loading Expansion01_28_31
[2:54:20 AM:50] Loading Expansion01_27_33
[2:54:20 AM:173] Loading Expansion01_30_31
[2:54:20 AM:242] Loading Expansion01_27_31
[2:54:20 AM:360] Loading Expansion01_26_32
[2:54:20 AM:568] Loading Expansion01_29_34
[2:54:20 AM:610] Loading Expansion01_28_34
[2:54:20 AM:727] Loading Expansion01_26_31
[2:54:20 AM:866] Loading Expansion01_27_34
[2:54:20 AM:978] 'Fel Soldier' is walking! Reavoiding!
[2:54:20 AM:982] 'Wrath Master' is walking! Reavoiding!
[2:54:20 AM:982] 'Fel Soldier' is walking! Reavoiding!
[2:54:20 AM:994] Could not generate path from {-280.889, 1035.932, 54.32968} to {-681.164, 2708.75, 95.5693} (time used: 1.719 seconds) @ UpdatePathFind
[2:54:21 AM:326] Loading Expansion01_30_32
[2:54:21 AM:452] Loading Expansion01_26_33
[2:54:21 AM:579] Loading Expansion01_29_32
[2:54:21 AM:707] Loading Expansion01_29_33
[2:54:21 AM:792] Loading Expansion01_28_32
[2:54:21 AM:891] Loading Expansion01_29_31
[2:54:21 AM:971] Loading Expansion01_28_33
[2:54:22 AM:81] Loading Expansion01_30_33
[2:54:22 AM:146] Loading Expansion01_27_32
[2:54:22 AM:253] Loading Expansion01_28_31
[2:54:22 AM:333] Loading Expansion01_27_33
[2:54:22 AM:452] Loading Expansion01_30_31
[2:54:22 AM:523] Loading Expansion01_27_31
[2:54:22 AM:645] Loading Expansion01_26_32
[2:54:22 AM:829] Loading Expansion01_29_34
[2:54:22 AM:877] Loading Expansion01_28_34
[2:54:22 AM:984] Loading Expansion01_26_31
[2:54:23 AM:118] Loading Expansion01_27_34
[2:54:23 AM:206] Loading Expansion01_25_33
[2:54:23 AM:316] Removing 'Fel Soldier' as a danger - not avoiding him anymore!
[2:54:23 AM:317] 'Fel Soldier' is walking! Reavoiding!
[2:54:23 AM:318] Removing 'Fel Soldier' as a danger - not avoiding him anymore!
[2:54:23 AM:318] Removing 'Wrath Master' as a danger - not avoiding him anymore!
[2:54:23 AM:319] Removing 'Fel Soldier' as a danger - not avoiding him anymore!
[2:54:23 AM:324] Could not generate path from {-280.889, 1035.932, 54.32968} to {-681.164, 2708.75, 95.5693} (time used: 1.746 seconds) @ UpdatePathFind
[2:54:23 AM:609] Loading Expansion01_30_32
[2:54:23 AM:738] Loading Expansion01_26_33
[2:54:23 AM:862] Loading Expansion01_29_32
[2:54:23 AM:978] Loading Expansion01_29_33
[2:54:24 AM:64] Loading Expansion01_28_32
[2:54:24 AM:169] Loading Expansion01_29_31
[2:54:24 AM:241] Loading Expansion01_28_33
[2:54:24 AM:351] Loading Expansion01_30_33
[2:54:24 AM:412] Loading Expansion01_27_32
[2:54:24 AM:520] Loading Expansion01_28_31
[2:54:24 AM:599] Loading Expansion01_27_33
[2:54:24 AM:733] Loading Expansion01_30_31
[2:54:24 AM:815] Loading Expansion01_27_31
[2:54:24 AM:929] Loading Expansion01_26_32
[2:54:25 AM:101] Loading Expansion01_29_34
[2:54:25 AM:142] Loading Expansion01_28_34
[2:54:25 AM:267] Loading Expansion01_26_31
[2:54:25 AM:406] Loading Expansion01_27_34
[2:54:25 AM:493] Avoiding 'Fel Soldier'
[2:54:25 AM:500] Removing 'Fel Soldier' as a danger - not avoiding him anymore!
[2:54:25 AM:501] 'Fel Soldier' is walking! Reavoiding!
[2:54:25 AM:507] Could not generate path from {-280.889, 1035.932, 54.32968} to {-681.164, 2708.75, 95.5693} (time used: 1.646 seconds) @ UpdatePathFind
[2:54:25 AM:808] Loading Expansion01_30_32
[2:54:25 AM:931] Loading Expansion01_26_33
[2:54:26 AM:62] Loading Expansion01_29_32
[2:54:26 AM:180] Loading Expansion01_29_33
[2:54:26 AM:271] Loading Expansion01_28_32
[2:54:26 AM:369] Loading Expansion01_29_31
[2:54:26 AM:438] Loading Expansion01_28_33
[2:54:26 AM:546] Loading Expansion01_30_33
[2:54:26 AM:615] Loading Expansion01_27_32
[2:54:26 AM:719] Loading Expansion01_28_31
[2:54:26 AM:799] Loading Expansion01_27_33
[2:54:26 AM:929] Loading Expansion01_30_31
[2:54:26 AM:998] Loading Expansion01_27_31
[2:54:27 AM:108] Loading Expansion01_26_32
[2:54:27 AM:279] Loading Expansion01_29_34
[2:54:27 AM:321] Loading Expansion01_28_34
[2:54:27 AM:430] Loading Expansion01_26_31
[2:54:27 AM:563] Loading Expansion01_27_34
[2:54:27 AM:651] Loading Expansion01_25_33
[2:54:27 AM:796] Avoiding 'Fel Soldier'
[2:54:27 AM:811] Could not generate path from {-280.889, 1035.932, 54.32968} to {-681.164, 2708.75, 95.5693} (time used: 1.749 seconds) @ UpdatePathFind
[2:54:28 AM:242] Loading Expansion01_30_32
[2:54:28 AM:370] Loading Expansion01_26_33
[2:54:28 AM:501] Loading Expansion01_29_32
[2:54:28 AM:610] Loading Expansion01_29_33
[2:54:28 AM:694] Loading Expansion01_28_32
[2:54:28 AM:793] Loading Expansion01_29_31
[2:54:28 AM:877] Loading Expansion01_28_33
[2:54:28 AM:994] Loading Expansion01_30_33
[2:54:29 AM:64] Loading Expansion01_27_32
[2:54:29 AM:173] Loading Expansion01_28_31
[2:54:29 AM:254] Loading Expansion01_27_33
[2:54:29 AM:373] Loading Expansion01_30_31
[2:54:29 AM:444] Loading Expansion01_27_31
[2:54:29 AM:550] Loading Expansion01_26_32
[2:54:29 AM:722] Loading Expansion01_29_34
[2:54:29 AM:763] Loading Expansion01_28_34
[2:54:29 AM:879] Loading Expansion01_26_31
[2:54:30 AM:15] Loading Expansion01_27_34
[2:54:30 AM:106] Loading Expansion01_25_33
[2:54:30 AM:220] 'Fel Soldier' is walking! Reavoiding!
[2:54:30 AM:240] Could not generate path from {-280.889, 1035.932, 54.32968} to {-681.164, 2708.75, 95.5693} (time used: 1.74 seconds) @ UpdatePathFind
[2:54:30 AM:542] Loading Expansion01_30_32
[2:54:30 AM:666] Loading Expansion01_26_33
[2:54:30 AM:796] Loading Expansion01_29_32
[2:54:30 AM:921] Loading Expansion01_29_33
[2:54:31 AM:5] Loading Expansion01_28_32
[2:54:31 AM:106] Loading Expansion01_29_31
[2:54:31 AM:179] Loading Expansion01_28_33
[2:54:31 AM:299] Loading Expansion01_30_33
[2:54:31 AM:364] Loading Expansion01_27_32
[2:54:31 AM:470] Loading Expansion01_28_31
[2:54:31 AM:547] Loading Expansion01_27_33
[2:54:31 AM:671] Loading Expansion01_30_31
[2:54:31 AM:739] Loading Expansion01_27_31
[2:54:31 AM:858] Loading Expansion01_26_32
[2:54:32 AM:25] Loading Expansion01_29_34
[2:54:32 AM:67] Loading Expansion01_28_34
[2:54:32 AM:127] Start/Stop button pressed.
[2:54:32 AM:133] Stopping the bot!
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yeah that doesn't tell me anything. i need to know what quest you're on, and a log.txt, not code snippets - and you're like a zone away from where you're supposed to be (according to the nav)
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