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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Kick here is another log from the 5-12 that has a problem. It targets but I guess it can't see avisible mob or whatnot. Maybe its me or the quests but I don't see the Horde version AFKable for any extended period of time. Atleast not right now. Or if its just HB being a PITA, because sometimes restarting the whole bot works. However I should not have to do that for every couple levels.

Stuck in combat issue... it's a bot issue and I cannot fix that bud

Firstly I'd like to thank you for all your profiles. I'm super new to honorbuddy, but used to use glider a few years back. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to learn how to edit profiles in this myself yet, but I'd like to report a coulpe of issues for you.

1) For the quest "Finding the Phylactery", the bot will fly to the small pool of water, then fly directly down into it, but because I'm a druid in flight form, it doesn't auto dismount. I think updating the quest to dismount above the pool, then move down would avoid this issue.

2) I had a couple of issues since movign to northrend, where the bot doesn't realise it has died and sits at the graveyard. This never happend when using your 60-70 profile, so I'm not sure if it is a setup issue, or a profile issue. Sorry if this isn't relevent to this thread, I'm not sure.

Thanks again :)

1st issue: give me an XYZ (dev tools --> double click 0 0 0) that is outside of the pool

2nd issue - it's probably downloading mesh tiles
but i open port in my router and then allow HB to get thru my firewall etc but it still doesnt work...
Kick, bot must to do ALL quest in location or not? I have complited only 17/35 in Badlands, 19/40 in Burning Steppes, 42/60 in STV, 35/40 in Redridge mountains. Is it correct? He can't do ALL quests?
Kick, bot must to do ALL quest in location or not? I have complited only 17/35 in Badlands, 19/40 in Burning Steppes, 42/60 in STV, 35/40 in Redridge mountains. Is it correct? He can't do ALL quests?

currently no, but i've brought in help for S. STV, badlands, WPL, and burning steppes

if you're looking for a zone achievement profile / loremaster - you'll have to make your own. If you know how to do C# then you can donate your time to help me with some behaviors
When/are you planning on doing another run through for horde to increase afkability?
When/are you planning on doing another run through for horde to increase afkability?
I'm attempting to do this for him. Have had several issues, but think I may have helped solve some of them. Both classes I've tried have been melee. I just realized that my pull range was 45. Since lowering it to 15, I haven't had the issue of trying to attack a target but not being in range. I've gone from 40-45 since with no issues.

Praying this continues! Going to start a shaman and pally once i get this toon to 58.

One thing that I would suggest to kick is to provide some of these basic settings in the initial post. ranged vs. melee. just a thought.
When/are you planning on doing another run through for horde to increase afkability?

mine is about done w/ LK

it looks like BC / LK are not really an issue (other than class issues such as rogues not pulling with ranged wpn if it can't hit target)

so i'll run a few 1-58's now
I'm attempting to do this for him. Have had several issues, but think I may have helped solve some of them. Both classes I've tried have been melee. I just realized that my pull range was 45. Since lowering it to 15, I haven't had the issue of trying to attack a target but not being in range. I've gone from 40-45 since with no issues.

Praying this continues! Going to start a shaman and pally once i get this toon to 58.

One thing that I would suggest to kick is to provide some of these basic settings in the initial post. ranged vs. melee. just a thought.

I automatically set pull distance to 25 in every profile ... if it's not setting it correctly then it's the CC overriding it
My Result after 18h Botting:
Start Level 70
End Level 77

But when I started the Bot yesterday evening, he often fly against walls [in the start area] and I must restart the Bot because he stuck in the wall.
After that he botted in the night from 0:30 until 5:20 without any crash.
But at 5:20 the Bot/WoW closed, dont know why, perhaps he stuck...
It also makes good Gold:
1000G from 70 - 77

Thanks for the Profile :)

ps: Iam a newbie ^^and sorry for my bad English.

I automatically set pull distance to 25 in every profile ... if it's not setting it correctly then it's the CC overriding it
i see. i'm using singular as my CCs. But from what I can tell, 25 (which i did notice at one point) still didn't seem to be enough on my rogue or warrior.
if it's more than 20 or 25 pulldistance, then the bot pulls *everything* and it takes forever to quest =(
mine is about done w/ LK

it looks like BC / LK are not really an issue (other than class issues such as rogues not pulling with ranged wpn if it can't hit target)

so i'll run a few 1-58's now
ok cool, if u need help with increasing afkability of horde profiles, i can help u out.
ok cool, if u need help with increasing afkability of horde profiles, i can help u out.

i need thorough explanation of profile issues... and that can only happen for people who give me logs and help ... and lots and lots of testing
Also, since im on holiday and im not using my account ill lend u it to use for the next two weeks. Unless u hav more accounts than sessions of course. Flick me a pm if i can help
Also, since im on holiday and im not using my account ill lend u it to use for the next two weeks. Unless u hav more accounts than sessions of course. Flick me a pm if i can help

it's not that I need accounts... I just need people to run them and give me bugs =P my accounts run afk and i check them once an hour for stucks
it's not that I need accounts... I just need people to run them and give me bugs =P my accounts run afk and i check them once an hour for stucks
yea i cab do that when i get home in a couple of weeks. Just wondering if for now u wanted an extra accnt to do run thrus on so u can get more bugs to fix
Just noticed one other thing...don't have a log because it 'figured' it out. On the quests that show up as completed under the compass, if my WoW window isn't the active window, it CAN NOT complete the quest. As soon as I make my WoW window the active window, it is then able to complete it.

This seems to be another reason my AFKability was very poor.
Just noticed one other thing...don't have a log because it 'figured' it out. On the quests that show up as completed under the compass, if my WoW window isn't the active window, it CAN NOT complete the quest. As soon as I make my WoW window the active window, it is then able to complete it.

This seems to be another reason my AFKability was very poor.
So that means running multiple sessions is a problem?
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