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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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i have reached lvl79 and it has started to grind(Goal: Grind to level 80)

does it have any quests on lvl 79....or it will grind for the rest of the level?

if you're using alpha, that's all i have. due to sp having flying, it's very complex. but it has like 62 quests in my alpha for storm peaks

Using alpha I'm running into a bug with the quest behaviors. Get the following errors on a few quests (so far Liquid Fire of Elune and Strengthen the Ancients):

[Behavior: UseItemOn(warning)]: Unrecognized attribute 'ObjectType' (with value of 'Npc') will be ignored.
[Behavior: UseItemOn(warning)]: Unrecognized attribute 'CollectionDistance' (with value of '500') will be ignored.

Don't know if the QB is broken or if you're calling the wrong one.

I am sure I have the newest version of the alpha profile, the QBs, and HB. I've just done them manually for now, but it's something you should look at as it makes the bot just stand in place forever.

Thanks again for your amazing work on these profiles. With a perfectly working auto-equip and if HB would choose all the right quest rewards, leveling would be an absolute no-brainer thanks to the work here.
ignore that for now, you have a new copy that i'm testing out and letting yall be Guinea pigs
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ignore that :) objectype isn't needed for new useitemon

Ok, but something is making useitemon not work correctly. It just runs to the X Y Z coords and stands there. Bot never goes to look for the npcs to cast on, and ignores them even while standing right on top of them.
Ok, but something is making useitemon not work correctly. It just runs to the X Y Z coords and stands there. Bot never goes to look for the npcs to cast on, and ignores them even while standing right on top of them.

ya im having raphus fix that right now

use this copy for now
ok.. so my theory of it being HB was proven wrong.. the problem about not milling but still telling you the amount of herbs you have is completely random... worked perfect since my last post but lately it breaks randomly lol maybe we'll get an update soon! gotta say, i cant live without this addon now! atleast till i get my darkmoon rep to exalted :D
Hey man I really want to test this Profile but for some reason when I click on your blog download link it doesn't display anything. I subscribed to it and still not showing anything. Any help?

Thanks, Pins.
it's an issue with your group name, i asked bossland to fix this earlier, he said he's looking into it
Heya Kick! I just tried to run this and I get these errors basically on startup everytime:

In Log:
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [N - Quest] Deepholm 81-83 [Kick]
Chose Ensemble - The Ultimate All-In-One CC v1.0.1.212 by raphus as your combat class!
[Ensemble v1.0.1.212]:Ensemble has been loaded successfully
[Ensemble v1.0.1.212]:Your current spec is Protection
Unable to compile CustomBehavior for tag: <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/dismount\n/cancelaura Swift Flight Form\n/cancelaura Flight Form" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="2000" />
c:\Users\David\Desktop\Regular\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\RunMacro.cs(75,21) : error CS0103: The name 'UtilLogMessage' does not exist in the current context
c:\Users\David\Desktop\Regular\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\RunMacro.cs(101,5) : error CS0103: The name 'UtilLogMessage' does not exist in the current context
Honorbuddy stopped
Exception thrown in CustomBehavior object for tag:
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/dismount\n/cancelaura Swift Flight Form\n/cancelaura Flight Form" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="2000" />
 make sure the tag has all required attributes and try again.
Thread was being aborted.
Honorbuddy stopped

In Debug Log:
[2:06:43 PM:429] Start/Stop button pressed.
[2:06:51 PM:246] Cleared POI
[2:06:51 PM:247] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[2:06:51 PM:247] Cleared POI
[2:06:54 PM:963] Picking up Gunship Down : 26245
[2:06:54 PM:964] Goal: Picking up Gunship Down
[2:06:55 PM:19] Picking up Elemental Energy : 27136
[2:06:55 PM:19] Goal: Picking up Elemental Energy
[2:06:55 PM:86] Picking up The Earth Claims All : 26244
[2:06:55 PM:86] Goal: Picking up The Earth Claims All
[2:06:55 PM:347] Picking up Explosive Bonding Compound : 26410
[2:06:55 PM:347] Goal: Picking up Explosive Bonding Compound
[2:06:55 PM:411] Picking up Something that Burns : 27135
[2:06:55 PM:411] Goal: Picking up Something that Burns
[2:06:56 PM:180] Stop called!
[2:06:56 PM:205] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[2:06:56 PM:205] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()

I love your stuff and I would greatly like to test this. Im kinda new so I have no idea whats wrong. I tried taking the quest behavior runmacro out. Im using only the newest quest behaviors from your blog. Ill try using an older version of it and see if that helps.
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that worked, I was using an earlier version and everything is running now. Thanks again!
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Hey Kick

I wanted to try this profli on a lvl 82 druid.

I did the qusts that get you to Deepholm manually, so that the character lands in Temple of Earth.

When i start the bot, i just goes to the mailbox, stands there for a while. Then goes and takes the portal to Org, then in Org it takes the portal to where you need to click the griffon to fly to Deepholm and just stands there.

Ok, got it going now, but everytime the bot gets into Temple of earth it ports to Org for some reason.

Also another thing. Everytime the bot is near a vendor and theres some barrels etc near. He tries to loot em, which he ofc cant. And then just stands there until i intervene and move him out of reach.
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Using lifetime still cant access your alpha link! Would love to help develop this profile when i get access!
Just want to say thanks for this plugin, I always like log hearth on logout...

1 Question though, once the Ringo Config is open, I cant change TABs on Honorbuddy, as I like to leave it on the STATUS tab. Does anyone else have this issue?
1 Question though, once the Ringo Config is open, I cant change TABs on Honorbuddy, as I like to leave it on the STATUS tab. Does anyone else have this issue?

That's the way it works. I'll be doing an update that allows you to close the window when I get time, might be next week.
Thanks for this very nice plugin, I do have a suggestion though:

When the use mail option is checked, I would like to be able to go afk and come back to bags chucked with gems and inks.
It could, for example, check if there are already atleast 16 of a certain gem in the bags, and adjust the amount of mails it picks up. When there are no gems in the bags, it should keep 12 slots free (6 green ones 6 blue ones), etc.

I'm not sure if this can be implemented but it would be a major timesaver :)
Near flawless quest order thanks! I went from 70-78 in 4 days (Safe botting) with minor flaws such as Grizzly hills all the quest for sasha he kept going to the wrong place but i force accepted quest and he was on his way! Other then that its worked great! Was kind of sad when i got to 78 and it wanted to grind :( but i know how time consuming questing scripts are and thanks for all your time spent! keep up the good work!
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