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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I fixed the Warning message by changing
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" Name="Repair Run" X Y Z />

<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Repair Run" X Y Z />

But it still flies to first hotspot, then mounts and does a repair run, followed by flight back to first hotspot and doing repair run again.
Just an endless loop of repairing :(

Here is the profile & log, could u please take a look at it?

View attachment 22.08.2012_17_59 3316 Log.txt

View attachment Questeer.xml
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sometimes it does throw an exception, i usually reload the profile and start the bot again.
if it fails a second time, i restart HB and reload the quests/profile as normal.

i'm just using it on an older alt to help me finish up loremaster kalimdor (with ignorecheckpoints) it's either 110% completing zones (no biggie) or 85% completing them (also good, as i'm filling in with zygor when the bot skips past zones). i do need a better warlock CC (pets kill-stealing lv10-50 mobs sucks), but otherwise, the only thing it quirks with is flightpoints, in what i assume are "vendoring & repair/training/grind until level X points", which sometimes glitches and repeatedly opens a flight point. mostly in ashenvale or stonetalon. it's up to southern barrens,

i had to manually start a few quests in the next zone/region for it to 'tick over' when the flight points got stuck, but it's going well so far now that i think that issue is fixed. (i'll post logs if requested.)
I tried a restart with no luck. Im thinking its because I am LVL 69 and completed that area and it had no where to go next. So I loaded 70-80 Profile and he wouldn't leave netherstorm. I hearthed to Org and he wont leave Org im wondering if i need to send him to borean manually?
I fixed the Warning message by changing
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" Name="Repair Run" X Y Z />

<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Repair Run" X Y Z />

I am trying to grind with fly mail/repair support with the template you told me to use, could you please explain to me why it wont behave or atleast give me something to work with instead of trashing my replies -.-

But it still flies to first hotspot, then mounts and does a repair run, followed by flight back to first hotspot and doing repair run again.
Just an endless loop of repairing

Here is the profile & log, could u please take a look at it?

View attachment 22.08.2012_17_59 3316 Log.txt
View attachment Questeer.xml
I fixed the Warning message by changing
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" Name="Repair Run" X Y Z />

<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Repair Run" X Y Z />

I am trying to grind with fly mail/repair support with the template you told me to use, could you please explain to me why it wont behave or atleast give me something to work with instead of trashing my replies -.-

But it still flies to first hotspot, then mounts and does a repair run, followed by flight back to first hotspot and doing repair run again.
Just an endless loop of repairing

Here is the profile & log, could u please take a look at it?

View attachment 51926
View attachment 51927

please make your own thread in the dev forum and i'll look at it
Finaly got to 68 with your profile :) Great
But going to start LK 68-80 now but when i have taken the first quest Warchief's Command Northrend! and click start the bot is deleting the quest and starts saying

[Profile Message]: If the bot takes more than 10 seconds to move, it is compiling quests to see where you are - it's about 1 minute per zone completed
[Profile Message]: Compiling Borean Tundra Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Warsong Hold Quests
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp

After 30min i quit the bot.
I have a Worgen at level 70 with the running ability instead of mount. When I load 70-80 I just wants to run and train mount, how can I make it use the Worgen running abilty?
Hi, got a question or maybe a request. I have used your profile on 6 toons and i must say that it is amazing. Sometimes it get stuck or something but that are small stuff. But got a question. When it's done in winterspring 53.5-54 , it always need to kill alot of mobs to get to lvl 55. Shouldn't it be better to but in some quest in another zone beetwin winterspring and Silithus, like Un'Goro Crater or something ? The same goes for then it's in northrend and need to kill alot of mobs in storm peaks. It should save some time when levling.. And again, an amzing job you put into this profile.
I am currently level 12 using Singular as CC, and it get's stuck on FP. It just toogle's the FPs but does completly nothing. Any help? Dunno where to find logs etc..
Hey guys,
I am having a bit of a problem with the bot/profile.. I have leveled 1-64 currently with no problems but now the bot seems to go to the quest giver/turn in and just stay doing nothing.. If I manually click the turn in/accept it happily goes off and carries on working.
Nothing is happening in the log either it just says turning in/accepting quest and stays like it until I stop the bot or help it with accept/turn ins.
Is anyone else having this in Zangermarsh?
Hey guys,
I am having a bit of a problem with the bot/profile.. I have leveled 1-64 currently with no problems but now the bot seems to go to the quest giver/turn in and just stay doing nothing.. If I manually click the turn in/accept it happily goes off and carries on working.
Nothing is happening in the log either it just says turning in/accepting quest and stays like it until I stop the bot or help it with accept/turn ins.
Is anyone else having this in Zangermarsh?

Im having kinda the same issue, since I got my flying mount it wont do anything, its just stuck on
I am in HFP

P.S. Kinda Confused on how to attach a log
[7:31:04 PM:566] [FlyTo-v217(debug) @line 1953]: Flying to 'Turnin Quest': <-702.8469, 1889.476, 61.3567>.
Hey Kick im having some issues with the Classic Alliance questing profile. Started out in NE starter area and then swung over to Goldshire On several of the quests i am getting the message Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrownThe type initializer for 'Styx.Logic.Profiles.ProtectedItemsManager' threw an exception. any thoughts on this??


Hey Kick im having some issues with the Classic Alliance questing profile. Started out in NE starter area and then swung over to Goldshire On several of the quests i am getting the message Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrownThe type initializer for 'Styx.Logic.Profiles.ProtectedItemsManager' threw an exception. any thoughts on this??
reinstall from scratch
Hi Kick,

There's a bug I've found on all my toons when they're on the Burning Steppes quest Strategic Cuts, specifically when trying to kill the troll at the top of the tower Voodooist Timan.

The problem is that the bot runs to the top of the tower and then runs off the back of it. After landing, the bot runs into the outside wall of the tower indefinitely. When one of my toons was stuck on this, I actually saw another toon doing the exact same thing as mine, which was pretty hilarious.

I think if the RunTo coordinates at the top of the tower could be updated this could fix the problem. I can't login to the game to troubleshoot this right now, but will try to when I can login later today.

View attachment 8-23-2012_9_46 AM 5924 Log.zip
Hi Kick,

There's a bug I've found on all my toons when they're on the Burning Steppes quest Strategic Cuts, specifically when trying to kill the troll at the top of the tower Voodooist Timan.

The problem is that the bot runs to the top of the tower and then runs off the back of it. After landing, the bot runs into the outside wall of the tower indefinitely. When one of my toons was stuck on this, I actually saw another toon doing the exact same thing as mine, which was pretty hilarious.

I think if the RunTo coordinates at the top of the tower could be updated this could fix the problem. I can't login to the game to troubleshoot this right now, but will try to when I can login later today.

View attachment 52112

fixt and committed to svn
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Hi Kick,

So I spent an hour troubleshooting this when I got home and was able to kill the troll and undead NPCs. The ogre was bugged out, and, as I read on Wowhead, won't work until a server restart.

Edit: Turns out killing the ogre on one of my 85 toons reset him, and I was able to kill him along with the troll and undead with this code fix.

To kill all three NPCs I replaced UseItemOns with RunTos and /tar and /use macros. The previous positioning put the bot in front of the troll, and you have to be behind him to use the item (this only appears as an in-game error, it doesn't show in the logs). I also put the ogre in front of the undead because the ogre is closer to the troll.

To implement this fix, replace lines 7546-7559 with this:

<!-- Troll -->
<RunTo X="-8088.65" Y="-1885.216" Z="182.4963" />
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/tar Voodooist Timan" />
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/use Razor-Sharp Scorpid Barb" />
<!-- Ogre -->
<RunTo X="-8247.719" Y="-1842.645" Z="145.4444" />
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/tar Gorlop" />
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/use Razor-Sharp Scorpid Barb" />
<!-- Undead -->
<RunTo X="-8158.81" Y="-1697.208" Z="137.2372" />
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/tar Worgmistress Othana" />
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/use Razor-Sharp Scorpid Barb" />
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