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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Ok got it, sorry again. What about the inability (once in HFP) to take the FP and trying to route a path over land? It kinda moved a little and then started looping. (Just trying to help.)
added - re-download

Hey kick,

my bot wont start because of that:

Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 42684 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!

what should i do with it? downloaded all the qb from your blog, using .4265

<Vendor Name="Sturmruferin Mylra" Entry="42684" Type="Repair" X="1243.871" Y="-206.9482" Z="463.8944" />

Same issue here. deleted everything. fresh install, redownloaded quest behaviours folder and most recent flyto file. suggestions?
well i think what happened is that you didn't dismount when it was supposed to take the taxi

		<PickUp QuestName="Arrival in Outland" GiverName="Commander Duron" QuestId="10288" GiverId="19229" />
			<If Condition="(HasQuest(10288))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/dismount" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" />
		<TurnIn QuestName="Arrival in Outland" TurnInName="Amish Wildhammer" QuestId="10288" TurnInId="18931" />
		<PickUp QuestName="Journey to Honor Hold" GiverName="Amish Wildhammer" QuestId="10140" GiverId="18931" />

maybe i'll up the numoftimes to 3, to make sure the bot understands that i want it to dismount (it will autofly you to HH, you shouldn't have to click it)
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Ok that makes sense then, I purposefully am making it use Celestial Steed because I think the Worgen Running Wild may confuse it, not sure if Celestial Steed is doing it too.

Thanks for your help! I will try to provide useful feedback - when I was running the Uldum one I was just super tired so I just commented out stuff that wasn't working.
Ok that makes sense then, I purposefully am making it use Celestial Steed because I think the Worgen Running Wild may confuse it, not sure if Celestial Steed is doing it too.

Thanks for your help! I will try to provide useful feedback - when I was running the Uldum one I was just super tired so I just commented out stuff that wasn't working.

yeah it's no problem :) this profile i've ran 15 toons through, so it's 99% bugless
Every time it turns in a quest HB stops and I have to accept the next quest on the screen then clicks start again. why is this?
redownload, i added xyz's to all of that npc now

Awesome. will test and post back with results. Thanks for the fast response :D

EDIT: hmmm, seem to be getting this error in Nav log now "Downloaded tilemap Deephome
Changed tilemap to Deephome, Tiled: True
Loading Deephome_31_30
Loading Deephome_32_29
Could not generate path from {983.7202, 518.9363, -49.3346} to {1243.871, -206.9482, 463.8944} (time used: 4 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
Could not generate path from {983.7202, 518.9363, -49.3346} to {1243.871, -206.9482, 463.8944} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly"

Wouldnt be because Deepholme is spelt wrong?
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no, if you started midway, you'll have to go to where it's trying to pickup / turnin a quest at
no, if you started midway, you'll have to go to where it's trying to pickup / turnin a quest at

Cool. Flew to her, accepted the quest and had to complete a few of hers for it to kick in. Now it's going along nicely. + rep if I can give you more!
Hi , awesome work Kick , keep up the good spirit :)

Have some issues , probably user related but anyway here we go.

After completeing the q:s up at Silvermarsh it seems like the bot wants to go grinding , is this intended since im only lvl 82 or is there something else with it ?

This is probably not profile realted but after death the bot dosnt fly to the corpse but get stuck while trying to run on the gryphon.

I also have the issue with having to manually accept new pop up quests , have the CB and profile from your blog (downloaded 10 mins ago).
mine all auto complete/accept new quests just fine, i don't know what the issue is

deaths... yeah, since flightor doesn't work while you're dead, then you have to keep an eye on your bot
**ah hem**

sneakily inserts acceptlogquest.cs into the quest behaviors file and re-uploads ;)

You may have already fixed it, but there is an error in one of the If conditions with the new version of HB. Had to change a few lines to fix it.

Line 2261 in the version I have, right after the Gearmaster objective:
			<If Condition="(IsQuestCompleted(11798))" >

It's apparently actually checking for just that the quest has been completed before, so it forces the bot to go back to the airstrip, go up and down the elevator, then go back about whatever its business was. Changed to the following, and it fixed it for me:
			<If Condition="((IsQuestCompleted(11798)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(11725)))" >
You may have already fixed it, but there is an error in one of the If conditions with the new version of HB. Had to change a few lines to fix it.

Line 2261 in the version I have, right after the Gearmaster objective:
			<If Condition="(IsQuestCompleted(11798))" >

It's apparently actually checking for just that the quest has been completed before, so it forces the bot to go back to the airstrip, go up and down the elevator, then go back about whatever its business was. Changed to the following, and it fixed it for me:
			<If Condition="((IsQuestCompleted(11798)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(11725)))" >

you're almost there, take away the ! because that means not completed... but this tells it to use the elevator.

redownload (alpha copy)
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