if i have herlooms and a lvl 25 guild how i can skip some quests in our profil? to optimal Questlvl?
Ok, but a Tauren on Sea to Bloodelf Capital wont work... bad cow
Here it is ... last Line you see i stop HB. After restart its now on the way to Area52 to Sell. Dont know, maybe Mr. ItemRemover fails?!
Additional News:
If your posts are gone - they have been moved to the archives (not deleted).
If ItemForAuraPlugin is not working (LK Quests only now) - redownload the 5883.zip and extract it again. I have fixed the plugin and moved the profile-specific plugins back to their profile folders (thundermar, noblegarden, etc)
Horde - Ashenvale Quest "To The Rescue!" is having a lot more issues than usual. Blizzard broke it even more recently and haven't fixed it
Get quest, strip, Fly/Hearth to Org, fly back, talk to npc ... if he lets you mount the kodo - you should be good to go.
If the guy says 'the kodo is out watering bushes' ... then put in a GM ticket to complete the quest for u
There's nothing i can do w/o deleting 50% of ashenvale. So you can grind, bg, or instancebuddy to Level 23 and restart the profile if you don't want to GM ticket
GM Ticket usually takes about a day. Sometimes they PM you, sometimes they don't.
Well at 25 I still have to do it so grinding to 23 didn't help. Is there a way to skip this quest?
I am 81, and 60% in. can i leave it over night and does is automaticly switch over to profile 82-83 Deepholm? Or do i have to do it myself?
80-82: Hyjal
82-83: Deepholm
There are two dialogues i can think of kick,yeah it will go to the end of deepholm and have 1 userdialog.. .which should be gone in the next day or 2. then midway into uldum before next userdialog
There are two dialogues i can think of kick,
1. Killing Aeosera (i think) where you have to jump from rock to rock.
2. Where you have to kill the guy flying on the drakes.
Are these getting fully automated?!
Hi kick, I am a level 53 Feral Combat Druid and my character keeps flying to SoS and then riding back (ground mount) to SW via Deadwind Pass and Duskwood.
Can you tell me how I can fix this issue.
I have attached a Log file for you to browse.
i'll have to fwd this to the devs, you didn't loot for ~40 minutes
re-svn, i fixed this issue
l2read the thread before posting please