Note: Fly Questing Profiles have FlyTo's, not NativeFlying
FlyTo flies to and from objectives / quests and then use ground mount
Native Flying (such as GB2) will always fly
getting this infinite loop as well and i dont understand fix... on kilrok
12:52:41:855] [InteractWith-v223(debug) @line 4005]: Kilrok Gorehammer
[12:52:41:855] InteractDebug:864124792
[12:52:41:855] Interact Done:864124792
[12:52:41:857] [InteractWith-v223(debug) @line 4005]: Kilrok Gorehammer
Repeat infinite times.
ok well sense i just updated your Svntrunk im getting a Error ( could not creat current in quest Bot: Exception was Thrown
So i am using the 12-58 ally questing profile and it wont do anything not even move just sits in stormwind please help here is my log:
Hey all I got a question, I am using [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick] to level my Tauren Druid, he is level 27 atm. The bot will fly to Orgrimmar to get new skills but than will walk back to where it needs to go instead of flying back. Is there away I can stop the bot from training all the time and/or have him take a flightpath back?
make a thread in support and attach log. there's nothing wrong w/ the profile that from that logOk i reinstalled Hb 5965 no plugin or CC just fresh install still not working after Updateing Svn sad thing is it was working before i updated it LOl
Hey kick,
Whatsup? I think im going to start coming more active on HB again. Can i just ask? Has the mesh been fixed? Can i actually go afk for a reasonable periodmof time now? I think im going to lvl more 85s for MOP. Also, whats dungeonbuddy like?
Cheers bud,
Dungeonbuddy? I dunno, I don't use it. There are various threads about it
Dunno if troll or serious... ;D