Additional News:
If your posts are gone - they have been moved to the archives (not deleted).
If ItemForAuraPlugin is not working (LK Quests only now) - redownload the and extract it again. I have fixed the plugin and moved the profile-specific plugins back to their profile folders (thundermar, noblegarden, etc)
Horde - Ashenvale Quest "To The Rescue!" is having a lot more issues than usual. Blizzard broke it even more recently and haven't fixed it
Get quest, strip, Fly/Hearth to Org, fly back, talk to npc ... if he lets you mount the kodo - you should be good to go.
If the guy says 'the kodo is out watering bushes' ... then put in a GM ticket to complete the quest for u
If you do the quest "Torek's Assault" and turn it in right before you pick-up "To the Rescue" quest, it will workout fine. However, if you pick-up that quest too early, you will have problems too. I've run it 6 times or so and it seems to work well. It is an odd bug.