Found another bug with that quest I mentioned previously my friend. Here is the cut from my log (I was actually need it so I just used the item to get it going again).
[9:33:29 PM:830] Successfully generated path from {1387.395, -3226.856, 160.5468} to {1367.308, -3179.079, 153.5764} in 1.38 seconds
[9:33:30 PM:373] Activity: Moving to location <1367.308, -3179.079, 153.5764>
[9:33:40 PM:968] [Singular] Casting Fear Ward on Myself
[9:33:40 PM:970] Spell_C::CastSpell(6346, 0, 0x30000000718A8B2, 0) [8836]
[9:33:41 PM:154] [Talented] This build is not meant for you class! Please select another talent build
[9:33:47 PM:805] Goal: UseItemOn: "Absholutely... Thish Will Work!"
[9:33:48 PM:220] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [13g58s48c]
[9:33:48 PM:439] Goal: UseItemOn: "Absholutely... Thish Will Work!"
[9:35:22 PM:506] [Singular-DEBUG] Switched targets!
[9:35:22 PM:506] [Singular-DEBUG] Melee Distance: 5
[9:35:22 PM:506] [Singular-DEBUG] Health: 7984
[9:35:22 PM:506] [Singular-DEBUG] Level: 69
[9:35:22 PM:755] Goal: UseItemOn: "Absholutely... Thish Will Work!"
[9:35:30 PM:340] Activity: Moving to location <1367.308, -3179.079, 153.5764>
[9:35:30 PM:340] [STUCK] Got stuck at <1366.747, -3177.084, 158.0766> on map 571
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: False
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[9:35:30 PM:348] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[9:35:33 PM:846] [STUCK] Strafing worked!
[9:35:33 PM:932] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
[9:35:35 PM:968] Goal: UseItemOn: "Absholutely... Thish Will Work!"
It moves over to the mob but for some reason doesn't use the item. Not sure what got her stuck, but figured I'd let ya know. I got another toon that is going to be going through that area soon, So I will pay better attention when she is and see if she gets stuck as well.