seems to be a reoccuring thing with this could not generate hotspots thing hopefull its just a small fix and not a major code change from blizz otherwise the questing seeme to be working great
CLU] 3.3.0: [Casting] Mangle [NotBehind]
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[CLU] 3.3.0: [Casting] Mangle [NotBehind]
[CLU] 3.3.0: [Casting] Rake on Coyote
[CLU] 3.3.0: [Casting] Mangle [NotBehind]
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Could not generate any hotspots for quest Westfall Stew. Please place a quest override for this quest.
CLU] 3.3.0: [Casting] Mangle [NotBehind]
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[CLU] 3.3.0: [Casting] Mangle [NotBehind]
[CLU] 3.3.0: [Casting] Rake on Coyote
[CLU] 3.3.0: [Casting] Mangle [NotBehind]
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Could not generate any hotspots for quest Westfall Stew. Please place a quest override for this quest.