Sup guys.. So i bought HB yesterday, talk about a bad time getting into the whole thing. Anyways used a lot of hours getting into the whole thing, to my dissapointment that the questing didnt work, am currently lvling a horde shammy up. Or at least tried to - didn't work. Then i used a little more time, and tried shit. Somehow i got it to work with singular and your profiles, was so happy.. finally i could make a jay and play at the same time, and just enjoy shit.. ^^ it lvled fine from 22 to 24 when it came to the place where Black fathom depts are, theres a quest which requires you go down the cave and collect 20 pieces of some crystal shit froms walls in cave, right before entrance to dung. as it picked the quest up the first stop began. it wouldn't move and said something about some bitch named >Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown <. anyways, tried again, nothing happened. then i decide to go manually down in cave and do the quest. when i came back and started HB again it just paced back and forth and spammed the Npc trying to find the quest even though i just had completed it. I tried manually go in and delete the npc and quest chain but i dont know how, now it doesnt work -.- dont know how to post log but this fucker right here is the problem. very much appreciate the effort and doing the whole thing.
-<Quest Name="The Essence of Aku'Mai" Id="26890"> -<Objective CollectCount="20" ItemId="16784" Type="CollectItem"> -<Hotspots> the npc is Dagrun Ragehammer - rage...