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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hey Kick, me again, must say, the work you've put in the horde profiles the past weeks has been amazing.

Just started Northrend today, and the same quest that hasn't ever worked for me seems to remain so. Here's the excerpt from the log when it crashed, the entire log is over 15mb ;).

Must say, for the most part, it's almost 100% AFKable, not that I ever bot AFK, haha.

[2:25:02 PM:455] Cleared POI
[2:25:02 PM:915] ! Kill #689 at 415708 xp per hour fighting at x=3512.469,y=5222.353,z=31.93339 
[2:25:02 PM:916] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Wooly Mammoth Bull
[2:25:03 PM:347] InteractDebug:688456328
[2:25:03 PM:399] Interact Done:688456328
[2:25:04 PM:710] Looting Wooly Mammoth Bull Guid:0xF150648F001C3A97
[2:25:04 PM:852] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
[2:25:04 PM:852] Cleared POI
[2:25:05 PM:969] [UseItemOn-v213(debug) @line 3154]: Trapped Mammoth Calf
[2:25:06 PM:031] Activity: Using item on "Trapped Mammoth Calf"
[2:25:06 PM:038] [UseItemOn-v213(debug) @line 3154]: Trapped Mammoth Calf
[2:25:17 PM:477] %   Totem Recall CheckForSafeDistance(30.0): no hostiles/profile mobs in range - took 4 ms
[2:25:17 PM:477] %   Need rest: TotemsWereSet and recall CheckForSafeDistance(30.0)= true
[2:25:17 PM:477] %   Need rest: true, recall totems: no current target so looks good to recall
[2:25:17 PM:478] %   GRDSTAT Enter REST [-me-]: h/m:97.0%/100.0%, combat:N, melee:0, range:1, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N,memoving:N,facing:N,metarg:(null) at (null) yds
[2:25:17 PM:569] %   WaitForCurrentCastOrGCD:  no cast or gcd in progress
[2:25:17 PM:696] Spell_C::CastSpell(36936, 0, 0x0, 0) [4581]
[2:25:17 PM:777] *Totemic Recall
[2:25:17 PM:777] %   WaitForCurrentCastOrGCD:  waiting until gcd and/or cast are complete
[2:25:18 PM:396] %   GCD:  gcd=True, gcdleft:1030, lagamt:168, cancast: True, ongcd:True
[2:25:18 PM:701] %   GCD:  gcd=True, gcdleft:741, lagamt:168, cancast: True, ongcd:True
[2:25:18 PM:965] %   GCD:  gcd=True, gcdleft:440, lagamt:168, cancast: True, ongcd:True
[2:25:19 PM:240] %   GCD:  gcd=False, gcdleft:153, lagamt:168, cancast: True, ongcd:False
[2:25:19 PM:241] %   GRDSTAT Exit REST [-me-]: h/m:99.1%/100.0%, combat:N, melee:0, range:1, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N,memoving:N,facing:N,metarg:(null) at (null) yds
[2:25:19 PM:832] %   WhichShieldTypeNeeded:  Lightning Shield on self with Mana at 100.0%
[2:25:19 PM:833] %   Need rest: true, ShieldBuffNeeded -- Mounted=False, Flying=False
[2:25:19 PM:835] %   GRDSTAT Enter REST [-me-]: h/m:100.0%/100.0%, combat:N, melee:0, range:1, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N,memoving:N,facing:N,metarg:(null) at (null) yds
[2:25:19 PM:838] %   WhichShieldTypeNeeded:  Lightning Shield on self with Mana at 100.0%
[2:25:19 PM:865] %   WaitForCurrentCastOrGCD:  no cast or gcd in progress
[2:25:20 PM:146] Spell_C::CastSpell(324, 0, 0x0, 0) [4582]
[2:25:20 PM:190] *Lightning Shield 
[2:25:20 PM:190] %   WaitForCurrentCastOrGCD:  waiting until gcd and/or cast are complete
[2:25:20 PM:877] %   GCD:  gcd=True, gcdleft:976, lagamt:168, cancast: True, ongcd:True
[2:25:21 PM:137] %   GCD:  gcd=True, gcdleft:700, lagamt:168, cancast: True, ongcd:True
[2:25:21 PM:413] %   GCD:  gcd=True, gcdleft:413, lagamt:168, cancast: True, ongcd:True
[2:25:21 PM:666] %   GCD:  gcd=False, gcdleft:165, lagamt:168, cancast: True, ongcd:False
[2:25:21 PM:666] %   AddSpellToBlacklist: Lightning Shield for 682 ms
[2:25:21 PM:666] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:True
[2:25:21 PM:712] %   GRDSTAT Exit REST [-me-]: h/m:100.0%/100.0%, combat:N, melee:0, range:1, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N,memoving:N,facing:N,metarg:(null) at (null) yds
[2:25:23 PM:586] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(11869)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(11869)))' @ line 3157
[2:25:24 PM:765] Goal: Flying to <3270.239, 5491.449, 50.04535>
[2:25:24 PM:765] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 3158]: Flying to '<3270.239, 5491.449, 50.04535>': <3270.239, 5491.449, 50.04535>.
[2:25:25 PM:150] Spell_C::CastSpell(107203, 0, 0x0, 0) [4583]
[2:25:49 PM:645] Goal: Dismounting
[2:25:49 PM:678] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 3159]: Dismounting
[2:25:49 PM:678] Stop and dismount...
[2:25:51 PM:634] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Lionym\Desktop\HB120311\Quest Behaviors\CollectThings.cs'
[2:25:53 PM:405] Could not compile quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Lionym\Desktop\HB120311\Quest Behaviors\CollectThings.cs'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 292: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWUnit_Extensions.IsInOurParty(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWUnit_Extensions.IsInOurParty(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 298: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.LocallyBlacklist(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject, System.TimeSpan)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.LocallyBlacklist(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject, System.TimeSpan)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 328: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.IsLocallyBlacklisted(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.IsLocallyBlacklisted(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 520: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.LocallyBlacklist(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject, System.TimeSpan)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.LocallyBlacklist(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject, System.TimeSpan)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 681: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.SurfacePathDistance(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.SurfacePathDistance(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 727: Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'TreeSharp.Composite' because it is not a delegate type
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 729: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.IsLocallyBlacklisted(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.IsLocallyBlacklisted(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 719: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.LocallyBlacklist(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject, System.TimeSpan)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.LocallyBlacklist(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject, System.TimeSpan)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 767: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.FanOutRandom(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.FanOutRandom(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 936: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.SurfacePathDistance(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.SurfacePathDistance(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 982: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.SurfacePathDistance(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.SurfacePathDistance(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 1212: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.WaterSurface(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.WaterSurface(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 1302: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.IsLootingBlacklisted(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.IsLootingBlacklisted(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 1351: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.LootingBlacklist(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject, System.TimeSpan)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWObject_Extensions.LootingBlacklist(Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject, System.TimeSpan)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 1567: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 1599: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.AddPolarXY(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.AddPolarXY(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 1608: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 1609: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 1615: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.AddPolarXY(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.AddPolarXY(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 1616: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 1617: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 1638: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.SurfacePathDistance(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.SurfacePathDistance(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 1684: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)'
[2:25:53 PM:408] Line 1685: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)' and 'BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.CollectThings.WoWPoint_Extensions.Add(Styx.Logic.Pathing.WoWPoint, double, double, double)'
[2:25:53 PM:426] Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
[2:25:53 PM:426] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

EDIT - I'm sure this is my own blunder - every quest that involves swimming is giving me an error. Ideas?
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collectthings - make sure you're using HB shipped collectthings

it works for me, i dunno why it doesn't for you

if it is hb-shipped ... then try redownloading hb

also, do not over-write the collectthings with a different version (HB version or my svn will always have the newest behaviors)

If you still have issues after that - please attach a fresh log in the release thread and Nesox / raphus will check it out
[4:39:06 PM:078] Character is a level 60 Human Warrior
[4:39:06 PM:081] Current zone is Blasted Lands

just as i thought

zone into bc and try again
UPDATE: You're a genius. The first quest my char was on after redownloading HB, my characters runs to the ocean and starts diving =]! Thanks Kick.
\Classic\[H - Quest] 1-68\[H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick].xml


you haven't updated my svn in forever

also, make sure you're using the HB shipped collectthings

but i dunno why it's giving that error

Thanks for your help and your patient, it is working again :)
Gurtar's Request - you don't have the required items with you. Check Storage.

Left it AFK...did this for probably around 8 hours. Assuming the ban hammer is coming my way. :/


Kick i have a question maybe you can help me out, MY DK is 67 and i did what you wrote in the xml file by changing questorder to false, but it still starts out in hellfire, is there a way to make it start out in nagrand where i have a load of quests? or does the script just make it go in that order?
If you are midway through the questline how do you get it to work. I tried the false thing posted above, and tried going back to previous people, all of them I went to. But it does not detect when their is no option for a quest
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Kick i have a question maybe you can help me out, MY DK is 67 and i did what you wrote in the xml file by changing questorder to false, but it still starts out in hellfire, is there a way to make it start out in nagrand where i have a load of quests? or does the script just make it go in that order?

if you falsed the checkpoints... then it will go to netherstorm i think? at 67

make sure you hit the save button on the profile and reload it in hb
Gurtar's Request - you don't have the required items with you. Check Storage.
not something wrong with my profile; it is a collect quest item objective meaning the bot cannot sell the item; unless it was delete by the user (or an addon / plugin) then it should be there

            <If Condition="((HasQuest(13875)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(13875)))" >
                <Objective QuestName="Gurtar's Request" QuestId="13875" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="46315" CollectCount="8" />

[8:16:05 AM:402] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(13875)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(13875)))' @ line 2431
[8:16:06 AM:094] UNK INSTR @ 0x762CE2F8 - defaulting to injection [Unknown instruction encountered at 776AE2F8. (Opcode: 0FA4)]
[8:16:06 AM:124] Goal: Goal: Collect 8 of item with ID 46315
[8:16:06 AM:127] Activity: Moving to hotspot

I can see in your log that it goes to collect it and it kills the scouts for it and loots them... but i don't know what the unknown instruction error is from;something is wrong w/ your HB; re-install

I know your experience hasn't been the best with HB so far ... but you've just had a lot of weird issues and I honestly don't know why!

If you are midway through the questline how do you get it to work. I tried the false thing posted above, and tried going back to previous people, all of them I went to. But it does not detect when their is no option for a quest

no logs = no assistance

Bot suddenly stopped saying quest wasnt in my questlog?
View attachment 32531

you haven't svn'd in a while i think.

the issue is that people are lagging and the complete log quest behavior is going to fast for them... so i had to stick them all in a <while>
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you haven't svn'd in a while i think.

the issue is that people are lagging and the complete log quest behavior is going to fast for them... so i had to stick them all in a <while>
Roger that - I actually re-svn'ed while waiting for u to reply :d I'll make it a habit to do it once a day :)
Here is a log, I deleted all my details out of it. I beleive it is your profile or the bot logic that is causing the problem. I have no idea how to blacklist mobs with this program as I am new and dont see a single feature on it.

I can PM you the quest name if you need it


@kick this issue was that it collected the 8 bloodcups but after doing so it never triggered the 'Orc-Hair Braid', therefore it couldn't turn in the quest. :/
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