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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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A lot of the horde/neutral mesh issues are fixed. The ally ones that I could remember. I've gotten around 50 taurens to lvl 85. There are minor issues w/ cata profiles (behaviors mostly, stuck in combat, etc).

If you're playing a non-cow (tauren, draenei) - you should have very few issues w/ mesh related issues

Dungeonbuddy? I dunno, I don't use it. There are various threads about it

Ah k, thanks mate. Guess its time to resubscribe
Found another bug with that quest I mentioned previously my friend. Here is the cut from my log (I was actually need it so I just used the item to get it going again).

[9:33:29 PM:830] Successfully generated path from {1387.395, -3226.856, 160.5468} to {1367.308, -3179.079, 153.5764} in 1.38 seconds
[9:33:30 PM:373] Activity: Moving to location <1367.308, -3179.079, 153.5764>
[9:33:40 PM:968] [Singular] Casting Fear Ward on Myself
[9:33:40 PM:970] Spell_C::CastSpell(6346, 0, 0x30000000718A8B2, 0) [8836]
[9:33:41 PM:154] [Talented] This build is not meant for you class! Please select another talent build
[9:33:47 PM:805] Goal: UseItemOn: "Absholutely... Thish Will Work!"
[9:33:48 PM:220] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [13g58s48c]
[9:33:48 PM:439] Goal: UseItemOn: "Absholutely... Thish Will Work!"
[9:35:22 PM:506] [Singular-DEBUG] Switched targets!
[9:35:22 PM:506] [Singular-DEBUG] Melee Distance: 5
[9:35:22 PM:506] [Singular-DEBUG] Health: 7984
[9:35:22 PM:506] [Singular-DEBUG] Level: 69
[9:35:22 PM:755] Goal: UseItemOn: "Absholutely... Thish Will Work!"
[9:35:30 PM:340] Activity: Moving to location <1367.308, -3179.079, 153.5764>
[9:35:30 PM:340] [STUCK] Got stuck at <1366.747, -3177.084, 158.0766> on map 571
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: False
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[9:35:33 PM:846] [STUCK] Strafing worked!
[9:35:33 PM:932] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
[9:35:35 PM:968] Goal: UseItemOn: "Absholutely... Thish Will Work!"

It moves over to the mob but for some reason doesn't use the item. Not sure what got her stuck, but figured I'd let ya know. I got another toon that is going to be going through that area soon, So I will pay better attention when she is and see if she gets stuck as well.
When doing the horde quest "When plants attack" quest in "The Overgrowth" at Southern Barrens the bot will move to the target but it won't attack. So I need to right click on the target to get it to kill it and loot. I had to do this for all 5
When doing the horde quest "When plants attack" quest in "The Overgrowth" at Southern Barrens the bot will move to the target but it won't attack. So I need to right click on the target to get it to kill it and loot. I had to do this for all 5

what is up w/ no one attaching logs? It clearly says in the first post that a log must be submitted

also, the post right above yours it says you need to attach a log

please read before posting a bug - as i've never had this issue on my toons w/ singular
what is up w/ no one attaching logs? It clearly says in the first post that a log must be submitted

also, the post right above yours it says you need to attach a log

please read before posting a bug - as i've never had this issue on my toons w/ singular

I will repost once I find the log,
damm we need more of a Verity of Questing Profiles for lvl 70-80 an 81-85 kicks is awsome an all but would like a verity an yeah i no it takes lots of time to make them but all i see is grinding profiles but hey if anyone has anything to beta test im all ear's an willing to do so an give feed back.

Then I suggest you start coding

I've only leveled up 150 85's w/ my profiles... you know, no biggie

If you have issues with my profiles - then feel free to submit a bug report to: Kick

Also, it's variety - not verity. As since my profiles exist, they must be true. So more verity means more true? Super true? Yes, my profiles are Verity then!

Verity | Define Verity at Dictionary.com

[h=1]verity[/h]   Example Sentences Origin
[h=2]ver?i?ty[/h]   [ver-i-tee] Show IPA
noun, plural ver?i?ties for 2.1.the state or quality of being true; accordance with fact orreality: to question the verity of a statement.

2.something that is true, as a principle, belief, idea, orstatement: the eternal verities.

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The bot seems to go to a flight master, sit there mounted and do nothing.

Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update

is all i see when i start the bot after the profile is loaded and the quests are compiled. I've tried reloading the profile, unchecking the update flightpath option in settings and tools, restarting the bot, restarting both wow and the bot but to no avail. I've only see the bot work once when questing under BC and after the worgen starting area.

I've found the best way to temp fix this, simply go to the hotspot outside town and it will start up normally, but otherwise it will sit there for hours. I'm going to monitor it now and see what it does (just tried that while typing this up.)

By the way, it does go back into town for turn in's (i think) and once it does that it goes straight to the flight master.


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Starterzone Draenei.

Does not have enough money to train at lvl3.

Known issue ?
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Hi Kick,
In the redridge mountains he has been running in loops finding Nida's Necklace for hours.
Log attached

The toons i've ran never had this issue. It's an optional quest - you can delete it from the profile if it bugs out.

Is auto-loot turned on in your wow settings?
Not much I can do about flight paths, they aren't profile related (except turning them on / off)

I actually have the same issue. Since it isn't linked with the profiles, is it an Honorbuddy in general problem? If you know maybe a better area to post a log or look for a workaround, I'm more than willing to try it so as not to bug you with it again!
Not much I can do about flight paths, they aren't profile related (except turning them on / off)

I have the same issue. I have disabled use flightpaths now and Ive let it run. Im guessing its going to get stuck further down the line though when it needs to use a flightpath to cover a large distance somewhere. Am I doing the right thing or is there another workaround? Is it a known issue?
Does the profile take advantage of Druids Aquatic Form or would that be the CC, because when ever it travels in water it mounts and swims.
The bot trys to Turn in a quest it doesn't even have, or the NPC isnt giveing out a quest. Profile is "[H-Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick].xml" and the NPC is Ogron at Dustwallow Marsh


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