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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hi all! Im having problems when moving to hotspot. It doesnt matter if it's very far away from there, sometimes it goes flying, sometime using roads and sometimes even walking! I have unchecked random and auto mount, and also ground andd flying mount is set to the wyvern.
I have attached my last log. I hope you can see what's wrong with me.
Thanks in advance.


Quest log Deleted

I was running my huntard at lv 69 with Kick profile (BTW they a re superb :P) when suddently I got the full lust of quest deleted from my quest log!!! And the bot rushed forward for a portal to orgrimmar...

Here the log attached


I was running my huntard at lv 69 with Kick profile (BTW they a re superb :P) when suddently I got the full lust of quest deleted from my quest log!!! And the bot rushed forward for a portal to orgrimmar...

Here the log attached

[22:56:09:248] Compiling expression 'Me.MapId == 530 && (Me.Level >= 68)' @ line 5862

the bot took the portal to OG to move on to northend. Thats just fine imo.
Hey Kickazz, i am a fan of everything you have made for the community and i have been working on creating flying grinding profiles for weeks/months now and i finally made it.

used Professionbuddy and did alot of tweaking for it to finally work, for about 2 hours it works flawless, flies to repair & mail etc with no problems whatsoever, but after 2 hours it seems to just randomly pick a vendor itself :/

So i have to restart honorbuddy every 2 hour for that to work, but again using Professionbuddy & GrindBot messes up ressing and lots of other small issues...

So my question to you is... Could you maybe share an profile that is using Questingbot to grind explaining the steps etc?
ive tried to create my own looking at what you have done in yours but it just wont work :P
Having probs again think it may be a Nav problem here is log:

[10:58:25 PM:176] Could not generate path from {-279.3863, 1529.6, 86.52618} to {-3851.538, 4365.738, -1.144888} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly

try to get in the right zone (and off of your flying mount) before you start a new profile

Ally Hellfire doesn't fly atm (i'm about 2/3 done re-coding it though. expect it later today)
Hi all! Im having problems when moving to hotspot. It doesnt matter if it's very far away from there, sometimes it goes flying, sometime using roads and sometimes even walking! I have unchecked random and auto mount, and also ground andd flying mount is set to the wyvern.
I have attached my last log. I hope you can see what's wrong with me.
Thanks in advance.

It ground mounts to sell / repair / mail

as far as unchecking the auto mount... that's maybe why it's not using the ground mount
Quest turn in Problem, needed ~20 tries to turn it @ Quest: Winterfall Activity in Winterspring, char is level51

if thats the wrong thread for reporting, i am sorry. :)

€: Quest: Boulder Delivery, in Everlook / Winterspring - same issue. bot tries 15th time just as i'm writing

no log = no assistance - as stated in the first post
Hey Kickazz, i am a fan of everything you have made for the community and i have been working on creating flying grinding profiles for weeks/months now and i finally made it.

used Professionbuddy and did alot of tweaking for it to finally work, for about 2 hours it works flawless, flies to repair & mail etc with no problems whatsoever, but after 2 hours it seems to just randomly pick a vendor itself :/

So i have to restart honorbuddy every 2 hour for that to work, but again using Professionbuddy & GrindBot messes up ressing and lots of other small issues...

So my question to you is... Could you maybe share an profile that is using Questingbot to grind explaining the steps etc?
ive tried to create my own looking at what you have done in yours but it just wont work :P

check the [Default Profiles in my svn for [QO - Fly] Grind and Repair Mail [Kick]
how can i chance soo my wow man start at a quest for level 50 not 12 want is im going to chance in the profil? :D
I'm a little confused at the syntax, so it might take me a while before I can figure out what is safe to rem out. I am currently trying to remove all non class missions from Kick's Nar Shadda. I like the work you guys do. Hopefully when I understand things a little more I can contribute my own help. :)
I went thru and rem'ed the lines that would pick up new quests. If I am reading the script correctly, which would be a miracle for me, then this should keep my guy only doing class quests, since they are given and not picked up. Is this a wrong conclusion? I would test but I am not able to use the bot at the moment. :(
check the [Default Profiles in my svn for [QO - Fly] Grind and Repair Mail [Kick]

Finally found it and almost made it working. but it seems as it wont grind, this is what the log says:

[Profile Message]: Doing a vendor run at XX Location
[FlyTo-v217(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'Name'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'DestName', instead.
[Singular] Casting Seal of Insight on Myself
[Singular] Casting Retribution Aura on Myself
Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Fizzix Blastbolt
Mounting: Swift Purple Wind Rider
Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Fizzix Blastbolt
[Singular] Casting Retribution Aura on Myself
[Profile Message]: Doing a vendor run at XX Location
[FlyTo-v217(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'Name'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'DestName', instead.
Stopping the bot!

then it just repeat vendoring :(
Finally found it and almost made it working. but it seems as it wont grind, this is what the log says:

[Profile Message]: Doing a vendor run at XX Location
[FlyTo-v217(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'Name'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'DestName', instead.
[Singular] Casting Seal of Insight on Myself
[Singular] Casting Retribution Aura on Myself
Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Fizzix Blastbolt
Mounting: Swift Purple Wind Rider
Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Fizzix Blastbolt
[Singular] Casting Retribution Aura on Myself
[Profile Message]: Doing a vendor run at XX Location
[FlyTo-v217(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'Name'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'DestName', instead.
Stopping the bot!

then it just repeat vendoring :(

I fixed the Warning message by changing
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" Name="Repair Run" X Y Z />

<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Repair Run" X Y Z />

But it still flies to first hotspot, then mounts and does a repair run, followed by flight back to first hotspot and doing repair run again.
Just an endless loop of repairing :(
Just ran 1-70 BC pack ended up in netherstorm with 3 quests to turn in and an exception thrown wont start bot. So i fired up 68-80 right there in netherstorm and hes just sitting. Do i need to move to borean? Or will he find his way?
Just ran 1-70 BC pack ended up in netherstorm with 3 quests to turn in and an exception thrown wont start bot. So i fired up 68-80 right there in netherstorm and hes just sitting. Do i need to move to borean? Or will he find his way?

sometimes it does throw an exception, i usually reload the profile and start the bot again.
if it fails a second time, i restart HB and reload the quests/profile as normal.

i'm just using it on an older alt to help me finish up loremaster kalimdor (with ignorecheckpoints) it's either 110% completing zones (no biggie) or 85% completing them (also good, as i'm filling in with zygor when the bot skips past zones). i do need a better warlock CC (pets kill-stealing lv10-50 mobs sucks), but otherwise, the only thing it quirks with is flightpoints, in what i assume are "vendoring & repair/training/grind until level X points", which sometimes glitches and repeatedly opens a flight point. mostly in ashenvale or stonetalon. it's up to southern barrens,

i had to manually start a few quests in the next zone/region for it to 'tick over' when the flight points got stuck, but it's going well so far now that i think that issue is fixed. (i'll post logs if requested.)
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