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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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So outside the starting zone I should be ok. I was having problems starting hgher level characters from random points within the questline of the quest file, although that is probably due to my inability to understand your instructions or where to actually start

the horde profiles recently got a lot of lovin' ... but i still hate horde, so I run them AFK and fix it as shit happens =( lol
lmao alright. I'll keep ya posted I tend to complain... errr report errors alot.

Hopefully this will fix it and I can go straight to 58!.

I do however need to go over how to really set this bot up asfar as using plugins I guess to reequip stuff and keep track of items so it can really be AFKable
lmao alright. I'll keep ya posted I tend to complain... errr report errors alot.

Hopefully this will fix it and I can go straight to 58!.

I do however need to go over how to really set this bot up asfar as using plugins I guess to reequip stuff and keep track of items so it can really be AFKable

ya - i have given the ally profile a lot more lovin than the horde, but the horde should be mostly afk... as the issues arise, i try and fix them as fast as possible =)

All QQ's, concerns, bugs, etc are welcome (assuming you give me the tools to assist you - logs mainly, screenshots as needed ... and a thorough explanation of the issue including quest name)
Question about this profile, Kick

KIck, in the section for Duskwood in this profile, is there anything you can do about classes that are "squishy" such as mages and priests when they have to go into the graveyard where Mor'Ladim is located? I've left my bot on questing for hours only to come back and find that my poor little mage is at 0% armor and it keeps getting killed by Mor'Ladim, or all the quick spawning zombies in that area.

I've pretty much run this profile from level 1 to 26, but I'm stuck in Duskwood getting my ass handed to me by the quick respawns and Mor'Ladim. I'm a frost mage, and I'm using Zygor's suggested talent build for that level. My gear is the best I can buy/craft as well.

Just wondering if there's anything that can be done for that particular bit since that's where I'm stuck.
Ok i added the quest behaviors from ur folder kick to the mains hb folders, but its same problem i send some logs maybe u find my problems and im updated to lasted version ^^ and ty for the help


Ok i added the quest behaviors from ur folder kick to the mains hb folders, but its same problem i send some logs maybe u find my problems and im updated to lasted version ^^ and ty for the help

delete archbuddy and gatherbuddy2 from your /hb/bots/ folder lol

can't believe you still have them in there (they're embedded into hb now)
KIck, in the section for Duskwood in this profile, is there anything you can do about classes that are "squishy" such as mages and priests when they have to go into the graveyard where Mor'Ladim is located? I've left my bot on questing for hours only to come back and find that my poor little mage is at 0% armor and it keeps getting killed by Mor'Ladim, or all the quick spawning zombies in that area.

I've pretty much run this profile from level 1 to 26, but I'm stuck in Duskwood getting my ass handed to me by the quick respawns and Mor'Ladim. I'm a frost mage, and I'm using Zygor's suggested talent build for that level. My gear is the best I can buy/craft as well.

Just wondering if there's anything that can be done for that particular bit since that's where I'm stuck.

not w/o a lot of ugly runto's =(

i have the bot avoidmob mor'noobface, but sadly until hb avoidmobs is re-coded that's the best i can do (w/o a shit ton of runto's around him for every quest on the west side of duskwood)
Kick, i have problem with quest "Frederick's Fish Fancy" in EPL. Bot can't do it. here is logs.
Also i have another BIG problem... When my bot get's new lvl, he goes to Ironforge for training using fly master, but after that he goes to quest location by mount! It takes alot of time! How to nerf it?


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Kick, i have problem with quest "Frederick's Fish Fancy" in EPL. Bot can't do it. here is logs.
Also i have another BIG problem... When my bot get's new lvl, he goes to Ironforge for training using fly master, but after that he goes to quest location by mount! It takes alot of time! How to nerf it?

class = rogue = rogues = suck issue

CC issue probably

do note: I do not take reports from rogues
i want to use this on my lvl 85 shaman, but when i start it it says "ok ready to go to bc" but i want to finnish every quest this profile offers. how do i fix this ?

Firstly I'd like to thank you for all your profiles. I'm super new to honorbuddy, but used to use glider a few years back. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to learn how to edit profiles in this myself yet, but I'd like to report a coulpe of issues for you.

1) For the quest "Finding the Phylactery", the bot will fly to the small pool of water, then fly directly down into it, but because I'm a druid in flight form, it doesn't auto dismount. I think updating the quest to dismount above the pool, then move down would avoid this issue.

2) I had a couple of issues since movign to northrend, where the bot doesn't realise it has died and sits at the graveyard. This never happend when using your 60-70 profile, so I'm not sure if it is a setup issue, or a profile issue. Sorry if this isn't relevent to this thread, I'm not sure.

Thanks again :)
Kick here is another log from the 5-12 that has a problem. It targets but I guess it can't see avisible mob or whatnot. Maybe its me or the quests but I don't see the Horde version AFKable for any extended period of time. Atleast not right now. Or if its just HB being a PITA, because sometimes restarting the whole bot works. However I should not have to do that for every couple levels.


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how It depends on the class? If i will leveling another class, he will be travel back to questing zone by mount to.
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i want to use this on my lvl 85 shaman, but when i start it it says "ok ready to go to bc" but i want to finnish every quest this profile offers. how do i fix this ?

IgnoreCheckpoints="True" ... not False

I do not support 85's so you'll have to do some quests manually (combatuseitemon)

hey Mate,

I often see my toon get stuck on the corner of a bridge in SW say when when running to shammy trainer, ive got the log attached.

I see it regardless of the class

View attachment 32597
Nav issue


how It depends on the class? If i will leveling another class, he will be travel back to questing zone by mount to.

I don't understand
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